The Ties That Bind

By In Uncategorized

Crummy unoriginal titles ftw.

It's been a while. I took a long break and I was thinking about taking a never-ending hiatus, but I suppose I'll let this break last a little longer before I make a clear cut decision or unless people give me a reason to stay. I'll be working soon anyway so I probably won't have time to come here anyway. But enough about this. Onto the blog now.

So me and my parents talked…

About a lot of things.
My parents have a way of getting their point across. They don't believe in sugar coating stuff. They'll tell you up front how they feel or what they are thinking and I thank them for that. But sometimes, I dread that more than I dread anything else. Or maybe sometimes I wish I could just turn off my hearing in the middle of a conversation. I never thought thinking about silence would make me feel so good and happy considering how much I complain about being alone.
I'd rather be alone than having to endure my parents' lectures though…

First off, the talk with my father…

He was kinda drunk and my mom was asleep. But we sat down in the kitchen while I had some ramen since we ran out of most of out food supply again. I was kinda upset because I wanted to add the cheese, but I had forgotten that I used it all up a while ago. Ramen tastes so plain to me now without precious, precious cheese.
He told me many things. Mostly confusing things. He contradicted himself a lot. Like…he would tell me that he would be fine and happy with whatever I was doing in life as long as I was happy and then subsequently tell me that my laptop is the reason why I have no life and will never get off of my ass to do something better and more productive with my time. I would get confused because I thought he'd be content with me just being happy but I guess he isn't. Way to go, pops. Way….to…go. I can't tell if my dad wants me to be happy or not.
I got totally mad though. Parents are never fucking happy enough with just their kids being happy. No, they always want more from us. They make me feel like the only reason we were brought into this world was to be mommy and daddy's little ticket to payday. "I'll have kids so that I could force them to work and make me some money. As much money as possible. Who gives a fuck about my kid's happiness? I just want my money. Money. Money. MONEY!"

What happened to family bonds? It's like it doesn't exist anymore. I mean, I wouldn't give a rat's ass if I were starving half to death, as long as my kids are leading a life of happiness, doing the things they want to do and not the things anyone else wants them to do. At least that way I could die happy. I don't want to outlive my children. No one does.

There's so much pressure in today's generations. Parents are starting to rob their children of their most valuable right: the right to choose how we want to live our lives. No everyone wants to be a fucking doctor or a teacher. Not everyone wants to have high salaries and giant houses with pools and 3 bathrooms. Not everyone needs a stack of cash to be happy. Some people actually want to do things that they enjoy, that makes them happy. Not being handed something and having to deal with it because mommy and daddy say so. Some people want to be electricians, computer geeks, game designers. "Who gives a fuck about what you think and how much money I make? What I'm doing makes me happy and if you can't fucking deal with it, then TOUGH!!"
Parents need to start thinking about what we want for a change, not what they want out of us. Because we aren't their dolls, their robots. We're their kids…and we have a choice in the matter.
Be a rebel, it's the new thing.

My father then told me that I ruined my boyfriend's life by not letting him join the military. It's been haunting me since…well forever. That's when I decided to draw the line. I didn't want to talk to him anymore. My feelings were hurt, but I wasn't as mad at him as I was at myself because I knew he was right and that I'm probably most likely the worst girlfriend in the history of girlfriends.

I am sooo not good at this.

Now the talk I had with my mother…

Usually my mom is a total bitch. But this time it was different. She usually blows off steam because he life is stressful and her boss is an asshole and I'd jump over flaming hoops just to make her life a little easier. I talk a lot out of my ass about my mom, but I still love her deep down inside just like I know she loves me too.

She just…. RARELY shows it.
This time when she talked, she sounded tired, melancholy. I felt bad when I heard her voice. It was the voice of a mother who loses her child. I wanted to comfort her, but during the course of our talk, I needed some comforting too. But like most of the time, I pushed it deep into my subconscious so I wouldn't have to feel it.
We talked about my brother which is a very touchy subject now. The 4 years since he left is nearly coming to a close. The last time I ever laid eyes on my brother for more than 1 day was when I was 15-16 years old. I hardly see him now, even when he comes to visit, and I've been here without him for so long that I've forgotten what it's like to have a brother. What it's like to really have any sibling at all. I feel like an only child. That I've always been an only child even though I knew that I had a brother.
But when my mom talked about him, she talked about him like he had died. She told me that he's a much different person now than he was when he first left. That he has seen things that no one else has seen. That that's what the military does to you. It changes you. Completely. I thought about it and she was right. My brother in a sense, was dead the moment he walked out of the door to the recruiter for the first time. As if he cast away his former shell of himself to become someone entirely new. I don't know if this is what he had planned, if he had wanted to do that. I don't know.
Back then he'd take any chance to make fun of me. Call me things like "mustache girl" or "Pinocchio". I always hated that, but now that I've stopped hearing that from him almost entirely…I kind of miss being made fun of by him. I miss all the countless hours we spent together playing games and solving puzzles. He always treated me like dirt when his friends were around but when we were by ourselves…he…he was like a best friend to me. My only friend at the time. My very first. When he comes to visit, I don't see him. As soon as he comes, he leaves outside to hang out with friends and doesn't come back until the wee hours of the night when everyone is practically sleeping. When I wake up, he's gone again and the process repeats. It's like he only uses us as a shelter when he visits, not bothering to spend time with anyone or even my mother who's taken the brunt of his absence. My mother has definitely changed since he left and my mother was further affected when my grandmother (her mother), was thrown into the hospital because of a seizure and the doctors gave my mother the painful choice of pulling the plug on her and letting her mother die. There were only TWO moments in life where I have seen my mother cry in my entire life. Ever. My grandmother's wake was one of those times. It was also one of the rare times that I have cried for days at a time. I've cried plenty. Just not days worth in tears. It felt like somehow if we cried enough, God would take pity on us and bring her back to life.
But anyway… going back on topic. My brother asks me to play a game with him SOMETIMES. But that's only if he's bored and has no one else to hang out with which happens only maybe once or twice, depending.
After out talk, I realized something.

My brother… he's… he's dead.

The only kind of comic relief I find in all this is the fact that I've probably done it more times in one month than my brother has in a year.

…sorry. I know that was gross. But I still think it's funny. He's getting totally 1-uped by his little sister.
I dunno how to do spoiler tags either. D: So I'm sorry.

The End, bitches.

That wraps up my long and rather depressing blog. I'm sorry that it's so long.
I might take another super long break after this. So if you see little activity on my part, that's because well…I'm not here.
NOTE TO SELF: Learn how to use spoiler tags.

You can finally be free now…





Gujju 22 October 2009 Reply

Yeah sometimes parents are jerks. But sometimes its the other way around.
Ass hats come in all ages, and I think its really easy for us to forget that sometimes kids take total advantage of thier parents love. They take their money and spend it on crap, they make all the wrong choices, and even when mom and dad are the only ones that will take them back with open arms, they will stab them in the back while in the midst of an embrace.
When our parents get old, they rely on us sometimes. And then too, even when they are old, we will treat them with disrespect. After years of providing for toys, school, entertainment, we will return the favour by throwing them away for someone else to take care of.

Blah, that turned out to be much longer than i thought, but I cant help but think that. Of course, like i first said, thats not to say that some times parents aren’t dicks

True13lue 22 October 2009 Reply

Of course. I always think about the other side too. =)

Pirkid 22 October 2009 Reply

Me and my mom are the worst arguers in the world. We fight over the smallest things, and it turns into a large brawl over past events, involving most of my family and my aunts. It’s like she thinks I’m mindless, and that I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. She doesn’t know how to let go of the control stick, and whenever I try to pull away and make my own decisions, she thinks I’m moving too fast and yells me down.

I have a very different relationship with my dad then with my mom. My mother is more interconencted with everything in my life, she knows exactly when I’m supposed to come home, she knows when I’m studying and when I’m goofing off, she remembers dates, she knows when I’m hungry. My dad is like the disconnected breadwinner of my home, he gives me money to do things when I can’t work enough to makje a decent salery, he takes care of monetary and physical things, and he knows how to throw a punch.

I’ve run away. I’ve lived on my own and worked for days, drinking and working, on many occasions. The fights have driven me far enough that I don’t care what she feels anymore, because I’m too hurt myself.

And then my sister and I..we share that bond that people wouldn’t believe. On the outside, we’re complete arseholes to each other. But when alone, we keep secrets, play games, share lots of things.

And that was a bit..I wouldn’t say gross, I’d say out of flavor.

But we’ve been there, we all have at one point. Join the club. =]

tarheel91 22 October 2009 Reply

I’m all in favor of being happy, but if some of that happiness is potentially getting in the way of making it through life successfully (define success whichever way you want, and I think you’ll agree being a bum on the street goes against it), then you need to make some changes. Of course no one has to be a doctor, but I don’t think that’s what your parents are really getting at. I think they’re afraid that what you’re doing now isn’t enough, period, and you’ll be limited in the future because of it. I know a few kids whose parents let them do what they want, and, surprise surprise, they’re either lounging around at home right now half a year after graduation or going to the local failure college that lets in basically anyone and doesn’t give out a single degree anyone takes seriously.

Believe it or not, I don’t think your dad wasn’t contradicting yourself. He was just having difficulty expressing himself. He really does want you to be happy, but that means both short and long term. And if he sees you as tipped too far to one side vs. the other, he’s going to let you know (like he is now). I know you think you’re mature enough to make your own decisions and survive in this world, and while that’s probably true in many respects, your parents know a hell of a lot more than you, and taking there advice is probably a good idea. Going out into the real world is a pretty humbling experience, and you have no idea how limited your worldview is until you get a taste of it. I’m experiencing that right now. 🙂

Lithium 22 October 2009 Reply

I’m glad you blogged about it Jaz, I was wondering when you were to get around to it. 🙂
It helped me understand what was going on better.
Don’t leave Jaz. D:

Reve 22 October 2009 Reply

To switch off your hearing when parents are lecturing: Stare in the area between their eyes but think about something else with all your might, and you’ll be transported to lala land. You won’t register a thing they said. It’ll help if you voluntarily unfocus your vision. 😛

Don’t leave Jaz. D:

Wait. Wait, you’re leaving?!!

True13lue 22 October 2009 Reply

@tar: Well I KNOW that I don’t want to be a bum, but my parents don’t trust me enough to go out on my own. Of course I want a job. If I work in a store, I won’t get a bloody stack of money, but it’ll be just enough to keep me off the street. But my parents are never satisfied, even if I do have a job. I work and while I appreciate them pushing me to bigger things, I like being in that store and meeting nice people, and hell, I get paid, so everything is okay. I plan to go to college after I’ve had a steady job, so I’m pretty sure I have my priority set straight and I have no intention of going out into the world yet until I know I’m ready. Having a job in CVS doesn’t mean I’m going to end up in a cardboard box somewhere out in the streets, c’mon, that’s just ridiculous! Besides, not everyone needs their parents to push them to do good things, not everyone ends up being a couch potato if their parents let them do as they pleased. I don’t mean to start a fight, but honestly, I can’t tell to see what you said as advice or as an insult because I’m 19, I’m not a god damned kid and I’m tired of people waltzing up to me and saying shit like: “Oh, you’re just a kid. You aren’t ready for the REAL world yet like I am.” And I’m not gonna listen to EVERYTHING my parents have to say because I know that while they know more than me, I don’t have to follow their every whim. I have to make my own mistakes and deal and learn from them myself. I can’t let them hold my hand forever. I work at CVS. They should trust me enough at LEAST. Just because I work at CVS doesn’t mean I fail. I’m happy working there. If no one else can be happy for me, then too fucking bad. I’m going to work there or anywhere else I want to and there’s not a damn thing anyone can say to stop me. I busted my ass all through High School for my parents. The least they could do is let me be happy. I’m not a bum and I never intend to become one because I’m not a retard. Also, it’s bad to stereotype like that. Does everyone assume I’m going to fail all the damn time? Not everyone ends up like that you know.
I don’t mean all of that to you personally. I just get mad and tend to rant a lot. Sorry. ^^;

@Reve: Yeah, I might go boom for good. If people would have read the beginning and paid attention to what I said before I wrote the blog, then you wouldn’t have to ask me if I’m leaving or not because you’d know already. =(

*Shoots self in head*

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