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Chapter 0 – Prologue

A century ago the peoples of Russia and Europe had solely worked together to make a device capable of making your mind and senses seem like you were in another world. A world for you to forget your earthly troubles and dive into an enhanced ‘utopia’, where even death was impossible. It was a tedious and long project that took years to build and make. But, finally, they launched their first successful device, which they called ‘Vtk’. Vtk was like a helmet which you put on your head to enter the artificial world. All you had to do was put it on and, from a press of a button, you would immediately enter into the other world. This device was extremely convenient; for it updated itself so you wouldn’t need to buy a new one every week or so. The sole company that helped the most in the making of this product and produced it was named the Ven Society, or Ven for short.

This whole project was powered by two supercomputers. They were built to help each other, and were impossible to shut down or be overrun by viruses. See, as one of them failed, the other had a system that immediately restored the other in a matter of seconds. As the world was updated and expanded, other machinery revolved around the two computers. These computers sent waves to the Vtk, which then re-sent them in a different format to your brain. This allowed players to move with absolute detail and customize their own characters in their own little way.

Everything felt by the character in-game was also felt by the player, giving the game an almost life-like sensation. Environments were created as seen fit by the supercomputers and by the player’s own wishes. The details of this somewhat new game was so close to real life, that you really actually couldn’t tell the difference. Abilities, classes, and others of the sort were all available at some point inside the game. Nobody doubted that Ven’s new game was the best online game there ever was, and probably ever will be.

It was a huge hit in Asia and in a matter of years it was shipped to North America and other rival countries. Vtk was a very soon adopted into many families for it was a cheap and worthy product. Other projects for the same of this kind of technology quickly came and fell, for none could compete with Vtk. And thus, the world of Perfection existed.
How is it? this was completely inspired by KiraYamato's fanfic Infinence 😛

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