Zombie dream

By In Uncategorized

So, since I got the suggestion to talk about zombies a lot, my subconscious decided to follow it. I know that because the day after I joined VuTales I had a weird dream. 😀 Didn't have time to post it sooner though. You'll forgive me.
This dream has a creepy and depressing and demented aura about it. I urge you not to question my mental health, because I have happy dreams as well. 😀
This is going to be pretty longish [EDIT: understatement of the year], so brace yourselves.

It was a long time ago (in the perspective of my dream memories) so don't expect a lot of details. (I'm usually full of them.)
The first thing I remember (even though I'm sure there was other stuff going on before that) is that I was working in some kind of… Jail. Asylum. Something. I was a guard there, wearing a blue suit. (I think I was a blond woman at some point in this dream, but I'm not sure when – at the beginning or at the end. You can pick whichever you like better, it doesn't have anything to do with the storyline, it just happened at one point that I became a blond female guard with my hair somehow twisted, not sure what the English word for the hairdo is.)

Anyhow, the house was really run down. Everything was kind of a dirtyish red-brown color and the paint was falling down the walls at most places. Cracks were everywhere, and there seemed to be a big draft, as if there was a humongous hole in the wall somewhere, but I couldn't really pinpoint the source. Even though the place was completely closed, it felt somehow open and I felt very vulnerable.
As I soon found out, each of the guards working there (including me) was appointed to one room(/cell) and to one of it's residents(/prisoners). All the people in that place were demented, somehow mentally ill and criminals. The worst combination of all, I guessed.
Even though I had no idea what I was supposed to do, all the other guards expected me to know, as if I'd worked there for god knows how long. In retrospect, I felt like I just jumped into that person's body, who had really been working there for a while, but I didn't have the slightest idea of where I was and what I was supposed to do.

I was soon directed to the cell I was supposed to monitor. After the guard escorting me walked away, I went in and there was a chubby guy sitting on a cheap bed (and when I say cheap, I mean a wooden plate chained to the wall and hanging from it) and in a white outfit. There was a window with fat metal bars in his cell. On the other side of the smallish room, there was a PC desk, with a PC on it, of course. The guy had been playing some kind of game, or browsing the web before I got there, not sure what exactly. I talked to him (I knew I had to do that) and even though he was a mentally ill convict, he was pretty friendly, polite and, well, nice. I sensed that the person I was playing at that point was friends with all of his prisoners. (lol)
After a quick chat, about something I can't really remember, I went outside. I was patrolling the hall for some undefinable time span. The hall was pretty short, there were 3 or 4 doors in it and at the end was a stairway made of massive wood leading down. I guessed the building had more floors then just this one.

As I was patrolling the hall, I remembered one of my colleagues asked me to check on his prisoner because he was away somewhere for some reason. So I went into the room opposite of my own prisoner's room. It was even more run down than the whole building. The paint had been completely scratched off the walls and I could see the bricks behind it. There was also a barred window, and the drafty feeling was still present, stronger then ever. I looked over to the bed and saw nothing. The prisoner wasn't there. Then I realized that there was also an old bathtub in the room. The person was even chubbier then my guy, and he was lying in the tub in an awkward position. I tried talking to him, but he seemed pretty annoyed by my presence, so I went out.
I'm not sure what I was doing in the meantime, but at one point I went back in. I left the door open because he was still lying in the bathtub. I guessed he wouldn't get out so quickly.

Now, I'm not sure how or why this exactly happened. I mean, I know something happened, but I don't know what and why. It's a blur. I just know that I found myself staring at the bed in the room, somehow paralyzed. I was looking at myself from a third person perspective, looking at myself mindlessly staring at the bed. Behind me, I noticed the prisoner slowly standing up, walking out of the tub and out of the room. I couldn't do anything about it, I was completely helpless. Some time after he went out and down the stairs, I snapped out of it. I ran out of the room, to alert the other guards, and then I noticed that all the doors in the hallway were opened, while the drafty feeling was coming out of each of the rooms and leading down the stairs. As I went down to see where all the prisoners had gone, I noticed the floor changing color and texture. It suddenly became kind of slimy but at the same time it was made out of intervened fibers. The slimy stuff was slightly slippery. The color of the floor (and soon the whole stairwell) changed to an ugly brownish-gray color (the color you get when you mix all of your Play-Doh colors into one giant mass, hoping to get an awesome color reflecting all the colors of the rainbow, but instead you get an ugly gray blob) with red spots here and there.
As I was walking down the stairs, the whole building continued changing texture to the weird stuff that was on the floor, and there were more and more pink/red spots around. (Later I realized that those were human faces, lengthened, expressing a kind of agonizing scream). I caught up with a few guards from the lower floors that were also investigating the breakout. Apparently, each and every prisoner somehow escaped their cells and slowly walked out of the building, together with some of the guards.

I was on the first floor, last in line of all the other guards that were going outside as well. I then stopped to look out the window, and I saw all the prisoners and guards gathering around in a huge mob, all facing towards the building and mindlessly staring at it. At that point I somehow came to the realization that everyone who was standing outside, in that throng of people, was about to turn into flesh eating zombies. The fact that most of them were demented convicts back when they were still 'humans', didn't really give me a lot of hope about them being all fluffy and sugary once they turned into zombies.
I screamed at the last guard that was right about to exit the building, yelling something in the lines of: "Don't go outside, come back!" But he wouldn't listen. Then I realized that all the future-zombies would charge right back into the building, to find someone who hasn't yet been zombified. I decided I would run back up and lock myself into one of the cells, or get out on the roof, or something, in hope of survival.

During the time I was debating all this, the whole building completely shifted from 'rundown building' to 'zombified-brownish-gray-with-red/pink-face-spots-slippery-play-doh-fibers-fest'. As I turned around and tried running up the stairs, I realized that they were now extremely slippery. So, to avoid slipping and falling down, which would result with me sliding all the way back to the entrance, I decided to walk up slowly and carefully. Of course, as in most of my dreams, when I'm running away from a (mostly supernatural) threat, everything me-shaped starts moving in slow motion, while everything chasing me moves normally. And the decision to run up the stairs slowly and carefully didn't make that any better. So as I was dragging myself up the stairs, alarmed and scared and trying to speed up the process, I heard the zombie horde breaking through the entrance door.

Somehow, I made it up the first batch of stairs, and now I went back from slow motion into normal motion. I quickly ran into one of the cells and closed the door behind me. I could hear the zombies running up the stairs and into the hallway I was in.
From this point on, everything is a blur again. I think I was trying something with the bars on the window, breaking out and running away, but what happened after me hiding in that one random cell pretty much eludes me. I know that more things happened after this, but I just can't remember. I'm sure I didn't wake up though. (Well, I did at one point, but not right then. :D)

Anyway, this is it. Most of my dreams end up like this, the story doesn't have a real beginning nor a real end, a solution. That's what makes them interesting though. It's what gives them their charm.
I hope you guys enjoyed this long read. I'll post some more dreams at some point later. They just fascinate me.

Oh, and so much for "not many details". I swear though, I can usually do even better. xD

If there are any spelling/grammar mistakes, before you bash me or anything, note that I tried my best at doing a spellcheck at 12:40 am with English not being my first language. That's all I have to say.
Now, good night.


Aaron 8 June 2009 Reply

Good. Good.

Taranoleion 8 June 2009 Reply

Only because it’s zombie-themed, thus following your rulebook, or good all in all? 😀

Pirkid 9 June 2009 Reply

lmao. I like the play-doh shapeshifting stuff.

I can;t really criticize because it’s a dream. Really interesting though.
My dreams are just as weird..

Aaru 9 June 2009 Reply

You should read this book Zombie Survival Guide.
I own it.
It tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about Zombie and how to fight them off and what to do… Call me crazy but one day I do believe Zombies will come and kill us all… and damn it i’m ready!

Quang 9 June 2009 Reply
I’m running away from a (mostly supernatural) threat, everything me-shaped starts moving in slow motion, while everything chasing me moves normally]

I also have that kind of feeling sometimes in my nightmares. Something is chasing you, and regardless of how hard you try to run, it just feels as though something is dragging you down (like running through a quagmire)

I’m really interested in these kind of supernatural things like dreaming 😛
I looked into lucid dreaming several months ago, but I was too lazy to do the daily procedures so I kinda stopped xD

FunnyFroggy 9 June 2009 Reply

I used to always get lucid dreams in elementary school, but something happened, and suddenly, no more lucid dreams.

Now, it’s as if I’m watching a movie. :/ But I can still control what I’m going to dream, just not what happens. Like just the general topic you know. I’ll go ‘Hm..tonight I shall dream about slapping Quang senseless, and whaddya know, I’m slapping a person who I believe is Quang. Then w/e happens next, is beyond my control….

Jil 9 June 2009 Reply

The only dream I remember having in a long, long time was last night.

It involved one of my close female friends whom I haven’t seen for a while. In retrospect it was slightly disturbing (read: *kiss kiss*) but I think somehow my sub-conscience decided I needed that. 😛

Maybe it’s telling me I need a girlfriend. lolol

FunnyFroggy 9 June 2009 Reply


Sorry, I’m kinda sick.

SWINE FLU!?!?!?!?

Taranoleion 9 June 2009 Reply
Pirkid said: lmao. I like the play-doh shapeshifting stuff.

I can;t really criticize because it’s a dream. Really interesting though.
My dreams are just as weird..

Yeah, all my dreams, as real as they try to be, always have a randomness factor in them. One time, I had this completely normal dream about climbing a hill and whatnot. Then I entered a house at the top and decided to spend the night or something. Suddenly a guy came in and said “I have no organs!” He then lay down on the floor and on the middle of his chest appeared a poached egg. He said that was his heart now. After that, the egg split in two and those became his lungs. The eggs continued splitting and splitting and in the end he had all of his organs. Then he stood up and said: “CONNECT!” The organs all got near each other and the guy said: “Oof, my veins hurt, must be because all the organs are connected to my heart and blood is flowing through them for the first time, so that’s probably why it hurts.” He said that he was tired and asked his helper (who appeared out of nowhere) to bring him out.
Now THAT’S weird. 😀

Aaru said: You should read this book Zombie Survival Guide.
I own it.
It tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about Zombie and how to fight them off and what to do… Call me crazy but one day I do believe Zombies will come and kill us all… and damn it i’m ready!

Awesome, sounds fun. After watching tons of zombie movies, I realized that if ever zombies really invade Earth, the moment they break into the shelter I’m hiding in, I’ll stop running and let them eat me. It’s a lot simpler then running and hiding and running and hiding and then dying from a stress induced heart attack.

Quang said:

I’m running away from a (mostly supernatural) threat, everything me-shaped starts moving in slow motion, while everything chasing me moves normally]

I also have that kind of feeling sometimes in my nightmares. Something is chasing you, and regardless of how hard you try to run, it just feels as though something is dragging you down (like running through a quagmire)

I’m really interested in these kind of supernatural things like dreaming 😛
I looked into lucid dreaming several months ago, but I was too lazy to do the daily procedures so I kinda stopped xD

Exactly that, running through a quagmire. I talked to a few friends about it and they all say the same thing happens, I think that’s common to all of us.
I’m interested in that kind of stuff as well. I also looked up lucid dreaming, and I’ve been wanting to induce lucid dreams for quite a while now, but I’m also extremely lazy to do all the stuff suggested. Maybe now, once summer break starts. 🙂

FunnyFroggy said: I used to always get lucid dreams in elementary school, but something happened, and suddenly, no more lucid dreams.

Now, it’s as if I’m watching a movie. :/ But I can still control what I’m going to dream, just not what happens. Like just the general topic you know. I’ll go ‘Hm..tonight I shall dream about slapping Quang senseless, and whaddya know, I’m slapping a person who I believe is Quang. Then w/e happens next, is beyond my control….

Why did you lose the ability to lucid dream? You should get back into it. The few times I had a lucid dream were AWESOME. Lucidipedia is your friend. 😀
I can’t even control what I’m going to dream about, I’m so jealous But even that what you have is a form of lucid dreaming. It’s not complete lucidity (power over everything) but you know everything is a dream, so you are lucid. (I hope that was at least a bit motivational :D)

Annona said: The only dream I remember having in a long, long time was last night.

It involved one of my close female friends whom I haven’t seen for a while. In retrospect it was slightly disturbing (read: *kiss kiss*) but I think somehow my sub-conscience decided I needed that. 😛

Maybe it’s telling me I need a girlfriend. lolol

Lol, maybe it is. I love my subconsciousness. It’s so smart and insightful. I wish I could talk to it. 😀

spygirl57 9 June 2009 Reply

Damn. 😐
Definitely different…
and some kid in my school has a mild case of Swine Flu, and is at home recovering.

Quang 10 June 2009 Reply

I like when I have lucid dreams because I do H things 😉

FunnyFroggy 10 June 2009 Reply

I also have no idea what I dreamt sometimes when I wake up which leads me to believe…did I dream at all….? Also I hate it when you go to sleep but like 3 seconds later, you wake up and it’s already morning. WTF!?!!?!? It’s like we’re in the Sims! Hate it.

Also sometimes the dreams are so vivid….liek once…I broke my leg…and when I woke up, my leg was hurting. HOLY SHIT! Turns out I had a cramp lul

Taranoleion 11 June 2009 Reply
Quang said: I like when I have lucid dreams because I do H things 😉

Oh, I know what you mean. 😀

FunnyFroggy said: I also have no idea what I dreamt sometimes when I wake up which leads me to believe…did I dream at all….? Also I hate it when you go to sleep but like 3 seconds later, you wake up and it’s already morning. WTF!?!!?!? It’s like we’re in the Sims! Hate it.

Also sometimes the dreams are so vivid….liek once…I broke my leg…and when I woke up, my leg was hurting. HOLY SHIT! Turns out I had a cramp lul

You did dream. Everyone dreams, even if it’s for a fraction of a second. But everyone dreams, every night, at least once. The only reason people think they don’t is because they can’t remember.
I feel sorry for those people. 🙁

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