I promise it’ll be over fast!
Just a quick blog to update you guys again, lol.
The hurricane was like…pfft. It was nothing. Some trees fell over and were uprooted and fell on powerlines, making people lose power for a while but nothing serious. No fatalities. Not in Boston anyway. It wasn’t bad. Just like I thought. And people were fucking flipping their shits over it. “Oh mah gawd, we gonna die!”
They bought out all the water and flashlights and shit. Wasn’t so bad.
I might add though that I totally went out in the hurricane just to eat at MacDonald’s because of the breakfast menu. yes, it’s that good. So much that I would brave a hurricane for it. I was soaked. But boy that food was worth it.
I found a place to go too. My God mother offered to let me and my boyfriend stay in her condo for $300 a month. It’s such a beautiful place. The room is small but it’s worth it. There’s a nice pond and fishing area, an elevator, and we get plenty of privacy because my God mother is almost never home because she works all the time. I’m moving in tomorrow….at the same day that I’m helping my mom move to her new place. LOL. God, I’m gonna be exhausted.
Later I’m gonna go to a housing place in downtown and sign up for a program that helps people with low income to find apartments. The program pays for roughly half your rent while you only pay the other half. Isn’t it wonderful?
Since we were moving, I kinda splurged the rest of the money I had saved up. I bought myself a 3DS and two games. I like it. It has a lot of nice features. I’m glad I waited though. They lowered the price on it to $170 and I turned my DS Lite in to sahve more off the price. I ended up getting it for cheap. My boyfriend is inlove with the thing. I’m happy though. I did promise to get him one and I never got to because my money was always being taken by my mother. But now I can finally get it for him.
Yeah, just a quick blog.
Bye bye, now! :D
‘Till next time!
~ Jaz
Why don’t you just stay in the condo forever?
aw it wasnt like that movie The Day After Tomorrow?
I’m glad. It’s way better to be over-prepared then to take it lightly.
you live at boston?
Eh, better to overestimate the hurricane than underestimate it. I woke up on Sunday and I was like, “WTF? Isn’t it supposed to be all rainy and windy and stuff?”
On the bright side, your life seems to be on the up-and-up.
The hurricane was nothing when it reached NY. At that point it became a tropical storm. Still a pain in the ass to clean up after.
plus, Vermont got pretty fucked up from it. so it wasn’t fun for anyone.
@Cheeze Man: Because the room is really small and I’m living with my God Mother who drinks a lot?
@Nassy-Poo: Yeah, I was still prepared but I was annoyed that I spent all that money on supplies and nothing happened. LOL
@Max: Yeah, I live in Boston. Hyde Park to be more exact.
@Darkness: I’m still expecting something bad to happen later but praying that it doesn’t.
@Nassy-Poo…again: It was fun for me. ;D Well actually. It was pretty fucking boring being stuck inside all day long with nothing to do.
Don’t hold your breath for Katia then.
Um. People died from the hurricane/tropical storm. Hate to be a downer but it was kind of bigger deal for some parts of the states than others. Being overprepared is better than underprepared. We all saw what Katrina did.
Being from southern Louisiana, I concur with Gujju. Being underprepared is horrible. It’s better that you’re prepared and alive than unprepared and dead.
Living near the Gulf of Mexico…I, too, agree with Gujju lawl. We’ve had like 4 hurricanes that were supposed to come to my town in the last couple years. Only 2 did, and none of them were like..SUPER DEVASTATING OMG 325270 PEOPLE DEAD, but…living an an area constantly under threat of hurricanes, being overprepared and wasting money is much better than being underprepared and losing a life 😛