My history with MapleStory

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Being that I made a journal during the year 2009 about my Maple life because at the time I was severely bored with the game and openly mock the game and decided to archive the problems that Maple had at the time. Maybe one day that Nexon America can give a rats ass about the game and not ignore all the problems this game that I played from December 2005.

Guess that plan fell through the floor.

Got hacked August 18, 2010 and a year later, no remedy to fix the simple problem that even smart ass apes can do. Even if they did fix the problem, I have to make up one year worth of experience and end result would making me ragequit.

Despite being hacked, I still care about MapleStory. Not as my personal plaything but how awful Nexon America is at terrible mismanagement of the game not customer service wise but also game issues as well.

To those who plan to return playing or even try it out, MapleStory is borked. Nothing that I expected out of a Free to Play game for all these years. Granted that it is a Free to Play game and they rely on microtransactions to continue to fund their half assed operations.

I have loads and loads of problems with MapleStory and if managing to convert people from playing this terribly mismanaged game, I have done my job. If not, the person is still in denial and also complaining about the game. I might make a large list of problems that MapleStory have with this game. If I have the time.

I would give anything for the game just to chat with random people at the sauna room at Sleepywood.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


greenelf 10 August 2011 Reply

I met one of my best friends in the sauna room in Sleepy wood. Haven’t talked to her in months though

MasterCheeze 10 August 2011 Reply

Ugh, what I’m mad about most is how useless Victoria Island is. The new layout is retarded, and it’s just one circle with nothing to really explore. I remember back in the day when people would go out of their way to get to good training places, but now it’s like, one place for 30+ levels that EVERYONE goes to, and it’s always crowded, etc. I miss meeting people in Sleepywood too…

SirMeepster 10 August 2011 Reply
greenelf said: I met one of my best friends in the sauna room in Sleepy wood. Haven’t talked to her in months though

Does the sauna even exist still? I remember I used to chill there and watch people play drop games. I met a couple of cool kids there too.

greenelf 10 August 2011 Reply
SirMeepster said:

greenelf said: I met one of my best friends in the sauna room in Sleepy wood. Haven’t talked to her in months though

Does the sauna even exist still? I remember I used to chill there and watch people play drop games. I met a couple of cool kids there too.

Not sure, haven’t actually played in ages

True13lue 10 August 2011 Reply

Oh yeah. Sleepywood sauna…how I miss you…
It was always fun to talk and mess around and watch people play drop games. Sometimes I even won those games.
What I enjoyed was the nice chilled music…one time I went to sleep and left the computer on while I was in the sauna. I fell asleep so fast that when I woke up the next morning I said to myself: “Wow, what the hell? That was fast.”
Good times. I miss maplestory before all that new crap came on. Before the game got too fucking big for my laptop, before all these hackers and crowdedness everywhere. Before constantly trying to find new ways to take your money. Maplestory just got reeeeeally lame. :/
I admit though, there are still times when I want to go back. That sweet sweet time when the music from sleepywood or the forests of Ellinia (forgot it’s name lolol) would lul me to sleep. Or when I would shit myself on the airship ride when Skull Balrog would appear.

Aw…Maplestory. Why? WHYYYY?

darkness 10 August 2011 Reply

Although I can blame Nexon for mismanaging game concepts, I hold my tongue when it comes to patching up hack loopholes. Botters and hackers in every game often have the upper hand, because its harder to fix if the company doesn’t know what the given problem is (hacking and botting are done with sophisticated programs, presumably).

But you do bring up a good point, the good ol’ days were the good ol’ days. Now leveling from 1 to 30 is a string of quests away. I think the best times were 2nd and 3rd job, when it was opportune to explore the far-flung reaches of the Sleepywood Ant Tunnels and Dungeon, as well as El Nath Mine and Lava Dungeons, and also Ludibrium Dungeon, with all of those undead and weird monsters.

AznRiceFan 10 August 2011 Reply

The random metal pig in Pig Beach. Searching desperately for pan lids as a status symbol. Bob the snail. Good times.

Tharticus 10 August 2011 Reply

Sleepywood sauna still exists. People only go there for the NPC to sell their stuff or buy potions. There was a Showa shower house that is exclusive to specific genders and it was big when it came out.

Now, nothing more but a empty room.

darkness 10 August 2011 Reply
AznRiceFan said: The random metal pig in Pig Beach. Searching desperately for pan lids as a status symbol. Bob the snail. Good times.

YES. That pig was awesome. Although sometimes I was the jerk who had to kill it. I also miss Pig Park; now it’s overrun by mushrooms… (reminisces about easy steel)

Pan lids were probably one of my greatest regrets, because I bought my first one for like 300k. Few clicks down the road, couple patches later, a lot more levels, ended up getting esther shield. Free. Platoon Chronos were easy cake by then.

Bob is (I think) still around, and now he’s his own monster. When he dies, he spawns several green snails to assist him. I think he’s the only snail (besides player-owned ones) certified to jump.

Nass 10 August 2011 Reply

Motherfuckin Slime tree. levels 10-15 in a nutshell.


NarutoHater 10 August 2011 Reply

they took out henesys hunting grounds. total fail. i hacked the crap outta the game ever since big bang =D

David 10 August 2011 Reply

Feels like a while ago, but it can’t have been more than 2-3 years right?

Vicelin 11 August 2011 Reply

I wished back in 2008 that they would stop adding new worlds and stupidly altering old ones (the changes to the beginner island being a major peeve, seeing as it eliminated my all-time favorite class, islanders). Seriously, at this point there are just far too many worlds and quests to keep track of, and making it so convoluted just made my feel overwhelmed. It’s not worth my time.

I would timeleap back to beta if I could -.-

tarheel91 11 August 2011 Reply
David said: Feels like a while ago, but it can’t have been more than 2-3 years right?

I started with Closed Beta back in the summer before 8th grade. I would have just turned 13. That was 7 years ago.

I made a strength rogue. Never made it pass 23 because I was so stupid (and I also only trained at the trees; 10-20 slimes, 20+ mushies). Back then, 2nd job was the shit.

Tharticus 11 August 2011 Reply

The game has been running for about 6 years officially. Maybe 1 or 2 more during the beta.

Potential system is a game breaker. People asking which class has the most DPS (Damage Per Second) Classes has ruptured to either better or worst (Page class are becoming more superior and Brawler class are lulz because of lack of updates) Damage whores, only 19 channels on old worlds, KS wars are instigated, meso inflation I can go on and on about this game.

It really saddens me.

Nass 11 August 2011 Reply
tarheel91 said:

David said: Feels like a while ago, but it can’t have been more than 2-3 years right?

I started with Closed Beta back in the summer before 8th grade. I would have just turned 13. That was 7 years ago.

I made a strength rogue. Never made it pass 23 because I was so stupid (and I also only trained at the trees; 10-20 slimes, 20+ mushies). Back then, 2nd job was the shit.

My first character was this INT warrior named Junk1234. Made it to level 25. I’ll never forget because this godly dude named “pimpsteryou” (or something really close to that) helped me out. He was like level 40 :O

making characters without know jack shit about the game ftw

True13lue 11 August 2011 Reply

I didn’t like how they just threw a bunch of new worlds in there. It made the game waaay too big and complicated. I liked it better when it was simple, when the community was small. Especially during that time I played during the Beta days.

I remember venturing deep into the Evil Eye tunnels and fighting those Drakes constantly, grinding for hours upon hours only to level up once.
I’d say the only REAL improvement they made with the game is the fact that you can level up easier now. But all those new worlds and new classes and improvements, it feels like Nexon is trying way too hard to keep people interested or to reel in new potential players that they’ve forgotten about the players who stuck with this game since the beginning and haven’t thought that all those new updates and such are driving them away.
But then again, they never really cared about the players. They just see a bunch of dollar signs when they think about us. They might as well change their slogan to: “Maplestory! You can only have any real fun in this game if you spend a ton of your money on our crap!”

Vicelin 11 August 2011 Reply
True13lue said: I didn’t like how they just threw a bunch of new worlds in there. It made the game waaay too big and complicated. I liked it better when it was simple, when the community was small. Especially during that time I played during the Beta days.

My sentiments exactly.

Nass 11 August 2011 Reply

Well at the same time, people bitched because grinding was hard. Once it became super easy, people got mad.
I’m kinda glad they made it easier to level, because now I can experience more of the content faster. However, I don’t like all this potential-WoW-ripoff bullshit.

fucking DPS whores.

Tharticus 11 August 2011 Reply

This comic expresses how I feel about MapleStory now.

Everything now is like a cake walk instead of walking on a tightrope.

Even the forum/communities has changed. Now 7 years olds can play this game and get up to 120. Almost impossible to screw up now.

Kind to think about it, in the end results it is all about the numbers. Not to be ripping off Yahtzee here, but most people who play DPS use their numbers to fight other people’s numbers till their numbers are the best in the world and having players and guildmates to flock your numbers around you. Might as well as be a spreadsheet.

David 12 August 2011 Reply
Tharticus said: This comic expresses how I feel about MapleStory now.

Everything now is like a cake walk instead of walking on a tightrope.

Even the forum/communities has changed. Now 7 years olds can play this game and get up to 120. Almost impossible to screw up now.

Kind to think about it, in the end results it is all about the numbers. Not to be ripping off Yahtzee here, but most people who play DPS use their numbers to fight other people’s numbers till their numbers are the best in the world and having players and guildmates to flock your numbers around you. Might as well as be a spreadsheet.

It all comes down to your excel skills… And unpacking damage formulas 😀

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