It’s the Amazing Slut Girl!

By In Uncategorized

And her really unamazing, unattractive sidekick, Jazmin.

Her name was Bianca. Her skin was fair but freckled. Her hair was as long as could be. The blond highlights in her hair made all the guys’ heads turn so fast, they almost snapped their necks. She was the most beautiful, popular girl in the neighborhood. Every boy wanted her. Every boy wanted to be near her. And me? Well, I was her unfortunate sidekick. The friend she felt bad for and decided to be friends with because no one else would be my friend. I tolerated her because our moms made us.

You see, me and Bianca met YEARS ago. I was 13 and she was 12. Our moms met in a bar somewhere and they became friends. One day, Biamca’s mom came over for a visit and brought her daughter. I was a tad resentful that my mother was that desperate to make me have friends that she told everyone about her lonely, messed up, introverted daughter in the hopes that someone would take pity on her plight and offer their own daughter to be friends with me. At first, she seemed cool. But then over time, I began to hate her. Why? Well I’ll explain it to you over the course of this blog.

Bianca comes from a very messed up family. The majority of her family is made up of girls. Very, VERY slutty girls. Just how slutty, you say? When her oldest sister was 15, she slept with their mother’s boyfriend who was like….15 years older than her. WILLIINGLY. Their mom is a total whore bag too. She’s had more boyfriends than all of her 4 daughters combined. Her daughters are quite abortion happy too since they don’t know how to keep their fucking legs closed. It’s a miracle none of them has gottem hepatitis yet.
Anyway, Bianca, who’s the youngest of all her siblings (3 older sisters and 1 older brother who’s not even older than me) is just as boy crazy as her nasty sisters. All she talks about are boys and the lastest trends. Both of which I were COMPLETELY uninterested in. I wanted to shoot myself in the head every time she opened her mouth. And every week, it would be a new boy that would be the object of her stupid girly crushes. It would only be the popular boys too. She was that kind of annoyiong bitch that wouldn’t even bat an eyelash at a guy she thought was ugly or unpopular. I was unlucky enough to be her sidekick. She would drag me everywhere and force me to help her pursue her current love interest. All the guys she liked made me sick, by the way. They were all snobby, stuck up, pretty boys that reeked like cologne. Blegh!
She would make me do things like tell them that she liked them and to go talk to her. Or send me like her little errand girl to give away her cellphone number. I would tolerate it because I had nothing else better to do, and it was fine for a time. But then she started pushing my buttons… ;>____>

She only made me her friend because I was unattractive and unpopular. While I wore baggy unappealing clothing because I don’t give a flying fuck about how I look in clothes, she wore clothing that strangled her body in order to show off her developing body. Thus, whenever she was around me, it would make her seem prettier and even more popular since she was so “kind” as to take in this poor unattractive girl and be friends with her. So she must have been such an amazing person. Right? Boy were they ever wrong. Shit hit the fan when she got her tramp stamp. She was still 12. And I thought: “Who the fuck lets their 12 year old daughter get a tramp stamp? A really loose mother, that’s who. Instead of treating her daughters like daughters she treated them like friends and that’s a big no no in the mother world. Because then, they start running your life, not the other way around. I got so angry at their mother because it was like, she was the biggest fucking retard when it came to raising daughters. Didn’t know how to discipline them and always seemed so shocked when she found out her little babies were out sucking off the whole fucking neighborhood and riding cocks like they were mechanical bulls.

There was this boy that I liked. His name was Chris. He was the first crush that I ever had and she knew, that I had a crush on him. But my feelings were unrequited. He was good looking and he knew my older brother. I knew it would probably never be, but I hoped nonetheless. Despite knowing how I felt, she constantly flirted with him like she did with all the other boys, and he always ate it all up. She would sit on his lap and wear his clothes. Hug him and give him kisses. At that point, I didn’t want to be her friend anymore since I was tired of her torturing me and taunting me with her good looks. Always letting me know that I would never be as pretty as she was and she had the power to steal away any boy she wanted from me. It didn’t take me long however to find out that she was actually jealous of me because while she may have been the better looking, my body was more developed than hers. I had C cup breasts by the time I started middle school. I was taller than her and my hair was naturally curly and full while hers was always flat and lifeless without the help of various hair products. I was fed up with her and her disgusting family. I wouldn’t see her for along time. Until I was 17.

Bianca and her mom came to visit one day. I was doing my homework since I had exams soon and I wanted to be ready. We talked for a while. She told me she had a 25 year old boyfriend and that she lost her virginity to him. I’m just like: “What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re 16 and having sex with a 25 year old man. Do you even realize what’s happening? He’s raping you, you clueless idiot!”
She adamantly denied everything about him taking advantage of her and claimed that they were in love and I’m just thinking: “Whatever. It’s your gross monstrosity of a vagina that’s getting hammered into oblivion, not mine. So I don’t fucking care.”
She left and I didn’t see her for a while again.

I heard about how she is doing. Apparently she currently lives with her boyfriend inside her mother’s apartment. Not that 25 year old dude. He totally dumped her like I thought he would. It’s a new boyfriend. One more around her age. She dropped out of high school too like all her other siblings. She’s still probably the same old little girl that I hated. Who knows? Maybe she matured a little? She only 19 right now so she still might have some growing up to do. I’ll say one thing for sure though. If I hear that she’s got a kid on the way already, I sure as hell wouldn’t be surprised and what’s important is that I’m doing much better in life than she is.

‘Till next time!

~ Jaz


Dustin 30 June 2011 Reply

Do you have her number…?


Just kidding.

greenelf 30 June 2011 Reply
Dustin said: Do you have her number…?


(What he really meant to say)

FunnyFroggy 30 June 2011 Reply
greenelf said:

Dustin said: Do you have her number…?


(What I really want to say)

(What he really meant to say)

greenelf 1 July 2011 Reply
FunnyFroggy said:

greenelf said:

Dustin said: Do you have her number…?


(What I really want to say)

(What he really meant to say)


NarutoHater 1 July 2011 Reply

and if shes got a kid, she cant support it.

Vusys 1 July 2011 Reply

I think 16 is old enough to consent.

Dest1 1 July 2011 Reply

If I were a gynecologist…

Vusys said: I think 16 is old enough to consent.

Isn’t that the age of consent in the UK?

Vusys 1 July 2011 Reply
Dest1 said: If I were a gynecologist…

Vusys said: I think 16 is old enough to consent.

Isn’t that the age of consent in the UK?


Nass 1 July 2011 Reply

that’s fucking hott!

greenelf 1 July 2011 Reply
Vusys said:

Dest1 said: If I were a gynecologist…

Vusys said: I think 16 is old enough to consent.

Isn’t that the age of consent in the UK?


It usually varies by state. For example, in Illinois, a 17 year old can only have sex with another 17 year old.

Rep 2 July 2011 Reply

I believe that 17 is the age of consent in the United States.

Vusys 2 July 2011 Reply

It’s actually 16 in most of the US? That’s actually surprising, I knew it varied between states, but I thought it was more towards the 18 range. That’s the feeling I get from US culture anyway.

Arladerus 2 July 2011 Reply
I would tolerate it because I had nothing else better to do, and it was fine for a time. But then she started pushing my buttons… ;>____>

I just stopped reading here to comment this: CLITORIS
mmk back to blog

True13lue 5 July 2011 Reply

Nass said: that’s fucking hott!

Oh sureee. Up until the part where you get AIDS. 😀

Nass 5 July 2011 Reply
True13lue said:

Nass said: that’s fucking hott!

Oh sureee. Up until the part where you get AIDS. 😀

If she’s hot enough all the sex would be worth the disease.


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