Hilarity at School

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Mmm, so this probably isn't the funniest thing that's happened to me in all of my schooling, but right now I can't get my mind off this girl, so I'm going to tell y'all about an experience with my now ex-girlfriend (Praying that changes back in the near future). The one class we share is AP European History. She had to ninja her way into sitting next to me, but we weren't about to miss the one opportunity we had to be together during classes. Anyways, it was a Friday, and I was kind of depressed because she was grounded and our plans for that night had been canceled. (If I ever tell any more stories about her, you'll notice this theme. It's hard to fall for someone when you're hardly alone with them. -_-;) So I'm kind of clearly emo during class and she rubs my back as if to say "aww." Then, because I love messing with things, especially things related to her, I start playing with her hands. It's kind of like holding hands, but I play with her fingers, trace lines on her palm, etc. It's really fun when you're bored. Anyways, the teacher says nothing for about fifteen minutes. I didn't even think anything of what I was doing, as most teachers were fine with such a small display of PDA. Fifteen minutes later though, as I'm answering a question for about the fourth time in that time period, he flips out. "What is this COURTING going on in my classroom!? In my fifteen years of teaching blah blah blah blah blah." He wasn't angry so much as surprised, as if it took crazy balls to hold hands in class. We were embarassed, but found it hilarious. The class came up with this amazing plan though. The next day, he went to the bathroom before class, and when he came in, every girl was casually sitting on the lap of a guy. I have no idea how we kept straight faces, but he didn't say anything for five minutes until it finally got to him.

Oh, and on his tests, he curves it so the person who does the best gets a 100. However, most are entirely multiple choice. So, on the last test of the year, everyone's going to put C for every answer. 🙂

Now that I'm writing this, though, and I'm stuck at the house of the kids I watch afterschool, I'll give another story. I was leaving fifth period with my friend, walking towards the other school building. Suddenly, she growns, complaining that she had to watch THAT movie in Modern Africa, her next class. I replied, "What movie?" She went on to explain that it was this terribly depressing move all about rape in Africa. Right as she says the word rape, this underclassman walking in front of us who we've never seen before in our lives turns around, grins, and gives two thumbs up. He then proceeds to walk away. We kind of fell to the ground laughing our faces off afterward.


Vusys 9 March 2009 Reply

How did you get all the girls to sit on the laps of the boys? O_o;

tarheel91 9 March 2009 Reply
Vusys said: How did you get all the girls to sit on the laps of the boys? O_o;

There’s 10 kids in the class, four girls and six guys. Not many people want to take AP European History when AP Psychology is available instead. We’re part of a small school that has about 125 in each grade. Thus, we all know each other pretty well, especially people in a class like this. Basically, the biggest of the geeks among the guys were ignored, and the four girls just sat on the laps of four guys. It’s pretty easy when you all know each other very well. Plus, I was kind of dating one of them.

Vusys 9 March 2009 Reply
tarheel91 said:

Vusys said: How did you get all the girls to sit on the laps of the boys? O_o;

There’s 10 kids in the class, four girls and six guys. Not many people want to take AP European History when AP Psychology is available instead. We’re part of a small school that has about 125 in each grade. Thus, we all know each other pretty well, especially people in a class like this. Basically, the biggest of the geeks among the guys were ignored, and the four girls just sat on the laps of four guys. It’s pretty easy when you all know each other very well. Plus, I was kind of dating one of them.

Wow. Sounds like school/ college for me. We average 6~12 people in a class now. Except everyone splits off into friendship groups.

Blackboy0 9 March 2009 Reply

I had 1.5k people in my school, 28 people in my classes 😛 You guys have it easy >.<

MasterCheeze 9 March 2009 Reply

TarTar! I was hoping you were the other one to get the spot. ;D

tarheel91 9 March 2009 Reply
Vusys said:

tarheel91 said:

Vusys said: How did you get all the girls to sit on the laps of the boys? O_o;

There’s 10 kids in the class, four girls and six guys. Not many people want to take AP European History when AP Psychology is available instead. We’re part of a small school that has about 125 in each grade. Thus, we all know each other pretty well, especially people in a class like this. Basically, the biggest of the geeks among the guys were ignored, and the four girls just sat on the laps of four guys. It’s pretty easy when you all know each other very well. Plus, I was kind of dating one of them.

Wow. Sounds like school/ college for me. We average 6~12 people in a class now. Except everyone splits off into friendship groups.

Yeah, the class had eight last year. If our Class of 2009 wasn’t so pwnage (my weighted GPA is somewhere around 5.3-5.4, unweighted 4.0 and I’d be fighting for valedictorian with at least 3 others, probably more), the class sizes would be even smaller. The AP Physics C class last year had 7, this year it has 16. Granted, Physics C is tied with Calc BC for my biggest class. The upper 1/3 of our class is so close, though, that there’s very few cliques left, and they still mingle with everyone else plenty.

@Cheeze: Me too. 🙂

David 13 March 2009 Reply

How do you guys get small classes? It’s ridiculous here, because there’s like one school for the entire Guilderland region, there’s over 9000 students in here.

Well, perhaps that’s an exaggeration, but. . . to put it into perspective, we have perhaps 12 people a class, 2 classes, so 24~ people for AP Euro alone.
AP US has maybe more, I’m not sure. Regular classes = 25 to maybe 30 people. X.x”

We don’t even have AP Biology, Physics, and that stuff. It’s just honors. No IB either.

tarheel91 15 March 2009 Reply
david said: How do you guys get small classes? It’s ridiculous here, because there’s like one school for the entire Guilderland region, there’s over 9000 students in here.

Well, perhaps that’s an exaggeration, but. . . to put it into perspective, we have perhaps 12 people a class, 2 classes, so 24~ people for AP Euro alone.
AP US has maybe more, I’m not sure. Regular classes = 25 to maybe 30 people. X.x”

We don’t even have AP Biology, Physics, and that stuff. It’s just honors. No IB either.

In all fairness, I attend one of the best schools in the country. It’s a charter school, and it can limit its enrollment to whatever it wants.

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