As nobody knew (Including me), I had Ventricular Tachycardia for the last few years.
"Ventricular tachycardia (V-tach or VT) is a tachycardia, or fast heart rhythm that originates in one of the ventricles of the heart. This is a potentially life-threatening arrhythmia because it may lead to ventricular fibrillation and sudden death. Although less common, some forms of this arrhythmia appear benign, especially in young individuals."
That basically means that I have 3 nerves in my heart instead of 2, which sends out an irregularly fast blood pressure rate of 220 BPM, whereas the norm is 60-80.
Suddenly last month, I had to be rushed to the ER because my heart started beating extremely fast, and that was when I found out about my condition.
So yesterday I underwent an 8 hour surgery to burn this 3rd nerve off (Wearing scrubs is embarrasing!). I was told that doctors put tubes into veins in my thigh, led them up to my heart, and burned off the nerve using electricity… Its a good thing I was asleep, it mightve hurt 😀
Anyways, after the surgery, i felt horrible. I could barely walk around without feeling like throwing up. The male nurse told me that this was a normal reaction for patients after long surgeries; this was when i felt indignant towards shows like House, Scrubs, etc. They never show the after-effects of surgery!
Anyways, sorry for my un-mmorpg related blog, I just needed to blog something 😀
Don’t worry about your blog not being related to MMOs. And, uh, glad you’re okay.
Oh jeez, I hope you’re okay. 😐
APERTURE SCIEN- Wait a minute, this is heart surgery, not physics.
Wow, I am glad that all turned out okay. You never think about these kinds of conditions until you have someone tell you they have it.
Thanks guys! ^.^
I had surgery once… the anethesia will stay with you for about a month… @_@
Err.. really?
It wore off today o_o;;
It was probably all a massive fabrication by your conspiring doctors to cut out a part of you so they could make sashimi.
Ahh! D:
…Wasn’t that the storyline of a movie? o_o
i’m glad you’re okay. 🙂
OMG IVY YOU’RE OKAY NOW THOUGH RIGHT?!?!?! ive seen that on house! that having 3 instead of 2 really is super dangerous T_T *hugs* i hope you’re feeling better D;
*Hugs back*
Thanks Sous & Dee ^.^
Hey man. Good to see you’re doing well after the operation. Get better soon yea?
Sounds like something out of a movie.
Anyways, good that you’re all right.
Yay, glad you’re alive. 😀
Where’s my hug? D:
It ran away 😮
That’s not fair. D:
*Whips out camera*
*Snap snap snap*
I am the FASTEST in all of GENSOKYO!
*Runs off*
lolwhattt? o_o
*Starts publishing newspapers with ill-gotten pictures*
-trips Zhlink, whistles and walks away-
Never had surgery. Never broken a bone in my body. And I pray to the powers that be, every day, that I never ever have to/will, ever. I can’t stand being in pain. I’m a wuss ;_;
The most excruciating pain I’ve ever been in was when I was attacked by my neighbors dog o_o; but I was 10, I hardly remember it.
You… have been inside your comfort bubble too long!
*Pokes bubble*
Welcome to the cruel world of… reality! >=D
She’s not my father!
Eh? Who’s this ‘DirtyCrayon’?
Annie<3 From GMS :3
I’m trying to get her to blog 😀
Ooooh. A friend. 😀
I reckon she’s quite…’dirty’, if you know what I mean… ;D
*Slaps froggy* >=(
No, shes never been to
MMOTVutales before.I’m sowwie. 🙁
That is graphic. At least, for me. My mind thrives on images. AHHHHHH!!!! D:
Well, glad that’s over and done with, yah? 🙂
Glad to see that it went well. 🙂
Thanks guys 🙂
Haha sorry reve
Glad to hear you’re alive and kicking. Now I can properly kill you… I mean… I can properly kill you…
-=The Nazgul=-
Your heart beat is like a techno rave dance party.
Stay alive 😀
Stayin alive, staying alive.
I call upon my powers of necromancy to BRING THIS BLOG BACK TO LIFE!
It worked! You know what that means…YOU’RE A WITCH! *burns at the stake*