Alright Vusys.
Get over here.
Let’s have a chat.
The hell.
Is VuTal3Ds?
OR VuTales: 3D
Where is it?
As we all know, third sequel= three dimensional sequel
Like they did with Spy Kids, if anyone actually watched that.
Anyway, if there’s no 3D enabled, I will personally start a protest of VuTales.
That’s right, you heard me.
Resist our new, oppressive leader! Down with Vusys, up with Basil!
VuTales is 2 years old, huh? Quite old, actually. I didn’t really expect two years to have passed by so.. quickly.
I guess time flies by when yer having fun, huh?
It is to my understanding that Vusys, being the dirty rascal he is, purposefully delayed V3D until today.
Son of a bitch, I was expecting V3 to come in earlier. Procrastination is you!
V3 Right Now
What do I think about V3 right now…
Amazing for a one man team. Amazing for a two man team. Awesome for a ten man team.
Yeah, everything seems more polished this time around. More convenient, more like it.
Hell, this site feels like a social website right now. It has a better design than anything Basil could make, definitely. I think it can even match Facebook in design.
The Dashboard takes a bit of getting used to, but after that blogs, threads, fragments, even comments feel like a breeze. The Quotes thing won’t really be used too much IMO, mostly ’cause it’s way more fun saying;
Nonetheless, it can have a niche in the forums, like quoting someone in an RP to get their attention. That might not be too bad an idea, now that I think about it. Maybe a quote/ping/PM can be sent to your email?
I’m getting ahead of myself.
I’ll miss the top VuTales ID thingy though. It was nice to be at the bottom of the page, then changing to forums whenever you feel like it. But that’s about it. ALSO, seeing the posts on the forums page. It was pretty nifty, but minor.
Friend page said bye. Kinda sad, but it wasn’t that great, as I’ll explain in my suggestions.
Achievements are missed; they had potential too. IF you actually got an announcement that you got a badge, it would be pretty cool. Of course, I suggested this feature, so I have a biased opinion.
Ah, My favorite part. Mostly cause now I can get Vusys’ attentionVuTales with 3D enabled.
Quotes/Pings/PMs have the option of being sent to your email. I’m thinking this is a good idea since a lot of us get sidetracked by real life. An email should get our attention.
Ability to up or down comments or posts. Simple, really. Comments with negative 5 can only be viewed if you choose: like how other websites do it. Y’know, comment gets minimized.
Blogs that get at least 5 downs (considering the size of the community atm) will not be able to be viewed on the front page and can only be viewed if you search “bad” (“bad” tag will be inserted by a mod) or simply went to the Vu ID of the blogger. Also, NSFW tags can only be viewed if searched.
This is probably going too far but I know a lot of people here would LOVE a mobile version of VuTales. Mainly to post fragments and possibly comments.
A big one- to me. Revamp the friend system. Delete everyone’s friends and start over. Make it so you REQUEST a friend, and they have the option of accepting or not. Then it can feel more polished, as before, friends were just added to a pile (look at my Vu ID for proof). I found that odd, personally. But that’s just me.
I believe that is it! I’m lovin’ the V3D though. I feel more inspired to make blogs, which is huge in case you didn’t know.
Anyway, sayanora.
some good ideas.
Better yet, MMOT had a friends page feature where there was a page that only listed all the recent blogs by the people on your friends list. Basically, it worked like a subscriptions page. That might be a good feature to see come back.
I rest my case.
I’ve thought about this and talked to Tartar about it. It’s not too hard to do, especially now that new accounts require a valid email address to recieve and activation link. It depends on how granular the events want to be. A simple yes or no to all emails, or a long facebook-style yes/no to event x. I would personally like to be emailed for every time someone posts in a blog on mine, but that’s just me.
Another thing I talked about with Tartar. This is done on reddit and I find it promotes too much self censorship and groupthink. People don’t post controversial, but valid, opinions if they’re going to be downvoted to hell instantly. Similarly, there can be too much posting for upvotes (“Hey guys, upvote if you like tits or kittens”)
Pretty much this. I’m going to add filter and ordering by date, likes, authors to the tag search. I’ve been thinking about searching the bodies of blogs, but I need to see what sort of resources that will take. MySQL has this build in though, so it shouldn’t be too bad.
Not many people used it. I think you hit the nail on the head there. Some people (*cough* David) friended everyone. I don’t really see the need of accepting or declining a request as nothing extra is unlocked when someone friends you.
Sorry Nass, we’re still bros right? ): It was too good to pass up.
I’ve thought about this and talked to Tartar about it. It’s not too hard to do, especially now that new accounts require a valid email address to recieve and activation link. It depends on how granular the events want to be. A simple yes or no to all emails, or a long facebook-style yes/no to event x. I would personally like to be emailed for every time someone posts in a blog on mine, but that’s just me.
Another thing I talked about with Tartar. This is done on reddit and I find it promotes too much self censorship and groupthink. People don’t post controversial, but valid, opinions if they’re going to be downvoted to hell instantly. Similarly, there can be too much posting for upvotes (“Hey guys, upvote if you like tits or kittens”)
Pretty much this. I’m going to add filter and ordering by date, likes, authors to the tag search. I’ve been thinking about searching the bodies of blogs, but I need to see what sort of resources that will take. MySQL has this build in though, so it shouldn’t be too bad.
Not many people used it. I think you hit the nail on the head there. Some people (*cough* David) friended everyone. I don’t really see the need of accepting or declining a request as nothing extra is unlocked when someone friends you.
… Didn’t expect this much of a response.
(a better quote system might be needed, btw)
I’m with you there. I’d like an email for every comment as well. 😛 Emails would improve user awareness so it’ll be ok imo. I always check my phone’s emails and I’d like to see if I got quoted or something. Of course, a spam filter might be in place, but the rest should be okay.
Yeah, the comments suggestion might turn this into like YouTube. (Three people are mad that they didn’t win the QoTW, amirite guys?)
Tag search has a capacity for more depth, I believe. Moderated tag search with special tags only created by mods might make this site unique from others. (e.g. Moderated Tags: “Bad Blog, Banned, Mod’s Pick, QoTW…” etc)
Son of a–
I understand that, but sooner or later, friends will MEAN SOMETHING. COUGH DERVD COUGH.
The return of the friend page like Azn said would be good… For the future.
Right now, we have a small community. Small community = easy to follow. Right now, I can see all of the posts made in a single day on the front page.
Oh and one more thing. Maybe a group system? Like, a group of four making blogs… I dunno, I think I’m running out of ideas. o:
I just added everyone at the time for the friends page that existed at the time. >_>
I added everyone too. 😀