Sweet is the sound of my newborn wings

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Just so I can clear up any misunderstanding: the title of this blog is from a very good song by some very good singers =). My choir is performing this song soon too! Below is a video of this very good song.

In other news, I finally got around to my first driving lesson this afternoon! The first thing I did wrong was go 60 km/hr. on a small street; I'm already walking along the path of being a bad Asian driver. It's pretty fun though, once I got the hang of it (driving, not speeding, though that wasn't bad either!). Time for some West Coast pride while I'm at it:

I can't wait until I can start driving properly!

To end this random blog off is Alexander Rybak, who won the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest.


Lithium 16 May 2010 Reply

Hell yeah.
Boob-ley is the shit.

Gujju 16 May 2010 Reply

God i LOVED Fairytale back when he won. And he is so ADORABLE <333

Pirkid 17 May 2010 Reply

I sing Buble when I drive because I can mach his pitch at exactly one octave lower…I can’t do that for most anyone else (others include deadmau5 and Stilito).

Taelin 17 May 2010 Reply

@ Lithium: And his hometown is my city =).

@ Gujju: HE IS 😀 <3. And he's talented too! Who doesn't like a guy who can fiddle?

@Pirkid: Wow, you must have a deep voice..

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