By In Uncategorized

Okiedokie. I think today I'll just rant about what I've been up to lately ;D
And as I do with every blog, let's set some things straight.
I'm currently attending a science camp at a medical center that my dad works at.
In fact, I'm there right now. But the camp itself was dismissed a couple hours ago.
I'm in his office, where his indian workmate is listening to music, bobbing his head up and down while singing along to it.

He just offered me popcorn.
I think that's the 5th time today.

Anyway. Yea, I'm preeeetty bored.
My friend is in his mom's lab 3 floors under me while my OTHER friend is attending the afternoon session of the science camp.
Did I mention that we're in a totally different city?
We have to wake up at 6 in the morning, drive to this ghetto place, and come back home at 6 PM.
I used to live here, actually. I was born in one of the hospitals here.
Apparently I used to live in one of THE most ghetto-est places in the city.
My new name is GhettoHamster.
Lemme just say one thing about this place: I TOTALLY under-appreciated the use of toilets.
At least, toilets that aren't smothered in..ew.

So today during the camp we were doing robotics.
Ew. Robotics.
I was on the Robotics Team in Elementary school for a short while.
Let's just say…I HATED IT.
Most boring 2 months of my life.
I quit the team and NEVER touched another Lego piece after that.

Anyway, my partner is quite…slow. His name is Karan. It's Indian. (I like to call him Karen 🙂 )
Karan was having some "trouble" assembling the Lego pieces, and he was being quite an idiot.

Him: "What's this?"
Me: "…a Lego piece."
Him: "Where'd it come from?"
Me: "…the box…"
Him: "Why do I have it?"
Me: "…Did you seriously just ask me that?"
Him: "Ask you what?"
Me:: "…Nevermind."

Pretty much, it was basically this:

So yea, I got preeetty annoyed with him. After we finished assembling the robot (which we had to break apart several times because Karan kept messing up.) the guest speaker was giving instructions.
Though I was very sleepy,I paid close attention to what she was saying.

Then next to me Karan looks at me and scoffs,

"Why are you so ANNOYING? You're so stupid!"

I resisted the urge to punch him and glared.
He looked away, rolling his eyes.

After that, I gave up on paying attention to the speaker.

And fell asleep.

Yea okay. End of rant.

Hm. A nap sounds good right now…


By the way, which clever son of a bastard made a blog which included very strange events and then at the end it said "Look at the first letter of every paragraph."
In which it spelled "You just lost the game."?
I need to give them a cookie.


Gujju 15 July 2009 Reply

lol karan.

Nass 16 July 2009 Reply

I have strong arms you can nap in.

Aaron 16 July 2009 Reply

What happened to leaving?

Nass 16 July 2009 Reply

Mip told me to stay.

snowhamster 16 July 2009 Reply

I mean…

DarkDragoon 16 July 2009 Reply

rofl Nass gtfo she be mine >l

snowhamster 17 July 2009 Reply

Lee, I thought you had me down for the girl who tried to rape you D:

DarkDragoon 17 July 2009 Reply

and your point is?

snowhamster 17 July 2009 Reply

there is no point.
You have saved me from Nass

FunnyFroggy 18 July 2009 Reply


The furball’s mine. I mean, we already made hamrogs. 🙂

Nass 18 July 2009 Reply

Connie and I got rid of them…permanently.

snowhamster 18 July 2009 Reply

So I’m a furball now?

FunnyFroggy 18 July 2009 Reply

You didn’t get rid of them, because she lurves them very much.

And yes, you little furball, you.

snowhamster 18 July 2009 Reply

I prefer Lee D:

spygirl57 25 July 2009 Reply


snowhamster 25 July 2009 Reply


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