V3 was co-developed!

By In Uncategorized

I actually edited a bit of code on the help and rules pages, so technically, I co-developed this version of the site. Give me admin powers! Damnit, Bryan!

Kidding, cause someone’s gonna ask.

I’m in kind of a unique position because I got to have a say in a lot of the decision making process. From the rules to the voting system to parts of the layout, I got to give my opinion on lots of things. So, in a sense, this site is kinda suited to me. I like the current set up a lot. I think it works well for our current community, and allows for growth, as well.

One thing I really like that hasn’t been touched on much is the fleshed out moderation system. You guys can report stuff now, so I don’t have to worry about reading through everything posted to make sure everyone behaves. Also, if I do miss something, you guys don’t have to send me a PM, and it’s much easier for me notice when something’s up.

Hiding posts is temporarily MIA, but it should be back shortly. Aside from that, there’s not much I miss.

What do I want to see in the future?

Polls, but they’re coming. A search feature is something that’s not that big of a deal at the moment, but I think as the site gets older (more QotW, more blogs), and, hopefully, bigger, it will become very useful.

Finally, I think the friend system could be fleshed out a bit more, but it’s not really useful right now. One of the nice things about VuTales is how close the community is and how comfortable we are with each other. However, if the site’s to grow, that closeness can’t last. That’s where friends and groups come in. We can make our general blogs viewable by all, but anything personal we want to just let the smaller community view can be restricted. There’s lots of applications for friends and groups on a site like this, but I don’t see them as particularly necessary at the moment.

All that said, I think V3 is awesome. There’s always ways to improve something, but V3 is pretty damn cool as is. Bryan put a ton of effort into making the site what it is. Do you know how many hats he could’ve collected had he spent his time playing TF2 instead of developing the site!?!?!? Hell, he might even have gotten this shiny medal. Regardless, he deserves your thanks and appreciation.


Vusys 17 February 2011 Reply

Admin for the medal?

Nass 17 February 2011 Reply
TarTar said: You guys can report stuff now


DarkDragoon 18 February 2011 Reply

I’m not liking this just to suck up to TarTar.
Good work y’all.

Joaco 18 February 2011 Reply

Regarding the search thing, I say you have a form with method=”get” + action=”http://www.google.com/?q=site:vutales.com {query}”.

DarkDragoon 18 February 2011 Reply
Joaco said: Regarding the search thing, I say you have a form with method=”get” + action=”http://www.google.com/?q=site:vutales.com {query}”.

Abusing google’s services, that’s just lazy.
Custom search script ahoy!

tarheel91 18 February 2011 Reply
Joaco said: Regarding the search thing, I say you have a form with method=”get” + action=”http://www.google.com/?q=site:vutales.com {query}”.

What if you want to search for a QotW? What if you want to search for a post by a user containing the word “____.” In both cases, Google returns a lot of white noise because it searches by page, not post. A custom search works a lot better, and I think everyone knows how to use google to search a site. There’s no need for a little bar on VuTales to do that.

Dustin 18 February 2011 Reply

I don’t even know where you can see medals.

Nass 19 February 2011 Reply
Dustin said: I don’t even know where you can see medals.

I don’t think you can…

Pirkid 19 February 2011 Reply

Where do you report? Spoilers are broken, they do not word wrap.

EDIT: Never mind. I’m a tool.

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