Schoolio 'tis not coolio

By In Uncategorized

Today was my first day of school.

My schedule:
1- Language Arts
2- American History
3- Science
4- Orchestra
5- Health Fitness
6- Office Aide
7- Algebra
(no stalky kthnxbai)

So…one of my friends has the exact same schedule as me. Jeffery.
If you don't know who Jeffery is, ask Sneha :3
But here's a short explanation:

Jeffery is some 5'9" boy that liked me. I liked him. We were like ^o^ but weren't dating. Complicated stuff happens and then 8 months later, along comes a friend, who says to me RANDOMLY out of no where, "JEFFERY DUN WUV YOU."
/end explanation

I pretty much predicted that already, but I was pretty bummed to know it was true when Jeffery texted me asking about if I hated him and if I was okay. Of course I didn't hate him. It's not like I broke into tears (as Chris had assumed and told Jeffery) I mean, yes, I was shocked at first, but I knew it was going to happen anyway.
Feelings fade. Don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened.

…okay I explained the topic of "Jeffery" a bit more than I was planning to. Anyway, since I have all my classes with Jeffery I find it very awkward. We barely even talk, don't make eye contact, and tries to sit as far from me as possible. Which sucks for him, because guess what? WE MOSTLY HAVE ALPHABETICAL SEATS. And since Lee comes before Liu, he sits in front of me.
It kind of makes me feel like a stalkerish ex-girlfriend. But yea.

Here's the semi-seating chart >_>

1st – Jeffery, Me, Aseem (Who was the one who was cheering for Jeffery and me to date last year)
2nd – Jeffery, Me Grace (Who was also partially cheering for Jeffery and me to date.)
3rd – We sit at the same table, if that counts.

5th- (We're separated FINALLY.)

7th- Jeffery, Me, Jay (Refer to blog: "To Kill a Jaybird")

Yea, I'm pretty P.O.ed about our seating. Although I'm also sort of…:D?
If this seating had happened 4 months ago I would have been jumping for fucking joy. But not now.



Period 1:
I hear she's a awesome teacher. Moment I walked into the classroom, I mistook a Lord of the Rings cardboard figure for the teacher herself, so I screamed and walked out of the room.

Period 2:
Oh my gawd. So. Boring. He has a monotone voice. EVEN THE WAY HE DRESSES IS BORING. Black slacks, blue collar shirt, blue tie. -facepalm-
And he is so strict about not having your feet on the rack of the desk in front of you.
HE HAS EYES IN THE BACK OF HIS HEAD. Actually more like all over his head. He's not even in the classroom and the moment the kid next to me puts his feet on the racks, in comes the teacher, "Feet on the floor."
Good thing I don't have a habit of doing that :3

Period 3: I haven't heard anything about this teacher, so I'm not sure if he's good or bad. Anyway, again this was alphabetical and so I sat diagonally across from Jeffery. Next to me was Grace and across from me was Lucia. Did I mention we're all asian?
We have an asian table.
In science.

Period 4: Oh. Same orchestra director always PMSing and blahblahblahblah. Not much to say about her bitchiness :O Oh, which reminds me I should be starting on my audition music instead of typing this blog :3 (I should also be reading a book for American History that I was supposed to have finished during the summer, but sshhhhh)

Period 5: Same coach I had last year. She likes to joke around. And she LOVES my last name o.o At least, joking around with it.
"Shoo shoo Connie Liu! (pronounces it Loo)" and during roll call she loves saying "Connie LOOOO?" I'm fine with her as my coach :3

Period 6: We don't exactly have a specific teacher in this class. We just help the ladies who work in the front office to deliver and organize things. Yes, that is my elective. I do that for a whole hour. But I get a free 100 and a field trip, so GTFO IF YOU DON'T AGREE.
I didn't really do much today, I sent a stack of papers to some teacher and that was it. Oh, I also sorted out the mail. That was fun >_>

Period 7: Ah. At last. The teacher EVERYONE loves. This teacher lets you listen to your iPods D: So far, I can tell she'll probably be funny. Not to sure about how well she TEACHES though. I'm worried about the homework and tests.
I suck at math.
Chinese girl.
Who sucks at math.
Yes, they do exist.

Also, my orchestra director just sent me audition music and I now HAVE to play violin. I have no choice now 🙁
Plus, I still have to fill out a couple hundred forms and read a stupid book.
And then practice guitar for the worship team >_>




Nass 25 August 2009 Reply



Rep 25 August 2009 Reply
You said: Period 1:
I hear she’s a awesome teacher. Moment I walked into the classroom, I mistook a Lord of the Rings cardboard figure for the teacher herself, so I screamed and walked out of the room.

What a pro.
I can help you with Math. 😀

DarkDragoon 25 August 2009 Reply

Calculus and Economics at my school is da bomb!
We do absolutely nothing besides play Sorry for around 2-3 periods a day!
Go nerdiness

tarheel91 25 August 2009 Reply

7 classes in a day!? Man normal schooling sucked. I never have more than 3. 🙂

Lithium 26 August 2009 Reply

D: at fail blog title.

snowhamster 26 August 2009 Reply

D: at fail human.

Dest1 26 August 2009 Reply
tarheel91 said: 7 classes in a day!? Man normal schooling sucked. I never have more than 3. 🙂

I have 4 classes…and each one is like, one and half hour to two hours. like wtf connie, you lucky bastard.

Rep 26 August 2009 Reply

I have 10 periods a day. Don’t be beetchin’.

Dest1 26 August 2009 Reply
Rep said: I have 10 periods a day. Don’t be beetchin’.


Gujju 26 August 2009 Reply

boo for non semestered schools.

teehee, the name Jeffrey gives me bad memories

snowhamster 26 August 2009 Reply

The name David gives me bad memories ._.

tarheel91 26 August 2009 Reply
Dest1 said:

tarheel91 said: 7 classes in a day!? Man normal schooling sucked. I never have more than 3. 🙂

I have 4 classes…and each one is like, one and half hour to two hours. like wtf connie, you lucky bastard.

Mondays I have two 50 minute classes; that’s it. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a 1 hour 50 minute class and a 1 hour 15 minute classes. Wednesdays I have two 50 minute classes and a 1 hour and 50 minute lab. Fridays I have two 50 minutes classes and a 1 hour and 50 minute class. In short, I never have more than 3 hours and 40 minutes of classes. Monday I only have an hour and 40 minutes.

David 26 August 2009 Reply
Rep said: I have 10 periods a day. Don’t be beetchin’.

I have 14 periods a day. Don’t be telling others to be beetchin’. 😉

Chameleon 26 August 2009 Reply

Lol @ your period 4 teacher.

Our band director is like that also, and she picks on students sometimes. A lot of people call her Ms. Bitch behind her back. :/

Rep 26 August 2009 Reply

How long is your school day, David? o_o
I was telling them to stop beetchin’ btw. ;(

Nass 26 August 2009 Reply

I got 7 periods each of them 50mins, with like 5min breaks in between (not counting om nom nom recess.)

Gujju 26 August 2009 Reply


Nass 26 August 2009 Reply


The best 15mins ever.

Gujju 26 August 2009 Reply

rofl, what a child you are

Pirkid 26 August 2009 Reply
tarheel91 said: 7 classes in a day!? Man normal schooling sucked. I never have more than 3. 🙂

In what forsaken utopia were you brought up in, man?!

Nass 26 August 2009 Reply
Gujju said: rofl, what a child you are


True13lue 26 August 2009 Reply

FFFFF I only had 7 periods, but they were the worst and longest of my life, each being about an hour and a half long, with 25 minute lunches ONCE A DAY. Got up and 5 in the morning, got back home by around 5. My teachers were a bunch of hard asses who followed the school rules like little assholes too.
My school was so poor though, that they cut music classes. So no instrument for me. However, since my schhol was full of ruffians, they made a new class called “Advisory” where a small group of teens and a teachers get together and discuss daily lives, current happenings, help with college, and just about anything. Sometimes the teachers would just let us sit around or if we wanted, do self study or finish homework for other classes. I loved that class so much because we could turn that class into any class we wanted, and our Advisor was one of the coolest teachers in school. He was also my math teacher and he always stayed after school with me to help me with my math homework. I used to suck so bad at math, but from all the studying and his help, I managed to score A+’s on each report card, WOOT. Really, it was the only sanctuary I had at school. I sort of miss it. One day I’ll go back and visit and I’ll take pictures for you guys. <3

Good luck this year, Connie!

True13lue 26 August 2009 Reply
Nass said:

Gujju said: rofl, what a child you are


That just made my day.

Reve 26 August 2009 Reply

Run away!!! Run away!!!! D;

Pbbt, I fail at math so badly too. Anything numbers confounds me to no end.

dee32693 26 August 2009 Reply


omgah tis not ‘loo’? D8 thwn how u say it woman?!

snowhamster 26 August 2009 Reply

My school is from 9-4 D:
7 periods, 50 min each. 5 minutes to change classes (and lunch periods)

Jaz and Dee <3333
Tis “Liou”

DarkDragoon 26 August 2009 Reply

lucky >|
Mines 7:30 to 3:30…-grumbles-
not including other bs afterschool academic activities

FunnyFroggy 26 August 2009 Reply
True13lue said: with 25 minute lunches ONCE A DAY.

😐 You can have lunch twice a day?

True13lue 27 August 2009 Reply
FunnyFroggy said:

True13lue said: with 25 minute lunches ONCE A DAY.

😐 You can have lunch twice a day?

Nope. I wish they had 2. LOLOL
I’m a fatass, shuddap. 0:< @Connie: LOOOOOOOO?

David 27 August 2009 Reply

School day from 7-4, extended periods from 4-6. =D

tarheel91 27 August 2009 Reply
Pirkid said:

tarheel91 said: 7 classes in a day!? Man normal schooling sucked. I never have more than 3. 🙂

In what forsaken utopia were you brought up in, man?!

It’s the utopia known as college. 🙂

Check my previous post for my schedule. Even in highschool, I only had school from 9-2:40 with 6 45 minute classes.

Gujju 27 August 2009 Reply

David, what kinda fucked up school did you go to? Starting at 7?!

Reve 27 August 2009 Reply
School day from 7-4, extended periods from 4-6. =D

If it’s any comfort, my friend in China has school from 6:30 AM to 9 PM. Actual school from 6:30 to 4… Then 5 hours of self studying/ extra classes if any.

The only difference is they have no life (dormitories, with no internet).

But dayum, 11 hours is still f’d up.

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