So what now?

By In Uncategorized

I have not bothered to write a blog out at all. I think of good ideas and then they all disappear because i'm lazy as hell and so therefore it doesn't end up in a blog and now i was going to blog about random shit but i can't remember any ideas. Damn it. You can pretty much guarantee you won't give two fucks about this blog and it will be a giant waste of freaking time. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED D:<


For the longest time DestinyMS has shut down, being staff there was really fun.
But i ended up getting fired after they found me *helping*
helping defined as reporting a few bugs to a tiny server made of 20 people at max
but people were outraged against me getting fired so we had this giant argument blah blah, and i got reinstated. After that, I realized what kind of play DestinyMS really was. I'm too lazy to explain that right now. So I just quit. Dissapeared. Gone.

And of course, attracted by the Big bang patch I decided to start again, in khaini because i was getting freaking tired of playing League of Legends all day. So right now I am in possession of a level 137 corsair in which I'm TRYING TO TRAIN i keep dying and it's at 56% right now because of a recent 2x event for thanksgiving. Fuck yeah, you know that 50% exploit a while back involving arans and the blank scroll? I still have 14 of them. I'm going to feel rich… even though it probably isn't much and I DON'T EVEN BUY NX BECAUSE I DON'T GET FREAKING ALLOWANCE


I freaking loved this game. Ever since it was free for a weekend due to a large database crash I played it and played it everyday. It was freaking glorious, and when I finally bought the game to play online, I've never had so much time to waste on this game =.=

And if you guys didn't know yet, this game is fucking awesome because it is you have to build in order to survive AGAINST FREAKING GIANT SPIDERS AND EXPLODING SHIT THAT RESEMBLES A GREEN PENIS and you get to explore caves and stuff 😀

So yeah, currently, the developer, Notch is working on fixing a couple of glitches and bugs in multiplayer (such as multiplayer monster issues and shit.

herp derp my boring life

My life is generally boring. Ever since I've started high school life has generally gotten less boring.
Since my school starts at about 8:10, I wake up at 7:40 to get ready (since it takes me 15 minutes to get to school) and so I'm usually 3 minutes early before class begins. Then i get home at about 2:50 because my friends are slow and i get out of school at 2:25, take a shower, do my homework, then play for the freaking rest of the day. Of course, I eat dinner. Repeat this. Five times a week.
I'm a giant nerd, I have no social life, blah blah blah.



This game I really enjoyed because of its gameplay because i obviously haven't mentioned that 3 lines back since it offers both owning an item shop (where, of course, you sell items) AND you can also hire an adventurer to go out and have a giant dungeon exploration. The storyline of this game is that you're a (lol) little girl (name: recette) whose daddy is mr. bamf and goes off to slay demons. NOW, an agent (name: tear, yes, it's also a girl) of a finance company comes to warn that Recette has a MASSIVE loan to pay back. Of course, it's either that she forks over the money or her house gets taken away. lolololol

Tomorrow, I have to perform at a winter concert. FEEL PROUD OF ME

the end
Not really. I'll probably end up dropping another short piece of crap text whenever I feel like it.
Have fun.


I'm at school right now. Continuing this blog lolololol
I'm supposed to be doing work
Also, I dreamed this morning that my mom would wake up and say "Jeffrey, get up". And she did, in the morning at least lololol
I forgot to dress properly for the concert, GG.

…I'm such an idiot. I chickened out.
Why? I have no fucking idea. But now I feel guilty. Why the fuck can't I just focus on things for once? Why do I have to just quit when I can't handle it? Why did leave?


Wolfboy183 2 December 2010 Reply

I’d play moar video games but i am actually having a major video game burn out :S

Nass 2 December 2010 Reply

I sold 10 of those pink scrolls a few nights ago…Only made about 600mil. Was quite disappointed.
And then back to my hiatus.

At least you don’t gotta wake up at like 7 something to catch a bus at 8:2something and then finally you get to school at 9 something and then school starts at 9:15.

Pepper 2 December 2010 Reply
Nass said: I sold 10 of those pink scrolls a few nights ago…Only made about 600mil. Was quite disappointed.
And then back to my hiatus.

At least you don’t gotta wake up at like 7 something to catch a bus at 8:2something and then finally you get to school at 9 something and then school starts at 9:15.

Oh damn. That’s 2 full hours to wait to get to school… That really stinks.
And 600 mill for 10 pink scrolls? 60m each?! Mine are only worth 50m… and they’re not sold half the time.
I’m really just waiting for my guild master to make back some money to i can sell it to him.

Vusys 2 December 2010 Reply

Fired from DMS? Huh?


Pepper 2 December 2010 Reply

Reading trollphysics during science. problem, teacher?

DarkDragoon 3 December 2010 Reply

Recettear…I approve of this blog for the loli merchant.

Capitalism Ho!

xXyZaThEx 3 December 2010 Reply
DarkDragoon said: Recettear…I approve of this blog for the loli merchant.

Capitalism Hoe!


DarkDragoon 4 December 2010 Reply
xXyZaThEx said:

DarkDragoon said: Recettear…I approve of this blog for the loli merchant.

Capitalism Hoe!


No you didn’t ಠ_ಠ

Pepper 4 December 2010 Reply
DarkDragoon said: Recettear…I approve of this blog for the loli merchant.

Capitalism Ho!


dee32693 6 December 2010 Reply

I still think Minecraft is a terrible game :l <---lolZappy

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