I feel like crap right now.
Probably because of the fever and the sore throat I somehow aquired back on thursday.
But now I'm staying at home because of it.
I feel like crap. Yes, I repeated the same thing twice for emphasis,
I mean, I can't even swallow my spit without my throat trying to murder me. Of course, the last statement was a minor exaggeration.
I started playing Maplestory…
…Again, again. I've started on the new server, El Nido (sounds mexican, tacos please)
It's been 6 days since the release of both Big Bang and the two new servers, El Nido (which I play in) and Zenith.
El nido has 20 channels! how I miss you so, channel 20.
So yeah, on day 1 of the Big bang, I made my character. Allocated too much into DEX like the idiot I am. So now I have 40 base dex. That day, I managed to reach level 26 like the slowpoke I am.
The next day, I managed to get to level 35. because of the awesome two areas known as Kerning Square and Mushking Castle. Seriously. The exp in those two places are AMAZING.
Third day, level 45. I learned that truckers haven't been nerfed in EXP, but rather, for some unknown reason, ROSE IN EXP. Seriously Nexon, what did you do? 495 EXP PER TRUCKER, they're level 48… Any monster of the same level easily gives QUADRUPLE less exp.
Fourth day, level 55. I CPQ'd with some buddies, grinded at truckers, and trained at drum bunnies from 50 onwards. They give decent EXP in comparison to truckers, AND THEY DROP DARK CRYSTALS WHICH ARE SO HIGH IN DEMAND.
The fifth day held a 2x event. For the first three quarters I was training at drum bunnies, then for the last while my buddy shared a platform at truckers with me. My gawd, the EXP was freaking amazing. I continued to train there until I managed to get KSed out of my spot. I reached level 65!
The sixth day, which was yesterday, I managed to get to level 70! 3rd job, ho! Omega Sector is really useful now. It's good for level 65-70 because of the shat ton of quests that are easy and give ~32k EXP per quest. At this point, you would only need about 400k EXP to level, which is around two times less exp than before big bang happened.
So I'm doing the job advancement as I type up this blog… Stupid ship times and making me run between Perion and El Nath.
Don’t tempt me into playing Maple again.
El Nido sucksss.
I played there on the first day. Got to like level 40. Then the next day I got to 49, realized how dumb some of the people were and quit again.
Played for like 30 minutes. Leveled twice. Realized it’s still Maple Story. Quit.
Not a big deal with the new exp curve. Level 1-120 is insanely easy.
On another note, 170-200 is anally hard.