QotW #22. I want to be famous.

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But not in the way that you guys think. This is the 'college essay' that I wrote for class, and then some. Corrections and comments appreciated! Thanks!

My friend finished his meal of rice and a soda and stuffs everything into the bag that it came with. Satiated, he tossed the bag of trash on the sidewalk. Before it even hits the floor, I snatch the bag back up and toss it into the nearest trash can, despite my friend protesting on why I need to expend such effort.

Later, on the train, I explained that, for the sake of the environment, refuse like that should not be discarded on the streets, in fact, nothing should be discarded on the streets. In addition to global warming, plastic is a big killer of life, no matter where it is. I explained what happens when plastic bags get displaced, how incinerated bags poison the air, how bags float away from garbage dumps and into the environment, where they linger for thousands of years. All I got from him was a disinterested “so?”

I don’t remember when I first heard about global warming and environmental damage in general, but I do remember it drastically changed the way I lived life. For example, my processed food consumption has greatly lowered. I pick up after people who litter like my friend and try to explain to them the consequences. While I haven’t completely cleared my carbon footprint, I’m sure I at the very least managed to make it smaller, while attempting to get others, on a small scale, to follow suit.

I’m not saying that people are ignorant or don’t care about the Earth. For now, they take for granted what they have because they live in one of the more developed countries in the world. They are unaware because the gravity of the situation is not pressured on their shoulders yet. With a higher level of education in this course, I can make more people want to help the environment. I also want to find out what I can do to help, as well as increase awareness to the point where people don’t just brush me off with a “so?”


So if you didn't understand, I want to be an environmental scientist/advocate.

I also want to major in politics. Yes, I want to be a politician, but (hopefully) not a corrupt one. If I'm a politician and I have a degree in Environmental Studies, I think I can really change the world, assuming I can get others to back me up (unlike that friend I mentioned in my essay).

Why would I want to be a celebrity? They (mostly) act like they all high and mighty because they're famous. I hate celebrity because they all fly around in private jets. A single trip by airplane spews, on average (if I remember correctly), 3000 tons of carbon dioxide. OD much?

That's why you're going to see my zip from place to place in a bike while wearing a suit. :3


Gujju 30 September 2009 Reply

Its nice to see people who actually give a damn about this planet.

Merovign 30 September 2009 Reply

I’ll be the voter, voting for you! LOL

dee32693 30 September 2009 Reply

I’m so voting for you. On your campaign slogan, put on the bottom: “I’m from the internetz. You should vote for me cause I’m just that 1337”

Ganzicus 30 September 2009 Reply

-thumbs up-

Rep 30 September 2009 Reply

I love the environment. :O I don’t want to grow up in filth and disease and death everywhere. =/ I don’t want my kids to either. (Assuming I have kids.)

Cynthia 30 September 2009 Reply

I’d vote for you if I was American.
And old enough to vote :C

True13lue 1 October 2009 Reply

FINALLY. Someone else whocares about the planet! Way to go! I’m rooting for you!

FunnyFroggy 1 October 2009 Reply

Pretty short essay. :0
But it gets the point across.

Rep 3 October 2009 Reply

Thanks for the support, everybody! <3.

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