Near-Christmas Update

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Kay, just thought I'd type up a blog since I haven't in a while.

Nothing really special with me has happened, not like anything usually would. Break started a couple days ago and I finally got my report card. Even though I already new my marks ahead of time it was still kinda a shock to see an almost straight B card, and low B's at that. Oh well, its better than C's, right? I have to get a 90% average next term though, shouldn't be too hard if I start trying for once, because my mom promised me a cell-phone if I did. And also since I don't want to face the same shame as I had before, the shame of seeing almost everyone else in my Odyssey class get the Honor Roll while I didn't. Its sad, really. Anyone got any advice on studying? Every time I try to read my Science textbook, it just goes in one ear and leaves through the other.

I still can't believe how stupid I was. I think I've said before that I had to do volunteer hours. Well, I'd be almost done by now if I hadn't forgotten to get the signature from my supervisor three times in a row. I can't even ask anymore since the program I was volunteering at is over. I feel like such an idiot.. Now I need a new place to volunteer too. Such a pain.

Break's so boring. I've never thought it would be, but it just is. I can't seem to work on stuff from school either. I made myself a to-do list yesterday, but its completely useless. After this imma go try and finish reading a book from English class. That should take a couple hours out of the day.

I haven't touched Photoshop in awhile. I don't make anything with it anymore, either I'm too lazy to or just too busy. Eh, too bad I'm going to have to. Dunno why I feel bad just using it again to make a couple web pages for my group in Science class.


Oh yeah, my oldest sister finally got a job. Pays like, $26 an hour or something. Not bad, right? Though I doubt that she'd help my parents when my mom retires in February. My dad has to go on a business trip to Mexico or something once every month now that he can't afford to lose his job. None of us really mind, but something always manages to happen when my dad's not here. Or maybe its just my imagination.

Mira's getting better, hardly ever skips school anymore. Even got straight A's on her report card. I guess she's just bored nowadays in break, because she started Maple again.


Me and Mira both take tennis classes, me public and her private. Actually, I took two classes a week; both on the weekends. The one on Saturday always seemed easier to me, the people there were worse than the ones on Sunday. I don't know why I thought that I'd get two evaluations. Whatever it was, I put less effort on the Saturday class than I did on Sunday, and it was unfortunate that the evaluation was actually on Saturday. Yeah, I'm supposed to repeat the same level class. The coach for Sunday is different than Saturday and he thought that I did better than what the Saturday coach had given me, so he was supposed to bump me up a level. He didn't end up doing it, but I'm up a level anyway because I only have time for that one class. I'm dropping a class next term for it, never having the same mistake of doing two classes again.

Eh, I'm out of things to say again. Imma post another update again like, two weeks from now, hopefully with more content. Merry Christmas?

One Comment

spygirl57 24 December 2009 Reply

Make a CD with all of your favorite songs. Then while your studying, you can play the music IN THE BACKGROUND and it might help you concentrate more because something you like is playing. Thats what I do, except I put it on my laptop and then I get distracted because I keep changing the songs. So make a cd. it might work! 😀

What grade are you in? That matters especially with what grades you get. In high school you have to try all the time, not just when you want a cell phone or something. I’m only in grade 9, but I listen to my brother when he lectures me about High School. ._.

Tennis: Don’t assume. I make that mistake allllllllll the time. In swimming class, I thought we weren’t getting evaluated for our time swims, so I was lazying around that class. Thats when I realized that the “substitute” instructor we had in that day was an evaluator. T_T I still ended up passing my bronze medallion though. 😀

Congrats to your sister!

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