Whoa. I’m back here. Again.

By In Uncategorized

If you were to hear me actually say that, it would have an English accent-tint to it. Or so my friends say.
It’s me. SolidPig.
You know, the guy who came onto this website more than a year ago and wrote a blog or two and then disappeared?
Figures, I doubted you would remember me.
Oh well, it doesn’t matter, I’m still here.
I’ve always thought of this community as a small but close. Everyone knew each other well. So sorta like an orphanage. Or prison. Or brothel.
Well everyone but me. I was the new guy. The new orphan. The new convict. The new prostitute.
But t’was a nice place. It looks like lots have changed about the site but the people are as weird as ever. And by people, I mean you, the person who is reading this right now. You’re weird. So am I.

So the last time I came here was January 9, 2011, according to the last blog I posted. It’s been a year and a bit and I think I’ve matured since then.
No really. I think I may actually be more mature and responsible.
Or at least capable of rational thought.
I’m glad to see this site has matured as well. Maybe not you guys, but the layout of this place and stuff. It’s pleasanter than I remembered. And the number of members have grown. Or at least I think it as.
I thought it’d always be cool to have a great massive amount of members on this site. But too many people, and eventually the site might lose the thing which makes it so comfortable and friendly. Maybe. Maybe not.

I think my tastes have matured as well. My tastes in games, phones, technology, women, and maybe even my taste buds. I’m not sure why, but I feel compelled to talk about games on this site. MMOTales was mostly about games and stuff. VuTales seems to be a bit more broader and free-er. But still, Maybe it’s a thing that carried on spiritually.
See, a year ago I would have said I played games for the heck of it or getting away from life, forgetting issues and stuff. I played games because I just had too much time and felt I needed to use it up. I think a year ago, I was playing lots of action or fps games.
Well, now I play games because… I think my reasons have expanded. Yes, I still play because I’m bored and want to kill time. And yes, I still play to get away from life. But now I also interact with friends through gaming- just having a blast online and, even better yet, offline. Co-op story campaigns are quite a blast.

And then there’s another, newer reason to why play games. I don’t really read books too much. I was an avid reader when I was younger. Oh, the joys of youth. But maybe I’ll save that for another day. I found that certain games were able to substitute in terms of plot. And i never went back.
But I recently started recognizing the beauty behind certain games; the art it really is.
Wow, that sounds deep.
But it’s true. I had always viewed games as art. But certain indie games then convinced me further.
So that’s why I’m playing Journey. It might not be as action-y as Uncharted or competitive as League of Legends but there’s something about this game that makes it feel… surreal and amazing.
I don’t think I would have appreciated it if I was any less mature.
Or weird.

I remember the last blog I wrote was about Canadian phone carriers.
Yes I live in Canada.
You can see how much the smart phone market has matured as well. I was last seen ranting about the absence of LTE and dual core. Canada has both now.
It seemed to be that I once lusted for a powerful phone. Powerful specs. More cores, more rams, more pixels, more G’s than just 3G, more everything.
And yet now, on the eve of quad-core smart phones entering the market, I don’t seem to be lusting for those kinds of specs anymore. I seem to be able to overlook specs now. I’m not as blinded by tech specs as I once was before.
My eyesight is still bad though.
I’ve been finally able to settle on a phone. a beautiful phone with just the right amount of power.
Ever heard of the Xperia P?
It may not be the most powerful, but it’s the small details that matter. I think this may be my next phone.
Try Googling it up. Maybe it’ll be your next phone too? Who knows.
Or maybe you’d like more cores in your phones? Too bad I guess.

I feel like I’ve summarized a whole year without talking about anything really.
Just kept rambling on and on about stuff.
So, how about you guys? How are you people doing?
It’s good to be back. Let’s see for how long now.


AznRiceFan 24 March 2012 Reply

Lol I just barely got my first smartphone a few months ago.

Nass 24 March 2012 Reply

I live in Canada too <3 Weather's been fucking amazing as of late, but I'm sure it'll change again soon :(
I’m hanging in there, living live outside of Vutales and the Internet pretty much.
End of high school is just around the corner, soooo readyyy

FunnyFroggy 24 March 2012 Reply

I got my first smartphone a couple months ago too.

AznRiceFan said: dey took our jerbs!


AznRiceFan 25 March 2012 Reply

I’m not hip, I’m not on Draw Something.

FunnyFroggy 25 March 2012 Reply

omg be hip. go dl it.

greenelf 25 March 2012 Reply

also you should start a game with “greenelf”

David 26 March 2012 Reply

Lol, playing with Froggy.

I’ll add you greenelf. 😀

Waffle 26 March 2012 Reply

Blog style reminds me of when I blogged on MMOTales

Waffle 26 March 2012 Reply

Also I have an Xperia Play. The buttons are nice. I like it. Not the most powerful phone but i get a lot of attention for it.

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