A Story of a Lifetime Chapter 1 Revised

By In Uncategorized

(Here's the more MMOTaler friendly version+moar!)
One day, the people at Nexon were liek "Lets maek maplestory lol we get moneh from nx cash and maplers get no pimp clothes or worthless pets if they dun pay lol"

Then dare was maplers and nx cash.

"we need mesoz to appeal to teh mehico(sp?????) peoplez"

Then there wuz mesos

"we need monsta'z with extremely low exp so then they can by 2x cardz which will come later in liek a billion yearrz lol"

Then there was monsta'z.

All Nexon saw was money n they made the game-world in Beta.

People were nice but after it was official in NA they soon got arrogant

"were'z teh patchez?"

"we ned forumz!!!"

Nexon could not do anything about that but thy made a forumz after 4 yearz

Bogdan, noticing this and being bored with his miserable life, made his own webbie which TOTALLEH suxorz. Then he called upon Vusys.

Vusys made everything 1337 and soon everyone heard of BasilMarket. All the nubs n teh proz n teh spammers n the emo'z came in.

The nubs were dominant until the Chat section came in.

Proz were being elitists and flamed everyone.

Spammers were prominent especially. However, the emos raepd teh proz n teh nubz to create flaming emo nubz. This group was dominate in the chat section when it came out (then soon the entire basilmarket).

Proz were gone and flamed by the flaming emo nubs because they didn't waste tiem like them.

Purebreed nubs came out often. Purebreed emos were a bit uncommon, but who cares?

Spammers was a struggling force but soon died out…

Mr Basil created MMOTales, the much 1337er side.

They were more calmer yet hypah than the BasilMarket. Of course, nubs from basil market traveled there and spammed blogs by accident. Spammers were always around somewhere. Emo's made the fanfics. (lolololol no offense, srsly u gui'z r awsum emo's k?)

People liek Aliyah were adored for their offtopic yet awesome blogs.

Fanfic people lieked hiatus'z which were really annoying but meh.

Hypah people like Dest and Annikabelle were the most prominent group in this picture. Yes. Yes indeed.

Some people actually DID ontopic blogs. (cough me cough)
Those people were pretty much a mix of all of the above.

Well, Mr FUKING Basil looked at BasilMarket and saw good.

He saw the nublets posting some random SHET posts about Chuck Norris, among the overused MEMEs.

He saw the emos whining about life.

He saw the flaming emo nubs who flamed.

He saw the spammers spam while doing no shet about it.

He never saw the normal people who had their flame shields…

What he saw in Basilmarket seemed good in his messed up mind.

Then he looked at MMOTales, then his newly created Profil3. Profil3 wuz a Myspace MMOTales which totally suxorz and wuz a failure.

He looked at MMOTales then he saw spammers which weren't dealt with this he banned his own FUKING mod. He saw things get out of hand.

In Profil3 he saw emos showing their ugleh faces like they would do on Myspace or Facebook.

MMOTales recovered quickly from the spam attack and was thriving more than ever at July. But unfortunately, he never saw the potential that it held.

On July 23rd, MMOTalers cried. MMOTales was down. It was gone… Foreva. Captain had PWNT it. He apparently spent a ton of moneh on it so he was disappointed that it basically had a ton of success.

Us MMOTalers created this forumz for our use. We needed a place to stay until we can recreate MMOTales.

A ton of patches and post from spammers and nubs later…

It has happened.

Wellll… I'm typing it in the it has happened place but still!…

To be Continued!


MS has expanded into a colorful world of nubs, super megaphone spammers, and proz. Nexon has finally made a forumz, but we all know that wuz late.

Patches was getting better but for some reason, emos complained more and more. No one knew what could stfu them up. MapleStory suxorz still as it uses NX cash and the exp is so low even with 2x which is considered a god.

Private servers were the way to go. Even MMOTales had a private server, created by David who iz a rare good hekker on MMOTales. Of course, Mr. Basil did not approve since he could get sued by Nexon, so he DELETE'D it.

Nexon wuz unhappy about et since it makes them lose their money. Little did they know, most nubs wanted to stay with the original MS since it sux for some reason.

MapleStory is a loser

Nexon created other games such as Hacking Arms… Erm, Combat Arms, which is 80% hekkers 20% people who hates hekkerz.

Audition which sucked. Nuff said.

Kart Rider which they abandoned in their beta unfortunately.

and Mabinogi which is totally awesome.

Runescape made it in sometimes, but nobody liked it because AT THE TIME its graphics sucked but now its good but no one cares about it anymore.

FlyFF was a rare but stupid topic on MMOTales. At some points though, it became more popular than MapleStory blogs! Of course, it could never in its dreams beat off-topic blogs.

Granada Espa or w/e was popular a bit before the end. It was beating out everything until MapleStory striked back.

The End… For noaw. lololololololololol (that was so I can officially make a fanfic with 5000 characters :D)

K so liek I'll make the 2nd chapter as soon as Vutales, MS, and BasilMarket has gained more history.

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