Hey guys. I’m procrastinating and I’m pretty peeved. Yes, I’ve been really ticked recently. I promise I’ll stop the rants soon.
Today, I played hoops with my friend. He decided to call his brother and his cousin along. I arrived at my friend’s house at around 1p.m. We had to wait an extra three hours for his cousin because he had to come over from a fairly long distance.
This cousin in question has been the one person that I have constantly disliked. Each time I decide to give him another chance, he turns around and pisses me off again. Every time we decide to introduce him to a game, he quits because he doesn’t get his way. Let’s call him “Bob”, to protect his fucking privacy.
I waited two and a half hours before I decided to go outside and buy some food. I figured he wouldn’t be there yet. When I returned, he had arrived. I ate my food and when I walked back into my friend’s room, said cousin was arguing with my friend about how he has to schedule appointments to ever hang out. Hey, we just freaking waited three hours for you. It only takes an hour to get from your place to my friend’s place. What the fuck gives you the right to bitch about anything?
So we went to shoot hoops. 2v2, I was teamed with my friend’s brother and my friend was teamed with Bob. My friend and I were the better of the four of us and we decided that it would be unfair to pair us up together. My team destroyed theirs. I felt bad and decided to pair up with Bob, giving him a few tips and telling him some strategies in order to hopefully get him to play a bit better.
Nope. Not only did he fail miserably, he got several cuts on his fingers in the process. He decided to take out his arsenal of band-aids in order to address those cuts and wasted a whole bottle of water just splashing his hand. I wouldn’t have cared so much if he had just put on the band-aids, washed the wound a little, then got back into the game. But not only did he take his time, he just dropped the band-aid wrappers on the ground, tossed the bottle aside after he finished wasting the water, and decided to be a child and not play anymore. My friend obviously sided with him, for what I can only assume to be unconditional familial ties. We tossed around the football we had for about ten minutes, I picked up after that pig-child, and we left the park.
At my friend’s house, we decided to play Monopoly, since Bob didn’t want to leave yet and he figured out and my friend’s parents hate him (I don’t blame them.), he made me stay with him.
That's the picture of the board we were playing on.
So we started the game out okay. I remembered there are a few strategic places around the board that would net a lot of cash. At first, I didn’t manage to get much, just one of each of the brown, pink, orange, and green areas, as well as a Transport. As the game progressed, I made deals with my friend and his brother for two other Transports. Bob had the last, as well as properties of the same color as mine. He kept trying to make deals with me for the brown area. I shot him down each time.
As the game progresses, players build up hotels and rents get higher and higher, so Bob was the first to run out of cash. There are several options to pay debts after a bankruptcy:
1) Mortgage off properties
2) Sell properties
3) Try to cut some deals.
Of course, there’s also the most immature one: quit. He got mad because I would not make deals with him and started yelling at me for not giving up my properties. He said that I was holding properties because I assumed he was a threat. Bro, I’m up against two powerhouses who had three houses on everything. You had scattered areas, just like me. You’re the least of my damn worries. Besides, why can't I hold some damn properties? He got mad my friend’s brother because he made deals for money he did not have. He got mad at my friend for making deals with everyone.
Oh, right. Before he flipped out and left the table, he said, and I quote: “Whenever I get serious, you guys get competitive.”
I stopped talking to him. I have no intention of ever talking to him ever again. If I ever see him again, I’m fucking turning around and leaving. Nothing’s worth this.
Hey Bob, if you ever see this, I would leave you a “suck it” but since I see you as a goddamn baby, I think I would be arrested for child predation.
…How old is Bob again?
I don’t know, if I knew someone like that I probably woulda hit him already, regardless of his connection with my friend.
Btw, I see Toronto on the Monopoly board
oh so that is where that dilhole thing came from. lol
Biased Monopoly board. 3 Canadian cities.
I should have hit him. >_> He’s only a year or two younger than me, so he’s 15 or 16?
There are a bunch of places from everywhere. It doesn’t really affect the way the game is played. D:
Still more Canadian cities. Do not want.
You’re right. Being nice just gets abused by douches like him.
I think this was the edition where you voted to get your city on the board. So yah, guess Canada REALLY likes Monopoly.
I think this was the edition where you voted to get your city on the board. So yah, guess Canada REALLY likes Monopoly.
China seems to like it too.
Everyone loves Monopoly. D: Except Bob.