
By In Uncategorized

Hey everyone. Vutalers…
I know i haven't been on in a LONG time. I guess.. idk, i felt like i wasn't wanted, honestly. >< Then my brother told me I wasn't around long enough to feel really included, so im back. I missed you guys honestly. I loved the advice and help everyone gave me. It made me happy, and i realized I wanted that again.

So anyways, how is everyone?
Recent news :
1) I failed grade 9 French with a 45. I swear I tried, but the fact I don't like it makes learning it worse. >< Plus, my teacher was honestly the biggest retard, plus she smokes and does drugs and stuff. Thats what I heard, but idk. I'm starting summer school on the 19th, to the 30th. T_T 8am to 1:30pm. 🙁

2) The guy I like, we've been friends off and on, its really irritating, but for now, we're friends again.

3) My friends are okay, except two are moving. And the other is just REALLY pissing me off. Another, me, her & my best friend for like 6 years, are becoming really close. So the one thats pissing us off keeps calling our new friend her "replacement". She was always down on her self, but honestly?! If she's going to act like a bitch about everything, obviously we won't talk to her the same. T___T

So thats my story. Honestly, I really missed you guys. Hope you missed me too . 😀


EDIT: BTW, i got a cell phone, I have finished grade 9, FINALLY, I FRIGGIN HATE HIGH SCHOOL, and I am not happy with my parents.


Arladerus 15 July 2010 Reply

I think I managed to slip through french with like an 88. I dunno how

spygirl57 15 July 2010 Reply

I got a 45.

MasterCheeze 15 July 2010 Reply

Pretty sure Pirkid pretended to have a sister, and he’s the one that’s actually spygirl57. Just like Dest is FunnyFroggy.

BlackNazgul 15 July 2010 Reply

Lul wait, Dest is FunnyFroggy?!

-=The Nazgul=-

MasterCheeze 15 July 2010 Reply

Dude, you never knew? Just like Dest was Muffin, Dest is also FunnyFroggy. I totally debunked their shenanigans a loooooong time ago.

SirPainsalot 15 July 2010 Reply

Yay, yer back! :3

Arladerus 15 July 2010 Reply

Lol nvm I knew my french wasn’t that great, 83

tarheel91 15 July 2010 Reply

Is spygirl really supposed to be Pirkid’s sister? I was unaware.

Gujju 15 July 2010 Reply

Unless pir is also out there looking for pictures of girl who look similar to him, pretty sure she is real 🙂

spygirl57 15 July 2010 Reply

LOL yes guys, I am very real and definitely pir’s sister. 😀

& … Dest is Funnyfroggy? And muffin? o.O

& Thank you SirPainsalot! 😀

Arladerus 15 July 2010 Reply

Spygirl, are you still 13? Gullible age is gullible

spygirl57 15 July 2010 Reply

…I’m turning 15 in september.
I get confused easily. D:

tarheel91 15 July 2010 Reply

In regards to Dest and Froggy: one of their IPs is from Cali, the other from DC.

spygirl57 15 July 2010 Reply

OH okay.
I get it now.
Hes not REALLY Froggy. 😉
… Right?

darkness 15 July 2010 Reply

I don’t see why you’re so celebratory about clearing ninth grade and being so angry about high school when you have three more years of it.

Nass 15 July 2010 Reply

What the fuck?? 8-1:30?
That’s bullshit. Your school system sucks.
Mine however, is perfect. 2 hours of summer school INCLUDING a 20min break after an hour 🙂

Edit: Past French with a 92 btw.

spygirl57 15 July 2010 Reply

darkness : exactly, thats what sucks so bad.

nass: ONLY 2 HOURS? LUCKY! we only get a 20 min break from 10:30 to 10:50 T_T
And lucky. D:

Nass 15 July 2010 Reply
spygirl57 said:

nass: ONLY 2 HOURS? LUCKY! we only get a 20 min break from 10:30 to 10:50 T_T
And lucky. D:

Yea brochacho, you can even choose when you wanna go. (Well there’s like 3 slots. 8-10am which no one chooses, 10:30-12:30pm which everyone chooses. And 12:30pm-2:30pm which again, a few people choose.)
That’s why going to summer school is such a delight sometimes. It’s just 2 hours of you chilling with your friends then hitting up the mall.

spygirl57 16 July 2010 Reply

LOOL wooow. 😐
I wish ours was like that. T_T

Dest1 16 July 2010 Reply
tarheel91 said: In regards to Dest and Froggy: one of their IPs is from Cali, the other from DC.

Well no shit. Cheese thinks I’m Quang, as well.

spygirl57 16 July 2010 Reply

I knew that. Totally knew that.

DarkDragoon 16 July 2010 Reply

Dest just admit it.
Acceptance is the first step to recovery

Dest1 16 July 2010 Reply
DarkDragoon said: Dest just admit it.
Acceptance is the first step to recovery

no u

spygirl57 16 July 2010 Reply


Pirkid 16 July 2010 Reply

No, I’m actually Lisa.

Lisa 16 July 2010 Reply
Pirkid said: No, I’m actually Lisa.



Dest1 16 July 2010 Reply
Lisa said:

Pirkid said: No, I’m actually Lisa.




spygirl57 16 July 2010 Reply

… I always knew my brother was a girl.

FunnyFroggy 16 July 2010 Reply

wat Lisa is AxiomFable? o_o

Cheeze is delusional. He accused me of being a prepubescent white boy and/or a duck. :[

tarheel91 16 July 2010 Reply
Lisa said:

Pirkid said: No, I’m actually Lisa.



Same IP as Pirkid. O_o Hax.

spygirl57 16 July 2010 Reply

I am so confused right now.

spygirl57 16 July 2010 Reply

Ikr. ^ 🙁

MasterCheeze 16 July 2010 Reply
Dest1 said:

tarheel91 said: In regards to Dest and Froggy: one of their IPs is from Cali, the other from DC.

Well no shit. Cheese thinks I’m Quang, as well.

No wonder Quang hasn’t been around! You’ve been going with the “Dest1” alter-ego quite a lot lately.

spygirl57 17 July 2010 Reply

…I’m confused again.

dee32693 17 July 2010 Reply

its best not to even bother when they get like this spygirl xD

on another note, welcome back! :O i kinda know what your friend feels like as i cant hang out with my friends in the summer as much as i can in the winter and this sophomore girl is now hanging out with all of them and basically taking up the spot where i used to be. i feel like going “I SEE I GOT REPLACED..” but i wouldnt do that because i know tthat no matter how fun she is, another girl couldnt ever replace me. shes just a new addition.

thinking like this is what your friend should do. but seeing as shes most likely in ninth grade going up, mature thought and future thinking isnt what yallz do best :3

spygirl57 18 July 2010 Reply

LOL true. o.o

thank you. 😀 & aaaw, try making plans with them.

and I’ve tried telling her, she didnt listen. And LOL also true.

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