Amidst the low traffic…

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Amidst the low traffic…

There comes a man.

Who can kill change it all.

Who can show some real procrastination to an universe.

Who can bring nothing change to the entire world of VuTales.

Who can bring sadness life to a gray land filled with frowns.

Who can show stupidity awesomeness all across the land.

His name is…


*cough cough*

Besides that, how are you guys? Wait a second, shouldn't this be about me, not the viewers?
I have been playing… No MMORPGs.
No Dragonica.
No MapleStory.
No Mabinogi.
However, I have been playing:
Super Mario RPG (FINALLY geez)

That's it.
Real life has ultimately been my entertainment.
Now I shall leave.
*walks away*

Wait no. The Internet, as described by Urban Dictionary:
A magical place where you can spend hours on end talking to people all over the world posing as a 10 year old girl, do research on any subject imaginable, play games, or look at some good porn.

So as you can see, the Internet will never leave me. I mean, who doesn't have fun watching porn making CYOA's, and fapping joining RP's? :3
Oh and the porn talking to people part. I talk to you guys on MSN on VuTales.
Good times, good times…
Am I making too much paragraphs?
Do you think I am doing this to make this blog seem longer due to the enormous procrastination I have?

Damn you're smart.
Oh and if you're wondering, I wasn't kidding with the real life part.
Srsly. I have a life. Anywho…
Anyone has a good suggestion for me to play on the Internet? Not like I'm bored or anything. Super Mario RPG is a one man army fighting away my boredom at home.
And porn.


Nass 16 May 2009 Reply


Edit: I mean google porn games of course! *nervous laugh*

FunnyFroggy 16 May 2009 Reply
Nass said: Google.

Edit: I mean pirate porn games of course! *nervous laugh*

Vicelin 16 May 2009 Reply

“an universe”

Was that intentional? xD

SirPainsalot 16 May 2009 Reply

Yep. O: It was unintentional.

Pirkid 17 May 2009 Reply

some lol.

spygirl57 17 May 2009 Reply

The internet is indeed a magical place.
Especially for people who don’t have video games.

DarkDragoon 18 May 2009 Reply

But the internet is for porn D:

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