Probably too late but…

By In Uncategorized

I guess this goes under "General" haha.

Anyway my name is Simple. My first name is pretty common, so it's better to just use my username
I'm 17 right now, almost 18 in September.

I actually was on MMOTales for about a week. Used to blog about FlyFF, so some names I actually recognize.
I joined VuTales because Mike told me some funny/awkward/weird moments you guys had here. And then he asked me to join.
That was about 5 months ago. And finally I got around to joining.
So yup, that's about it for my little intro.

Our vacation in America is pretty stupid. We both really hate seeing our step-mother but thankfully, I'll be 18 soon so I don't really have to go visit anymore.
On the other side of the coin, I really hate my mom too. She's so annoying and never shuts up. All she ever does is whine and complain about stuff that doesn't even matter. And then she disconnects the Internet, which pisses me off more than anything, since I rely on it so much. But now all she just whines about is me going back to school. I sorta stopped going in 11th grade, so I don't have my high school diploma. And I was doing adult ed. but I stopped going to that too.

Unlike Mike I'm more of a stay at home kind of guy. I live in my room and barely come out haha.
I don't really like to talk to people face to face, so I just communicate by using MSN and facebook.

I listen to Metal mostly, bands like Veil of Maya, Born of Osiris you know things like that. But my friend has gotten me into K-pop (or she's trying to anyway) so I listen to the songs she shows me.

So yeah that's it. See you guys later


Dest1 6 July 2010 Reply

You are the exact opposite of your younger brother.

dee32693 6 July 2010 Reply

dude you sound cool. if it were possible for me to stay and my room and not do anything i WOULD JUMP ON THAT SO QUICK! xD

k-pop is catchy. i like the songs and videos 😀

Simple 6 July 2010 Reply
Dest1 said: You are the exact opposite of your younger brother.

Haha yeah I get that a lot.
@Dee: It really isn’t that bad, I only need to get food and to use the bathroom.

Arladerus 6 July 2010 Reply


tarheel91 6 July 2010 Reply


Oh, and my ex-gf got me hooked on k-pop. I assume you’ve heard of Big Bang.

SirPainsalot 6 July 2010 Reply

Nice to meet ya! :3

Arladerus 6 July 2010 Reply

I love how the originals of the word NEET was from England but Japan uses it the most now.

FireLeo86 6 July 2010 Reply

You first blog? What the hecks have you been doing here?!
Then again, I haven’t a clue who you are… well, before this anyways.

Gujju 6 July 2010 Reply

Dude, k-pop is the SHYT

FunnyFroggy 6 July 2010 Reply

Gotta love the butt dance.
Hara <3333

Nass 6 July 2010 Reply

I can’t stand k-pop. It’s just so lame.

Would LOVE to tap some of the Asian chicks though.

Pirkid 7 July 2010 Reply

You’re like me, you end up putting emoticons after every sentence out of bad habit.


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