The weather is a prick

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I live in SoCal, so it's sunny. A lot. It's so sunny that I've come to hate sunny days- they're just so… NORMAL. It enrages me. So every time I wake up in the morning and see clouds out my window, my heart leaps with joy. Or whatever you dern kids use to describe happiness these days. Anyways, I check the forecast every day. And for the past month, it has been a total prick. At first, it says it's going to be cloudy. And I'm like ":D".

But the next day, the forecast CHANGES. Instead, it turns out that it's going to be 70 degrees and sunny instead! And then I'm like "D:".

I suspect that the asshole wind blew the clouds away. And when "rain" is predicted, it's changed to "showers" the next day, which then becomes "AM Showers", the wimpiest kind of rain there is. (The forecast says that there are AM Showers right now, but the sun seems pretty damn not-covered-by-clouds-y right not.) WHY CAN'T THE FORECAST JUST BE RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!!


Dest1 7 March 2010 Reply

I live in Antartica so the weather is always bangin’ here

Gujju 7 March 2010 Reply

I live in an igloo. we pray for sun over here.

Arladerus 7 March 2010 Reply

I live on a desolate island. We make babies and sacrifice them to please the Gods for sunshine here

TheSmartGuy 7 March 2010 Reply
Arladerus said: I live on a desolate island. We make babies and sacrifice them to please the Gods for sunshine here

All glory to the Hypnotoad!

FunnyFroggy 7 March 2010 Reply

I live in your bed. It’s always so dark and stuffy here, but sometimes I get the occasional moon to brighten my day…

Nass 7 March 2010 Reply

I need more fucking snow

snowhamster 9 March 2010 Reply

Stop complaining about your weather. I’m from Texas. The bipolar state.

^lolteehee fanpage on facebook +w+

Cynthia 9 March 2010 Reply

I thought Texas had really hot weather D:
Vancouver is psycho. It’ll go rain sun rain sun rain rain rain sun WIND STORM.

snowhamster 9 March 2010 Reply

There’s a saying that goes ’round Houston that says, “If you don’t like the weather in Houston…wait a minute.”

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