Blasphemy, I know. Me traitorous heretical unfaithful MMOTaler, posting on Vutales only like months after I signed up (And even forgetting how to get in. Thank you Froggy, lul)! 🙁
So anyways I just joined back GunZ! IT WORKS!!!! AHHHHHH YESSS!!!!!!!
Amazingly, I've only gotten slightly rusty, but most of my skill is still intact after a year and a half. MY GOSH IT FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK!!!!
So anyway I'm gonna talk about GunZ. This is another rant of sorts.
I can't stop thinking about the attitude of most K stylers in GunZ. Seriously.
Okay, so in GunZ I'm a Hybrid : K style with a mix of Sprayer. And people seem to have a problem with me, JUST BECAUSE I USE A RIFLE. Seriously, this month alone, I've only logged into GunZ like a total of 5 times, and I've been kicked out of rooms because I use a rifle like 10 times. Not ping, not lag, not cheat, not tking, but because I USE A RIFLE.
It's pretty funny cos some of them actually grab a rifle themselves and to try to prove their point that using a spray gun requires no skill/ is a nub weapon. Then I proceed to own them and they get really mad and leave. But some of them do that, and after I own them they switch back to their double shotties and stop calling me "nub sprayer".
So people somehow have this irrational thinking that using rifles/SMGs require less skill than shotguns. In a way that's true. While in shotguns you have to master all sorts of skills like slash shot, wall cancel and reload shot etc., spraying with a rifle only requires one to click the left mouse button. And hold it.
But there are some skills "pro sprayers" use that are no less difficult than the above mentioned skills: "Wall bounce", slash shot (Yes slash shot), wall running, aiming at something continuously while constantly tumbling around etc.. The last point is the hardest.
If you use double shotguns, you only need to aim for short bursts, but if you're gonna be a good sprayer, you need to learn to aim continuously. And you need to learn to move without using k style. That means wall running, jumping around walls, and tumbling about with intuitive precision (Which only comes with experience).
But people somehow think that double shotties are harder to use than rifles. You know why? I'll tell you why: Using double shotties make you look faster, more fancy, and it's flashier than rifles just because you need to push more buttons faster. Seriously.
This leaning towards fanciful stuff instead of down to earth realism can be seen everywhere! The most infamous and classic example I can think of is the "katanas are better than longswords" debates.
You know why katanas are so highly exalted above european longswords? Katanas look flashier. They look more fancy. They look as if it takes more skill to use it. They look faster. Although it cannot be denied that katanas slash better, longswords are no less difficult to use, no heavier than katanas, and are absolutely no slower. They only look slower because the blade doesn't look as… "flowy", and they don't really have a strong presence in anime and movies. I can go on ranting about katana fanboys concocting all sorts of ridiculous myths like the one about katanas slashing through other swords (Although the katana itself is a great weapon), but I digress.
It's almost the same between a double shotty combo and a combo which includes rifles or rocket launchers. They all require the same amount of skill albeit in different aspects. They all can be as deadly as the other. It's just that superficially, shotguns look more difficult to use, and using shotguns look more fanciful regardless of how you look at it: you need to be able to push the keyboard buttons faster, you need perfect timing, it looks faster with all the weapon switching on the screen. Yes, in terms of buttons and speed it's harder than spraying. However, that does not make it more difficult than spraying AS A WHOLE. Can a person who only uses double shotty suddenly switch to spray guns and instantaneously do mass ownage with it? No. Vice versa.
Another similar problem: Turtles are "inferior" to spamming butterfly – The discrimination only exists because butterflying looks fancier. You may argue that turtling requires less skill because it's only holding down that "block" button (similar to RS vs holding-down-left-click), but turtling requires a lot more rational thinking and perception than spamming butterfly all over the place. They are difficult to use in different aspects, but somehow some are highly exalted over another although they all require the same amount of skill… In different aspects!
I believe this "it looks fancier, therefore it requires more skill" mindset can also be applied to the little thread about "Using guns requires less skill than using a sword" up at MMOTales a coupla months ago.
Okay, before my rant drags too long and becomes an essa, I think that I'd better end this off with…
Checking the balance of the golf club?
Welcome back to VuTales Reves.
There is a slight disadvantage to using dual shotguns though, all your ever hear is the sounds of reloading shotguns.
Thanks, Zhlink!
Lemme give you a clue. The black cylinder part is… Hollow. <-- It's real.
Don’t tell me…
His member is actually THE GOLF CLUB!!?!!?
Welcome back. 😀
I used Rifle/Rocket Launcher/Katana.
It works really well. You’d be surprised.
Lol I thought it was his dick
He looks like he’s havin’ fun. lululul
lol..welcome back! xD
I remember Gunz. :O
All the guesses are so close.
You need to
watch this.
….wth. They’re serious?