Hello everyone. So I signed up here and, for who knows what reason, decided to write a blog. This is going to be something about my Maple life and my personal life. I highly encourage you not to read this amazingly long bio, but in case you really have absolutely NOTHING better to do with the next 10 or so minutes of your life, feel free to read on.
So, here goes. 😀
I've been playing Maple since '05 and I had a few screwup characters. I always wanted to have a Mage (I always pick spellcasters and magicians in every game I play) so I made a Magician. I got it to lvl 33, made it a F/P, with maxed both Magic Bolt and Magic Claw and no points in Magic Guard, with about 20+ STR and DEX. When someone started laughing at me in Ant Tunnel I realized the huge mistake I made so I deleted him and made a new guy. He managed to get to 35, also a F/P, and then someone told me that I made a mistake of not maxing Magic Guard (I maxed Magic Armor instead, thanks to some defective guide on HiddenStreet xD). As you might know, it was extremely hard to level back then, so don't be surprised when I tell you that both of those chars took about 2 years of my life. Anyway, I deleted the other F/P and I started Taranoleion in '07, I believe. He's been my only character since. He's also the highest level I ever got to. xD Can't wait to get to 4th job. <3
I love training at Skeles as much as I hate it. I get godly amounts of EXP for lvl 114, but if I'm not completely focused, I tend to die pretty often.
I love whenever we get new content and always get uber psyched whenever Nexon releases a new patch. 😀
I'm not an NX user, partly because I find 90% of the things in the CS useless (the 10% include – pets that loot for you, shops, 2x exp, safety charms, so basically actual useful things that aren't just for show), but mostly because there are no prepaid cards here where I live, I don't have my own credit card that I can use PayPal with and my mom won't let me use hers. xD
I made a pact with myself that I'm never going to buy a Zhelm/HT Pendant/Mark of Narician/whichever else godly equip they come up with. I said that I'm going to earn it. Go on a run and get my own helm when the time is right for me. Those things weren't originally intended to be sold, so I'm not going to spend money on something that I can eventually get for myself. (I will accept them as gifts for free though. xD)
In real life I like doing stuff on my computer, even though my knowledge is pretty limited. [(Well, maybe not, but it's not what I'd like it to be. (Perfectionist alert! – I blame my parents.)] I occasionally play games on my Nintendo DS (even though my touchscreen is broken atm, so each game that requires the touchscreen to function is pretty much useless xD), I sing solo and in a choir (I also used to be in a band for a short while) and I like to believe I'm pretty good at it. I used to be in a drama group, had a lot of fun there, but it fell apart. Sad, I know.
I'm kind of a nerd, seeing that I passed each of my grades with straight A's (meaning I had an A in each of my classes, not that I aced each of my exams, lol), but I'm also an avid procrastinator which makes my being a nerd at the same time pretty weird. I guess I'm just talented. xD I plan to go to college next year, but I have no idea what I'm going to study. I'm actually pretty clueless about my future. (But then again, who isn't?)
I'm really interested in the possibilities of the human mind and the subconscious realm. I have these uber weird dreams every now and a then that are just so random it amazes me. (I once started laughing at the randomness of a dream, in the dream, and I was laughing so hard that I started actually laughing, which, of course, woke me up xD) I might post some of my dreams in blog format at a different time, depending on how many people on this site will actually care about me. <3 ?
I live in a beautiful country in Eastern Europe called Croatia (link provided for those who never heard of it. :D) I speak 3 languages (Croatian, English and German) fluently and a bit of Czech (pretty rusty though).
I'm 17. (Turning 18 in June.) Here is a picture of my sexy self. 😀
I also have a Book of Faces, add me if you have one as well. 🙂
That's about it, not sure what else to say.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. 😀
P.S. Blog preview button pls. <3
Why hello there!! 8D I’m dee, not sure if we know each other so might as well introduce myself, and im also 17! =D seeing as you gave out your facebook i assume it free property and ill add you after i finish this sentence.
i skimmed your blog and got most of the info yo xD soooo watsup? =O
Hello, dee, nice to meet you. 🙂
Thanks for adding me. Your assumption was right, that’s pretty much what I wanted to accomplish by posting my FB account. 😀
No skimming, read the whole thing! >:D
What server do you play in?
Windia. I posted in your thread. 😀
nvm You’re Dee’s friend. xD
hay Sup?
I just added you on faec of books… or something.
Enjoy it here!
Hey there, I’m Dest, but people also know me as Ken. -adds on Facebook-
A newcomer!
Hai hai hai!
Name’s Nass.
Or Nassanei
Or Mike.
But you can call me Nassanei
Or Ass of the N
Whatever floats your boat.
V is da boss around here. In case you don’t know.
I’m sure you did.
But whatever.
I’m Nass. Oh wait I said that.
I pleh Maplestory too.
Like I play Private Servers.
And I go on GMS to talk and stuff.
So yeah.
I’m gonna stop.
Cuz this is long.
/facebook add
hay Sup?
I just added you on faec of books… or something.
Enjoy it here!
I’m Dee’s friend as of today. If you’re wondering who let me in here, it wasn’t her. 😛
Lol, I’m making lots of new facebook friends! Go me!
Thanks, I will. 🙂
Hello. Lol, thanks for the add. xD
A newcomer!
Hai hai hai!
Name’s Nass.
Or Nassanei
Or Mike.
But you can call me Nassanei
Or Ass of the N
Whatever floats your boat.
V is da boss around here. In case you don’t know.
I’m sure you did.
But whatever.
I’m Nass. Oh wait I said that.
I pleh Maplestory too.
Like I play Private Servers.
And I go on GMS to talk and stuff.
So yeah.
I’m gonna stop.
Cuz this is long.
/facebook add
You’re weird. But, weird is good. I applaud thee. Nice meeting you. 🙂
So who did let you in here? hmm
aha and welcome!
Mr. V. 😀
Welcome sir! I rarely use Facebook, except to look in some people’s photos… /stalker
Anyways. I may seem calm at first, but…
hey dude. I’m Adrian. but everyone here seems to call me Sous, so whatever. 😛
My name is Pir. Welcome to VuTal-
*gives cookies*
Welcome. Judging by the tone of your blog, you’re going to liek it here a lot. 🙂
If you have MSN, or any Instant Messaging service, feel free to post it.
If you have any questions, contact Vusys, or anyone here. We’re all pretty much pros.
And you have to know this.
I’ve used the name Croatia for the name of every continent in every fanfic I’ve ever written. I don’t know why, but I have.
So you are instant-awesome. 😀
Ohai. Welcome. Good Morning. Bonjour. Ni hao. Hola. Ellohay.
I’m Aaron in case you couldn’t tell. Anyways, nice to meet you. -hands a muffin-
In any case, I’m probably the longest lurker on the site, before everyone was allowed to join in and I usually check in on the site every few minutes are so, to see anything new that comes up. Surprised I haven’t noticed this earlier lol.
Here’s a few tips on how to survive in the mental institute known as VuTales:
Talk about zombies a LOT
Eat muffins
Eat cookies
Reject muffins if you’re eating a cookie
Reject cookies if you’re eating a muffin
Always clean your underwear
Don’t listen to me
Don’t listen to anyone else BUT me
Best rulebook there is. To the MSNmobile!
LOGIC IS ILLOGICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah Windia I moved from there =/
anyways hola
My friends dad got a work assignment in Croatia before so yeah ^_^
…well this is it for me so baiii xD
I have the need to reply to each of you who commented on the blog, so here we go.
Anyways. I may seem calm at first, but…
I know how that is. Facebook stalking is awesome!<3
*ahem*, you say? -cough-
Hello, nice to meet you, Adrian/Sous. (I’ll probably call you Sous, since I’m TERRIBLE with remembering names. Hmm, another thing that would be nice to add in the blog. Too late for that though. lol)
My name is Pir. Welcome to VuTal-
*gives cookies*
Welcome. Judging by the tone of your blog, you’re going to liek it here a lot. 🙂
If you have MSN, or any Instant Messaging service, feel free to post it.
If you have any questions, contact Vusys, or anyone here. We’re all pretty much pros.
And you have to know this.
I’ve used the name Croatia for the name of every continent in every fanfic I’ve ever written. I don’t know why, but I have.
So you are instant-awesome. 😀
Hello, Pir. Hm, well, you’re instant-awesome because you gave me cookies before you even greeted me properly. You get bonus points for that. 😀
I already do like it here, so your assumption was pretty much correct.
I do have an msn. Wow, why didn’t I think of that? 😮 (Oh, wait, I did. It’s in my prfile ID whatever page. But, for the lazier of you guys, here it is: [email protected])
-giggles @ pros comment-
Oh, and the fact that you used Croatia everywhere makes YOU instant-awesome, not me. (I used this already, haven’t I?
Hm.. it makes you even more instant-awesome? xD)
I’m Aaron in case you couldn’t tell. Anyways, nice to meet you. -hands a muffin-
In any case, I’m probably the longest lurker on the site, before everyone was allowed to join in and I usually check in on the site every few minutes are so, to see anything new that comes up. Surprised I haven’t noticed this earlier lol.
Here’s a few tips on how to survive in the mental institute known as VuTales:
Talk about zombies a LOT
Eat muffins
Eat cookies
Reject muffins if you’re eating a cookie
Reject cookies if you’re eating a muffin
Always clean your underwear
Don’t listen to me
Don’t listen to anyone else BUT me
Best rulebook there is. To the MSNmobile!
Thanks for the multilingual hello.
OMG I GET MUFFINS TOO? I’m liking this place more and more. <3
Thanks for the FB add. 😀
I do what you do while I procrastinate. It’s fun.
And I’ll be sure to remember the rulebook. It’s pretty self explanatory. 🙂
Exactly! So are zombies. They scare me. 🙁
anyways hola
My friends dad got a work assignment in Croatia before so yeah ^_^
…well this is it for me so baiii xD
Aww. Why’d you move? Windia is fun! (Albeit, overpopulated, but hey.)
Aloha right back at you~
Lol. Well, at least it wasn’t your step-grandmother’s sister-in-law’s adopted alien-baby’s shoemaker’s father who had a work assignment in Croatia. XD
I’m happy at least some of you heard of the place. I wasn’t really expecting much, but this is pretty refreshing. 🙂
Mostly when I go “I’m from Croatia” I get responses like “Where’s that?” and “Uhh… nice.” and “Oh, that’s in SouthEast Asia, right?”. Hooray for general knowledge!
P.S. Thanks for all the likes! <3
Since 2005!
Yeah, well, I had my offs and ons. Sometimes I just got so busy with school that I didn’t play for months. I actually got unaddicted. And then, one day, I had nothing to do, and I turned on Maple. I was addicted right back. That happened 2 or 3 times maybe. I never actually quit though, just took a break. 😀
Ohhh wow.
I always quit.
Like, I play it every 2 years. xD
Welcome to ye! 😀
A wild Newcomer(Filip) has appeared!
It appears to want to battle!
-Throws out Horntail-
-Newcomer fainted!-
Oh yeah, welcome.