
By In Uncategorized

Eh. Hai. I have a feeling a lot of people don't really remember me anymore. Not that I'm surprised, been lurking for a while. Mmkay.

First Things First:

To whoever is now the youngest of the Vutalers, I give a pat and a double chocolate chip cookie. With this I give you the torch. May it stay lighted for the smallest to be recognized and somewhat respected. I entrust this stick so it may be handed down to future kids, to see them through years of growth and 'fun' through their year. I salute thee.

Okay, that was probably a couple months late. Bleh. Not my fault. Everyone's busy.


It's not that bad. Doesn't kill me. Got honour roll this month, barely. I'll kill my English teacher if her stupid unreasonable 69% gets me kicked out of the mini program for english. Finally joined the Tennis team. It's actually not as hard as I thought it would be. They didn't have enough people, so even though I got there like a week late they still accepted me. Lost two games though. 0-6/1-6. Hey, THEY'RE grade 12's. I'M grade 8. Judge if you must.

Science is my worst subject by far. I'm thinking it's because I never study for tests and stuff, totally explains the almost F's on quiz's. Eh. I swear the guy starts talking and I start falling asleep. It's so boring. Why do I have to learn about electricity when I'm not going to have anything to do with it when I get a job? Everyone forgets after, anyway. Thank god I'm at the back of the room. And that he never comes back here. It'd be easier to sleep if the people around me stopped stealing my hat.

I hate french. It's almost as confusing to me as Latin. Sure, it's not SUPPOSED to be hard. They always assume you GET the what, four years of elementary french. Why the hell is it my fault my old school taught Latin instead? Sure, I sleep a lot. At the back of the class again. Can't help it. Force of wonderful habit. Speaking of which, I should finish this soon. I'm getting sleepy.

Band class isn't so bad, I guess. I never practice, but that doesn't mean I get THAT much worse. With things like instruments, I tend to get better even without playing for a while. Except for piano. If you count, three years and I've went down three levels of it. Makes me sad, a little. Violin's too small to play. Quit my sax lessons. Didn't need em. Teacher didn't want to teach a kid who didn't practice, was half-asleep, and didn't memorize his charts. I'm a kid. What kind of kid does mental work for the heck of it?

Finally finished drawing people's faces in drawing class. Now I have to draw hair. Isn't that just great? Hair.

I want to raid someone's house. Nobody lives around me is interesting enough.

It hasn't rained for a week. I've had tennis practice for a week. I'm tired.

My internet keeps coming on and off. It's annoying.

I need a new shirt.

PE, we're playing field hockey. It hurts more than hockey.

I'm running outta stuff to say. Again. Swell.

Our band teacher talks too much. I've heard the same lecture 20 times. I'd rather play.

My phone died. I got a new one. Samsung Galaxy Spica.

No, I don't have a girlfriend.

I still have monopoly money in my room. Prop for Romeo/Juliet. I was Romeo. So was five other people.

Hunger hurts.

I've had a cold for five months now. A cough for two.

Tennis team isn't in playoff hunt anymore. I think. Why do we suck now? Doubles is hard.

My mom spends four hours making dinner that's supposed to take one hour.

I haven't touched Photoshop in a long time. Comp got killed, have to find all my old stuff again. Lazy. Nothing to make anyway.

It's 7 and still not dark yet.

My mom retired.

The world is a wonderful place. Cept in HK.

I'm going to HK in the winter. For a week. I think I'm going to die.

Kay, I'm done now. Isn't it great how much stuff I've been doing for the past four months?


Nass 17 April 2010 Reply

lol 5 (or 6 counting you rite?) Romeos?

Juliet you whore.

Gujju 17 April 2010 Reply

I still think you are the youngest on Vutales. 😛

JrRepty 17 April 2010 Reply

Ahahah, isn’t school just fun? 😛

lahdeedah2 17 April 2010 Reply

I’m 13, ;o

Dest1 17 April 2010 Reply

Testicular is 12.

Arladerus 17 April 2010 Reply

Souseiki, which city are you in?

Pirkid 17 April 2010 Reply

Dee is 4

darkness 18 April 2010 Reply

You can question electricity now, but when you’re gonna need to screw in a light bulb…

Souseiki 18 April 2010 Reply

@Arladerus: Vancouver. Home of the 2010 winter olympics~

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