Tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow

By In Uncategorized

Before I even get started, the blog title has absolutely no relationship to what I'm going to write. I just though it sounded cool (and for the people who don't know, it's from Macbeth's famous…monologue?).

Meh, anyway…here's another blog that will most likely bore you, because, once again, my life is average (I know I'm ripping off of MLIA).

Yay, I didn't have to wake up early today (well, I have to tomorrow, but whatever)! I studied for a test that was in the first period (Social Studies (kinda like History): World War II) while eating breakfast. My mom kept on telling me not to read while eating, because, according to her, it will make my eyes turn bad. She's probably BS-ing again anyway. I wanted to put on some shorts again, but we were back to typical west coast weather: cold and raining. Luckily for me, I decided to grab my umbrella before leaving the house.

Well, I wrote my test fairly quickly; some answers I had to guess though, and that's never a good sign. Hopefully, I didn't do that bad (don't want to ruin my 93%). We finally finished watching "Saving Private Ryan" today; the ending was so cheesy, and so pro-American. Seriously, it's not like we don't know what the Stars and Stripes look like . After that, we basically did nothing, so I decided to study for a physics quiz on a lab we did on Monday. Ya know, friction, normal force, force of gravity and stuff.

Time for the most useless class again! Right..I forgot to tell you (not that you're interested anyway, but still..): apparently, I had to memorize two songs for choir by lunch today, so I grab my choir folder to Mandarin class to memorize it quickly. The teacher made us to this stupid listening assignment with really weird Mandarin and fobby English; painful. In the end, I never managed to finish memorizing the songs for choir, and ended up doing nothing in that class. Not even the physics stuff I brought with me (not that I would do it anyway, but..).

As usual, lunch time came along, and I had my choir rehearsal. I know I shouldn't have sang with a sore throat, but our music tour is in two days, and our performance is in three days. I would feel bad if I didn't participate in the rehearsal, so I ended up singing probably very badly. Although I wished we could have done some other songs, we were going to perform the songs we did recently at another festival because our other songs just aren't up to par yet. And, like usual, I had no time to eat my lunch during rehearsal, and was forced to do so in my next class.

The first thing we did was to do the physics quiz on the lab; I think I got some questions wrong, but then again, I still hope that I'm right? After that, we had some time to work on our physics homework before the chemistry lesson. The lesson was about gases again; this time, we learned about the three gas laws and how to solve problems using them. Pretty boring lesson, if you ask me, even though my teacher showed us how they worked by doing different sets of experiments.

I go home to realize that I still need to choose a new sonata for piano, so I pick up the book my piano teacher writes in and wanted to go find them on Youtube. Sadly, I still had a presentation to work on for Social Studies, so I had to type out notes to stick on cue cards. I print them out after procrastinating on Facebook, and guess what? I can't find any scissors or glue in my house! Luckily for me, I eventually found a glue stick, but I had to use my ruler to rip straight edges. After I stuck them on the damn pieces of cardboard; I know I should at least rehearse it through once, but then I don't want to do something like that where someone (namely my family) could hear me. Hopefully they'll go out later tonight.

I managed to get some piano practice done too! The Ballade by Brahms I'm currently working on is far from done, but it does sound pretty awesome when it's good.

Now I'm writing Chinese characters out because I have a test tomorrow, and my Chinese (and pinyin) sucks.

Normal, mundane person, signing out!


Gujju 21 April 2010 Reply

Yay for non excitement

Elaine 21 April 2010 Reply

lol there’s no such thing as “normal”
So it makes you weird for saying you’re normal. 😛


SaintofSin 22 April 2010 Reply

flawed logic is flawed?

Taelin 22 April 2010 Reply

Logic itself is flawed? Does it even exist?

SaintofSin 22 April 2010 Reply

afaik, logic is a system or science, not some abstract concept..

Chameleon 22 April 2010 Reply

Sounds like how my average day usually goes… kinda. xD Band, physics, calc, history, and then Mandarin when I go home lol.

Do you take voice lessons?

Taelin 22 April 2010 Reply

@SaintofSin: Lol, I dunno; was BS-ing there and kinda high on sugar xD.
@Chameleon: Nope; the only vocal training I get is from choir.

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