
By In Uncategorized

Dedicated to Aaru's loss.

We've all been there, or heard stories. Horrible tales of keyloggers, accidental password loss, pin resets, company ignorance..hackers are a part of a gamer's life.

I got hacked before.
So I re-hacked the bloody rat.

I've played Maplestory since the beta of MapleSEA (South-East-Asia, before Nexon MA came out). I even have had the Mark of Beta to prove it. I was a raging Ice/Lighting Wizard of level 6x in the noble world of Aquinas. (High levels that day were treated like gods). The world was young, the Maplers noobs.

And you must understand, this was a day before Gameguard. Yes, the first 8 patches of MS-SEA had no GG plauging it's behind. Only after that did NexonSEA smarten up and calling in the hacker-proof programs.

Then came the birth of reverse-programs. Examples include GGK and the ilk. Hacking was easy, but scarce. That was nothing really worthwhile to hack. Even I myself used a good Flying Hack every so often for those damned Sleepywood jump quests.

Then, that fatal morning, when I accessed a webpage I wasn't supposed to access. My anti-virus had expired and I was worry-free.

Life went normally for a week (pardoning the unusual slow-down of many programs, which I ignored), 'til I decided to get a cracked update for my Norton-fails. As I updated, it ran a regular systems check.

It was as if someone let loose a red-eyed flying banshee in my room.

The alarms went crazy, viruses and hidden keyloggers crawling though my system. I quarantined and deleted everything that could be saved. Until it hit me harder then a 2×4 upside the head.


I quickly logged into my main account. My heart stopped. Standing there, on the wooden platform, stood my beloved mage, stripped to his undies. The ray of light that came down from the sky was almost mocking as it highlighted the destruction.

I logged in.

I found out who it was because the idiot decided to whisper me on his main account, taunting me when I was standing stark naked in the middle of FM2 (when it was in Perion, god damnit, not them fancy global Free Markets).

My vision blurred. All those months of work, those weeks of trading fame to scrap together money for a wand, those memories of grinding and laughing..gone.

I quit. I opened my IE 6. I went to Google.

Scanning Google pages, I found that account name under a subforum of Hidden Street. The twat posted his username as his account name, and his character name as one of the "Characters".

Moving to Cheat Engine forums (back when Cheat Engine was God himself), I found out that this man, this idiot, had posted his password to his friend in a PM, and accidentally made it global to the moderators of the forum. Tracing the PM through a close friend's account (who happened to be a mod), I found an alert in his inbox, and opened it. Discarding the rubbish text, I found the message hidden within. I read the password and wrote it down.

I waited. I drank some Vanilla Coke (that shit was good back in the day).

After about 6 hours, near 0130 hours, I logged into his account. FM1 was still busy as a beenest. I found all his characters, I even found my stuff on one of his mules.

And I went to the FM and DUMPED IT ALL. Trashed it, people followed me like fruit flies as I dropped claws, mesos, 10% scrolls, throwing stars, millions and millions of mesos worth of stuff.

I dropped my stuff too. Don't ask me why, it was a personal conflict of returning to my character.

I went back to the server select. Choosing Aquinas, I proceeded to the character select screen. There they stood, all 3 of his characters, naked, glittering under the shining starlight.

Mission accomplished.

Think and judge what you will. I know two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left, and if it was going to be the last time I touched Maple (MapleSEA, that is), I wanted to go out with a bang.

~Pir <3

What I think is a damn awesome story. <3

xXyZaThEx said: Also, I did the same too.

We had shared each other's accounts so we could level faster and play two different characters. And then we let two more people into our circle of shared characters. Everything went well, since we saw each other regularly in real life. Then, two of the people in the circle went off to another school in a neighboring town, so us two remaining were still there. The last one went off to yet another school in yet another neighboring town, and we lost all contact with each other except online. And then one of us stole a godly scrolled blue bandanna off of another guy, but we never found out who it was, since two of the people changed the pins on their account immediately. The person who had his stuff stolen decided to strip one of my two accounts down to the bone. He then went to the guy who he still had contact with in real life, and decided to steal my account. The friend who stayed with me longer found out this was happening and immediately changed the pin on my cleric account, and told me about it. The two of them started taunting the two of us, so we decided to use the list of pins they had before to guess the pins they were using now. It worked beautifully, and we stripped down every single one of their characters, and gave it all away to the first person to come off the ship in Lith Harbor. The owner of the account that lost the blue bandanna then contacted us and started insulting us, saying we were cheating, backstabbing no lives. I then dropped the bombshell and said that since neither of us had a blue bandanna in our inventories, that left the other person that he said was still "trustworthy". I don't know what happened to the two, but I'm pretty sure they aren't friends anymore.

It sounds pathetic, I know, but if they're willing to start picking a gigantic fight with me over a video game, I wasn't about to let them get away with it.


David 19 July 2009 Reply
Blog said: Think and judge what you will. I know two wrongs don’t make a right, but three rights make a left


Rep 19 July 2009 Reply

^ Best phrase ever.

Arladerus 19 July 2009 Reply


Did you find out how that person felt?

Merovign 19 July 2009 Reply


Gujju 19 July 2009 Reply


Its awesome

FunnyFroggy 19 July 2009 Reply

An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind.

xXyZaThEx 19 July 2009 Reply

Revenge isn’t best served cold, it’s a dish best served well-done, cooked thoroughly.

xXyZaThEx 19 July 2009 Reply

Also, I did the same too.

We had shared each other’s accounts so we could level faster and play two different characters. And then we let two more people into our circle of shared characters. Everything went well, since we saw each other regularly in real life. Then, two of the people in the circle went off to another school in a neighboring town, so us two remaining were still there. The last one went off to yet another school in yet another neighboring town, and we lost all contact with each other except online. And then one of us stole a godly scrolled blue bandanna off of another guy, but we never found out who it was, since two of the people changed the pins on their account immediately. The person who had his stuff stolen decided to strip one of my two accounts down to the bone. He then went to the guy who he still had contact with in real life, and decided to steal my account. The friend who stayed with me longer found out this was happening and immediately changed the pin on my cleric account, and told me about it. The two of them started taunting the two of us, so we decided to use the list of pins they had before to guess the pins they were using now. It worked beautifully, and we stripped down every single one of their characters, and gave it all away to the first person to come off the ship in Lith Harbor. The owner of the account that lost the blue bandanna then contacted us and started insulting us, saying we were cheating, backstabbing no lives. I then dropped the bombshell and said that since neither of us had a blue bandanna in our inventories, that left the other person that he said was still “trustworthy”. I don’t know what happened to the two, but I’m pretty sure they aren’t friends anymore.

It sounds pathetic, I know, but if they’re willing to start picking a gigantic fight with me over a video game, I wasn’t about to let them get away with it.

Zappy 19 July 2009 Reply

Good job. You should do this to other people too.

Merovign 19 July 2009 Reply

I have pathetic haxx0r skills. 🙁

Nass 19 July 2009 Reply


Dest1 19 July 2009 Reply

lul yung pir was script kiddie teehee

Quang 19 July 2009 Reply
xXyZaThEx said: Also, I did the same too.

We had shared each other’s accounts so we could level faster and play two different characters. And then we let two more people into our circle of shared characters. Everything went well, since we saw each other regularly in real life. Then, two of the people in the circle went off to another school in a neighboring town, so us two remaining were still there. The last one went off to yet another school in yet another neighboring town, and we lost all contact with each other except online. And then one of us stole a godly scrolled blue bandanna off of another guy, but we never found out who it was, since two of the people changed the pins on their account immediately. The person who had his stuff stolen decided to strip one of my two accounts down to the bone. He then went to the guy who he still had contact with in real life, and decided to steal my account. The friend who stayed with me longer found out this was happening and immediately changed the pin on my cleric account, and told me about it. The two of them started taunting the two of us, so we decided to use the list of pins they had before to guess the pins they were using now. It worked beautifully, and we stripped down every single one of their characters, and gave it all away to the first person to come off the ship in Lith Harbor. The owner of the account that lost the blue bandanna then contacted us and started insulting us, saying we were cheating, backstabbing no lives. I then dropped the bombshell and said that since neither of us had a blue bandanna in our inventories, that left the other person that he said was still “trustworthy”. I don’t know what happened to the two, but I’m pretty sure they aren’t friends anymore.

It sounds pathetic, I know, but if they’re willing to start picking a gigantic fight with me over a video game, I wasn’t about to let them get away with it.

Lol what if you play MS and you have a double personality? xD

xXyZaThEx 20 July 2009 Reply

What? Sorry, I was too busy playing on the totally separate account my split personality uses.


Aaru 20 July 2009 Reply

Reminds me when I was trying to log into my account and everytime I tried to figure out what the hell happened I was booted off and when I logged on it said that I was already using the account. So i reset the pin, like five times, and all those five times this hacker booted me off of the account. So I deleted everything and everyone. Turns out that everytime I was logging on one or two items were missing. So I just deleted everything. No point in keeping a broke 5X person. All two mules were packed with rare items… and armor for all classes above 5X+. Over 100 of millions of mesos.

Fuck it. I’ll start over as a Pirate. xP

spygirl57 25 July 2009 Reply

Good job on getting revenge on him. :O
Did you ever see him after that?

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