Hey fellow VuTalers!
I wanted to write a blog that DIDN'T include heart breaks and hook-ups so here it is. 😀
Graduation!!!!!!! 😀 😀
My graduation is on WEDNESDAYY!!!!
My dress is pink, with black netting at the bottom, and a black ribbon around the waist-ish and there is a rhinestone broach in the middle of the ribbon.
I can't wait!!! :D:D
Its gonna be really fun, but sad at the same time, since my friend (who got arrested for slapping someone, remember?) won't be there, and we're saying good bye and stuff. But I'm really excited, and tomorrow (Monday) I'm getting my nails done, which means my class is gonna see my nails on Tuesday, the day before grad. -__-
Its my mom's fault but I AM STILL REALLY EXCITED.
Oh and its also nice because me and my best friend for FIVE YEARS are going together so we'll walk in together YEY.
I know this blog is really short, but I have nothing else to say.
You’re going to camp on my birthday…
is this middle school graduation or high school graduation?
or college
nvm i just looked up your age
middle school graduation
don’t be so high’d up about it.
theres definitely better things than middle school graduation
i hated mine cuz it was shitty, so i skipped it
they mail the diploma home anyway, the scroll thing that they give you on stage is just for show
when you open it, it’ll say “fuck you, you graduated middle school! go the fuck home and check your mailbox”
its funny cuz i watched my graduation on my school roof and i called my teacher that i was really sick
i skipped with a couple friends who “supposedly” said that they were in a car crash
can you fucking believe taht my shitty middle school held the graduation AT THE SCHOoL PARKING LOT?
Poor Max didn’t have a nice graduation. *pats him on back*
And awww your dress sounds adorable!!! =D pix later plz
@Pains : Sowwwiii! 🙁 Happy early birthday then 😀
@ woahmax: I’M STILL HIGH ABOUT IT BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH ITS GAY (the lunch is in the next door rec centre and the dance is in the gym) IM STILL WITH MY FRIENDS 😀
@ Dee: I will 😀 😀 😀