I'm back. After a couple of weeks of inactivity. D: Hello!
Not in the best of moods though.
You see, my exams were finished. So by right, I should be able to play all I want, right? I passed all my subjects and everything.
BUT!! BUT!!! Mom says no.
Why not?
"You must finish your holiday homework NAO"
WHY??!! It's the FIRST WEEK of the holidays and you want me to finish everything? What? No! Of course not. Exams are done! I wanna have my fill of fun first. I mean, come on. I've toiled through the weeks leading up the the exams and studied for hours and hours. Now that the thing's out of the way, all this stuff should be gone too, I mean, of course, it's only fair.
Not for mommies it's not.
-lollipops- -lollipops–lollipops-
"All for the greater good. More studying, the better! You must finish your homework RIGHT NOW!!! And your fun comes in… The end of the year."
NOOO!!!! D: D: -tears hair out. Okay, maybe not, but the action's there.-
END OF THE YEAR'S A LONG TIME!!! Shouldn't I be rewarded for my good marks (ok fine not really)? :3 Come on, I can only play like a mad idiot when it's the holidays, not when it's not…
TEACHERS. ARGGGHH. They want to fry our brains with information overload and take over the world while we're getting our brains fried!
And, and I swear, they enjoy it. 🙁 (Even when they know they have to mark tons more stuff.) That's why they smear homework all over our holiday cakes.
And, and!!! There's another crappy thing my mom wants me to do: SHE WANTS ME TO SLEEP EARLY EVERYDAY EVEN IN THE HOLIDAYS A{WRU@)Q&@OIFHEP
I know exactly how you feel. =( “If you finish your homework nao, you can play all you want later!” “You need to sleep EVERYDAY. Your body is at peak regeration time at 11-2!
My mumsie gives my “mumwork” as I like to call it. Work to do everyday, AND during vacation. Especially during teh summer.
“Oh, it’s review, you need it.” BULLFUCKINGSHIT!
SOME OF THE “HOMEWORK” ISN’T EVEN SCHOOLWORK. MY MOM METES THEM OUT AND EXPECTS ME TO FINISH THEM, AND THEN SHE’LL GIVE MORE. By the time I’m done, I barely have enough time to have fun. Before more mumwork comes my way.
Don’t worry Reve.
I have to go to Mega SAT to review for the SATs and go to MEK to learn Pre-calculus.
That’s every weekday for 6 hours during the summer and Sundays for 2.
Plus I’m getting a job this summer so that makes me want to commence headdesk too.
I don’t feel your pain, because I love slacking off!
Being a nerd, passing with straight A’s and all, I get cut a lot of slack during holidays. I do absolutely NOTHING except lie around all day and play games. <3
Only 2 more days. Can’t wait 😀
The homework thing, I understand, but sleeping EARLY?
That SUCKS!!!!
Oh um, yeah, don’t worry about it. 😀
I’m a slacker, well used to be. From middle school to high school right through college. Look, it’s good to do your homework so you won’t be a damn dummy, ya know? She’s only looking out for the best of interest to you. Yeah it’s SUCKS ASSSSSS if you have to do homework on your vacation and holiday, but the sooner you do it the sooner it’s out the way. That’s how I did it.
I tell ya… I passed all my AP classes with a b Average and I didn’t do anything and I was known to sleep in class. How I did it.. Is my secret 😀 And I’m blessed with it lol. Right through College I retained an average 3.5 – 4.0 and on Deen’s List. And I still was late and barely did any work. 🙂 <-- I know how to talk my way out of ANYTHING 🙂 But I advise you not to do that *Results may vary*