Albeit temporarily.
If anyone is wondering why I'm regularly on even though I'm supposed to be grounded by my mom… I'm going to clear it up now. I actually wanted to do this yesterday, but… Well, I procrastinated. ._.
Anyway, why am I on?
Okay, remember that my dad decided to give me a break and leave his laptop at home?
My mom found out. She was hopping MAD when she got home and found the laptop sitting there on the table. So she called me from my room and sounded me out. Then she got into this huge lecture about how I'm failing my grades so bad, how stupid I really, am, how she will terminate the internet and dismantle my computer. Then she found my earpieces on, and she started shouting about how I'm listening to crap modern day vulgar music talking about how I don't care, how she doesn't care, and how much of an idiot I am, how I should leave home right now…
Then I snapped.
I was actually more irritated than angry. A few reasons why.
1. The "crap modern day vulgar uneducational rubbish music" was JS Bach (Well tempered clavier).
3. SHE DOES CARE, but in this case it's gonna cause me misery because she comes up with the worst "solutions". Her solutions so far: Dismantling the computer, terminating the internet, GROUNDING, stopping all my music lessons, stopping all my lessons not related to academics and putting me into tuition everyday, putting me into the school's dormitory (those people have no life, you're only allowed to go out on the weekends and there's no internet, and you will not be able to participate in any external activities), sleeping outside the house instead if I'm not going to SLEEP BY 9.30 PM (WTF I'M NOT IN PRESCHOOL), waking me up in the middle of the night at like 4am to give me a lecture on what an idiot I am and how I need to study more (LIKE I CAN STUDY AT 4AM).
4. Leaving home is just… Wth?
5. MY GRADES ARE NOT FAILING. I only failed ONE single paper which has little weightage on the final score!!
She goes by "spur of the moment" emotions to decide what she wants to do. I actually got a $30 mouse spoilt (SHE BOUGHT IT) because while lecturing me, she was smashing the mouse on the table for "effect", then the next moment I use it, it's busted. Or, or, she actually threw my entire bag out of the house when I wouldn't leave for tuition.
It went like this:
Me: Hey mom, not going for tuition today–
Mom: What?
Me: Not going for tuition–
Mom: Wtf? No. No. -grabs my bag, starts to stuff in all my stationery and books-
Me: Wait, I don't wanna go because-
Mom: I'm not interested in your excuses. You're going to go for tuition.
Me: Wait–
Mom: Get out. -points to door-
Me: What?
Mom: GET OUT NOW. -opens door, throws bag outside- -realizes my handphone isn't inside- -grabs my handphone, THROWS IT OUT OF THE DOOR, it's backflap came out and the battery too-
Me: What the… Why the hell did you do that?!!
Mom: -grabs a TELEPHONE and throws it at me- YOU BETTER GET OUT THERE.
Me: -holding back urge to punch- LISTEN TO ME YOU FREAKING IDIOT!!!
Mom: DON'T CALL ME AN IDIOT! -preparing to throw remote control-
Mom: -walks back into room and slams door-
I was SO PISSED OFF I had to calm down by hitting pillows with my softball bat and tell myself that getting angry never solved anything.
So, anyway, that was the first time I said "STFU" to her in the face.
And I probably shouldn't have done what I did next. I grabbed my softball bat and my body language screamed, "I want to hit you so badly".
She fell completely silent as I ranted about how all her solutions never made me improve in my academics anyway, and how I never learnt a single virtue from all that shouting, and how I do things just so she would shut up, how she misses the point of "discipline", how dense she was, how it was better that she never talked to me again because everything she says is asinine, pointless, and ultimately of no value, and many other stuff I can't really remember.
After I finished, it was like… "Oh, shit, wtf did I just say?"
She closed the door and returned to her room.
So I turned the computer on and started to play it, as loudly as I could. I was wondering if I managed to get through to her. She later walked past me like I wasn't there.
I don't know what the hell I should do. I think I really shouldn't have done that. But then again, I wish she would come up with better solutions and not make my life miserable. I mean personally, I don't really care if she doesn't care or keeps using harsh words or anything (they bounce right off.), but then when she starts to do things which affect me in a negative way, then I start minding.
And yes, you just sat through another azn mom rant.
lulz joo onlinez cuz i here 😀
Hmm…interesting story you have there.
My mumsie used to be like that. Now that I’m older she goes ‘Bah, w/e NOOB!’
Hug? 🙂
I can’t wait to grow older now!
Hug. 😛
*pats on back*
would you like to trade moms? i could handle her =0
Asian Womannnnnn
Stay away from meeeee
Asian Womannnnn!
Momma let me beeee!
Is your mom worse? D:
If i were you, I think I would have snapped a long time ago. That or my dad would go ape shyt on my mom.
You did the one thing I could never freakin’ do.
I do that once in a while great solution
She needs to realize that you are mature and realize that what you do now reflects on your future.
… You DO know that, right? Anyways, she treats you like a retard. Seriously. You tell her stuff, and she doesn’t listen. How do you tame a dog? Carrot and the stick. All you’re getting is the stick.
That IS my mom, case and point.
She’s in shock. Give her a while. Proceed through your normal schedule.
^ What they said.
UPDATE: Today my mom tried to stop me from doing homework on the internet because I exceeded her ridiculous curfew of 9:30.
I yelled at her to shut the hell up and she went away after a lot of swearing and yelling. @.@
It just happened a few minutes ago, in fact… -shivers-
I feel pretty guilty for yelling at her. She’s my mom, after all. :[ First time I dared to show defiance so strongly… Dangg.
I used to be like that.
But sometimes you gotta say what you gotta say…I don’t feel guilt when I yell at my mom anymore..
Wow you have a pretty harsh mom. 🙁
My mom (who is Asian) doesn’t restrict me from playing games and doesn’t lecture me about my average grades- she says what matters is that I do my best
Maybe you shouldn’t be have phrased what you said harshly, but I think it was important that you showed your feelings towards what she does to you. Bottling emotions up worsens your own state of mind and it would snap at one point regardless.
Sorry for bringing this up but I just had a really strong urge to express this:
I think one of the most important things for children and teenagers to experience during their stage of life- is the unconditional love from their parents so when we grow up they’ll understand the good to life; and thus more likely become a warm person with a stable state of mind. Acknowledge that parents are greatly influential factor who shape who the type of person their children will become in the future; this is because a parent’s crucial role is to offer their children, guidance to show between what is right and wrong in life which morals will be based in the future.
I’m assuming that maybe your mom experienced a harder treatment from her parents when she was your age so maybe that’s why a similar treatment is applied to you.
Oooo, yes.
Because I read random psycho-babble crap off the internet about psychology, I found out from somewhere that when you don’t understand why your parents treat you the way they did when you’re young, you treat your kids the same way to try and make sense of what they did.
Also, this is just something I thought of and might not be accurate at all, but say your mom’s parents were extremely easy going and never pushed her. Now, looking back on that she thinks that their parenting style was wrong, so she does the exact opposite to you.
yo bro
i just had a fight with my mom yesterday
i feel for you
Because I read random psycho-babble crap off the internet about psychology, I found out from somewhere that when you don’t understand why your parents treat you the way they did when you’re young, you treat your kids the same way to try and make sense of what they did.
Also, this is just something I thought of and might not be accurate at all, but say your mom’s parents were extremely easy going and never pushed her. Now, looking back on that she thinks that their parenting style was wrong, so she does the exact opposite to you.
That’s an assumption that applies to an certain extent..
It’s true that it’s possible that parents who were spoiled as children can be rough to their children regardless. But are you saying in s people who have rough parents aren’t more likely their own future children harshly?
I’m saying that it’s possible for Reve’s mom to had a rough childhood herself which may be the reason to his treatment, and therefore, he could consider empathizing with her to avoid judging her actions in believing that this is how she simply is… You should look people from different perspective yes? 🙂
heh nice. I still wish i smashed my stepdad in the face with a sledge hammer- He got mad at me for wanting to go to school instead of a life of entry level construction labor.
Well Reve, what you did was right and wrong – not that I’m trying to critisize you in any way.
You voiced out your opinions to her, that was correct and all. Otherwise parents would never know what we’re doing and base it off assumptions. The way you did it was abit wrong though.
I know you were pissed off and everything, I also had the same problems as you (thank god I procrastinated shouting at my mum, seriously) but you’ve got to handle it diplomatically and not via shouting at them. True, shouting does get through to them like this, but it’s going to end up in more problems, like what you just said, open defiance.
There are other ways to deal with what your mum does with you (not that I’m really promoting them or anything), just ask for some of her time to talk with you. I don’t know how to explain this, but make it seem like you know what you’re doing. Ask her not to interrupt you, and talk to her. List out all of your problems and what she’s been doing.
However, no matter what you do, don’t forget that they’re your parents. They’ve done so much for you, so consider about your actions.
Thanks for the advice, Zhlink, and the psychobabble by Quang and Cynthia, lol.
Yeah I think what I did was wrong… Just proved the stereotype that youngsters are generally disrespectful and ungrateful at the same time. >.O Craps. Anger can be such a powerful thing.
From what I heard from her, my mom had a pretty rough childhood in poverty, and my grandma was uber strict, so I suppose that that’s it. She goes by the old fashioned way: The rod and nothing much of anything else. My dad’s a little more lenient and that’s probably the only reason why I’m on the computer in the exam period. x.x
Honestly, though, I have no idea how I’ll talk with her. In fact, I haven’t had a decent conversation with her in ages. All we “talk about” is school, my “failing grades”, and of course, a lot of shouting and throwing stuff around from her. :[ But I guess it’s the only good diplomatic way, so somehow I’ll have to pull it off, huh. :9
She’s a lot quieter now, though… I’m scared. @.@
Btw, Quang… Reves is the guy and Reve is the girl. :B