Been raiding on my Warrior in Lenaria.
Been helping the Archons organize preparations for the new Kynari.
Oh, and squished a total of 37 Different Vanov players, 12 Feos and 19 Ostys today within an hour before I hit Lv 46 in LME Today.
It all started two days ago…
We took advantage of Feonir's attempt to change Lord Marshal hands. The current Lord Marshal wished to pass it to Crabs.
Naturally, we mass raid them and clear out their temples.
Needless to say, Osty, the idiot nation that tries to use everybody (They tried striking a deal with Lenaria and Alethius, which failed and led to their LM exiling to Aleth)
decides to assist Feo in raiding us back to gain support from the weakening nation.
Lenaria's relics departed in under fourty minutes, and I had to go to bed, seeing it was 5am D:
Out of anger, and the many Vanovians, Feonirians and Ostyrians stating that Lenaria were weak and the LM Alliance was incompetent, a bunch of me and my Archon guildies decide to take a holiday in Vanov, Feo and Osty.
Warriors were never really mean for honorfarming. We're reliant on our moveability, and I was sick and tired of Feos and Vanov warriors ganing up on me Cuz I was still wearing my level 40 gear ):
After much bounty hunting, I killed the above numbers of players alone, though about 6 of the Vanovs were lured, chasing after me, hoping to gang-secks me, until I stunned them in a long line and a guildy Sonic Blasted the bazingas outta them (:
So this be-ith a warning.
Do NOT underestimate warriors. Shockwave is sexual (:
Ohohoho, life's good.
I’ll give you 24 hours to add more content. Then this blog will be deleted. Blogs need more meat than this. Otherwise just post in the forums.EDIT: Disregard that. It’s been fixed.
Has this been edited since tarheel’s warning? If not, I believe that it’s an acceptable length.
It has been edited. It was 4 short lines before.
Eh. Lenaria. At least you’re not from Alethius. Those bastards.
anyways u sux how dare u insult teh vanovz
I’ll get into Aika when my WoW subscription ends. I already made a toon on Vanov.