♠ 07
Hey guys been a whiles since I blogged, whats new?
Anyways, a lot of shit has gone down since last time, so I guess I'll get right to it
Quit games; they've been so detrimental to my studies 😡 It was hard but I managed to break away
I mean, not drilling lead into peoples' heads has caused me to find other ways to express rage (punchmedog)
Somethingsomething happened between me and my girlfriend ;] aboutdamntime
But the main point of this blog is to express my deep dislike for a certain individual
My french teacher
She is so too much of a pmsing little bitch that she can't go through a day without judging things based on emotion
Did I mention she was prejudiced
Black gui: "madamoiselle est-ce que je peux a la toilette?"
shitstain: "no"
Little white girl suck up bitch: "madamoi–"
shitstain: "yes"
Plus she bashes on anyone she doesn't like
Anyone who she doesn't like that makes a single peep when shes pissed is doomed
She will literally trick you into talking just for an excuse to fuck with you
shitstain: "whats number 3 anyone"
blackgui: "huit-"
So we fucked with her for the luls
Everyday at the beginning of 7th period the teacher always comes into class 2 minutes after the bell rings
(Yet she assigns detention to anyone who comes in like a second after her)
However, she always leaves her shit behind, including her notebook which she keeps ALL the grades in
My friend brought in an OS reformat disk, and before she came in we popped it in and started the set up real quick
We closed the notebook and put it back in her bag
I don't know if shes found out yet she hasn't opened the laptop yet
Don't worry guys we handled the disk with gloves before putting it in, and everybody are blood bros in the class
We will stand against bitches
good one bro
omgggg teach me how to be like dat!!111
Damn..reminds me of my old days..bypassing the security WATCH system on my computers to that I could see what’s on my teacher’s computer instead of the other way around..priceless.
i wish i could do that D: