A Spy’s Confession

By In Uncategorized

Howdy thar, guys. As most of you know, I am the spy. And most of you know how I got it. Well, I'll explain it to ya anyway.
(PS. David, you're a tattle-tale >O)
Well, first of all I went to Gey land and started my journey of spyness.
I went to the thread of Vusys' and saw a link… A LINK THAT LED ME TO THIS SITE.
vuii.co.uk eh…? !
Getting passed the username and pw was easy lulz. ALL I did wuz liek, looked in the Vutales thread and yeah.
I've been lurking here ever since.
I have told others, which is the reason there are a mass of a traffic in this site. 😀
And thus, ends the story of the spy.
First person I told: Aaron 😀
By the way, I saw the sign ups and I did NOT sign up. I would be in deep shet if I did, anyway. 😛


Aaron 20 March 2009 Reply

But I gaved you the idea.

SirPainsalot 20 March 2009 Reply

Wow, I already found a new glitch. You can’t use only http://www.google.com, you can only use http://www.google.com. Example:
[url=www.google.com]Lalala[/url] wut?!
(Aaron, no u)

Vusys 20 March 2009 Reply

Pssssh. I have access logs. I’ve known you’ve been here for ages, I’ve just not said anything.

SirPainsalot 20 March 2009 Reply

I already know lulz. David basically told me, since after a few seconds after he showed Aliyah the link, you LOCKZORZ it.

Gujju 20 March 2009 Reply

The spy who shagged Vusys

Vusys 20 March 2009 Reply
Gujju said: The spy who shagged Vusys



Aaron 20 March 2009 Reply

That was kinda wrong LOL

Gujju 20 March 2009 Reply

rofl, i know. 😀

Aaron 20 March 2009 Reply

@Vusys thingymajig: LOLWUT

SirPainsalot 20 March 2009 Reply

Another bug. Well. Let’s say you have an old blog that has over 9000 like it’s… Someone can change the category to the question of the week and then BAM. Easy win for the week.

Gujju 20 March 2009 Reply

I dont get it

SirPainsalot 20 March 2009 Reply

Basically, someone with a blog that has a lot of like its and is older than the current QUOTW can get an easy win by simply editing and switching categories
EDIT: LULZ I think you’re hot too Vusys. <3

Vusys 20 March 2009 Reply
SirPainsalot said: Basically, someone with a blog that has a lot of like its and is older than the current QUOTW can get an easy win by simply editing and switching categories
EDIT: LULZ I think you’re hot too Vusys. <3


Aaron 20 March 2009 Reply

He R Cummin’ Four Yew.

Arladerus 20 March 2009 Reply

Wait, so why aren’t the numbers beside the blogs based on likes? Why are they based on comments?

Vusys 20 March 2009 Reply
Arladerus said: Wait, so why aren’t the numbers beside the blogs based on likes? Why are they based on comments?

Because I never realised that MMOTales was like that, and used comments. I’ll change it sometime, if there is demand for it.

Aaron 20 March 2009 Reply

It fooled me at first lol.

Ganzicus 20 March 2009 Reply

Wait what.

SirPainsalot 20 March 2009 Reply

And Vusys, YOU CAN’T FOOL ME. I got another like it. >D

Souseiki 20 March 2009 Reply


Aaron 20 March 2009 Reply

I prefer the like system; it gives a sense on what’s good and what’s bad.

FunnyFroggy 20 March 2009 Reply

Because Vusys didn’t know about that. He said he’ll fix it, but we’ll see…..

David 20 March 2009 Reply

Lol, I knew Vusys had logs, I told you pain, I told you. -_-

SirPainsalot 21 March 2009 Reply
david said: Lol, I knew Vusys had logs, I told you pain, I told you. -_-

uh Captain Oblivious to the rescue! I said that in one of my comments. >->

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