Merry CHRISTmas.

By In Uncategorized

This is my first blog. I'm not a prodigy at writing, one who can spin words from his mind onto the computer with the grace of a heron, but I do with what I've got.

This blog is to celebrate CHRISTmas. Merry CHRISTmas to you! Oh wait, it's 4:00 AM on December 26. CHRISTmas was yesterday.

I've been pretty much living my life in denial of the true meaning of CHRISTmas (despite the obvious). It finally hit me this year when I woke up at 1:00PM on the day Santa was supposed to have dropped off presents in the chimney and my family was to be merry and enjoy a turkey dinner or such garbage.
I woke up, ate a sandwich, and plopped in front of my PC to play some TF2. CHRISTmas? More like one day closer to my holiday break ending.

Not all my CHRISTmases have been like this. Let's backpedal to 10 years ago, back when it was Chrissmas. Awkward to read, isn't it? Well deal with it.

Stage 1: Chrissmas

When it was Chrissmas, in my world anyway, I was 5 years old. I vividly happen to remember this year because I got an Elmo toy that came with a CD-ROM that you could put in your computer. These things were the rage, bundling toys with CDs, kind of like how you could put your Tarzan DVDs into your computer and play games and stuff, and I ate it up. This was back when we had a Chrissmas tree, we lined the halls with bells and such and the whole house was ringing red and green colors (at least the inside, my dad was too lazy to put lights up outside). On Chrissmas Eve, me and my brother felt like we couldn't sleep and I had butterflies in my stomach. In the morning we'd run down and see all the beautiful presents. Some from my mom, some from dad, and some from Santa, all signed in my mom's handwriting (but we never suspected anything).
My brother and sister and I would compare how many presents we got. I think our total collective record for any year was 13, when I was about age 9.
Those were the days huh?

Stage 2: Christmas

This didn't keep up though. It eventually degraded into what I call Christmas. It became noticably worse 3 years ago. I made myself a list and my mom bought a tree and we decorated it, and things were going as planned, but when Christmas came along, and I ran downstairs at 7AM to see the presents, there was a brown cardboard box waiting for me, signed "from mommy and daddy." Where's Santa's presents? Did he forget to come?
But I forgot all that when I opened it to find video games and toys galore/ I think I got half the items on my list, which was way more than I expected. I was blown away and content. Merry Christmas!

I subconsciously ignored the fact that my dad didn't really have any joy or will to participate in the 'celebrations' (the unwrapping of the presents, mainly). It's kind of like one of those things that you know, but you just can't bring yourself to understand or acknowledge. All I knew was that he wasn't happy. My mom didn't seem much in the mood either. It was Christmas! Happy time! Right? No, because it's apparently about JESUS!! JESUS DAY!! Except I didn't know that.

Stage 3: CHRISTmas

It became CHRISTmas as of this year. On the radio I hear people blasting stories about the three kings and the birth of 'Baby Jesus'. I don't get why they call him Baby Jesus when they refer to him being born. Are they afraid I will think he was born as Adult Jesus? Thanks for the clarification, Christians. I'm glad you're watching out for me.
I watched as our President Obama discussed with small black children about the 'true meaning of CHRISTmas':
1) Being 'in the spirit'
2) Appreciating what we have
3) Appreciating 'Baby Jesus'.

Jesus is popping up all over the place!
Did you know I lived my whole life not knowing what a Noel is? Well I still don't know. It has to do with Israel and the baby Jesus in some way though.
I also didn't know that St. Nick referred to a religious Saint.

I asked my mom why we weren't celebrating this year, and I got a 'your father is non-practicing Muslim, I'm Buddhist. You really want another one of those childish celebrations? You're almost 16, just suck it up.'
Oh well. All I got was a flipping belt last year anyway, I don't want your crud anymore, mommy.

Anyway, I've come to realize that CHRISTmas is more religious than I thought. It's not Chrissmas, or even Christmas with a silent T, it's CHRISTmas!

Apparently, the baby CHRIST was born today after being impregnated in a mom magically from the sky. After that a few kings (kings of where, we don't know) show up and give him presents and he gets magical powers to heal people and split the ocean in two. Great.

Screw the holidays, I have pie.
Merry CHRISTmas!


Zappy 26 December 2009 Reply

Are you from Sleepywood? Because I remember there was a mod named truth there.

Nass 26 December 2009 Reply

I believe it was Moses who split the Red Sea in two.

Also, I think you’re taking the spirit of Christmas a little too far. Santa was created for one purpose. Magic.
It’s a very important part of someone’s childhood. Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny etc.. They all don’t really exist. But as small children we’re told to believe in those things to help spice up things.

I also noted you didn’t buy gifts. I’m not saying it’s mandatory, but it sure as hell helps you get into Christmas.

Christmas is a christen holiday. Of course you’re gonna talk about the birth of Jesus. Just as Easter was his resurrection.
I think you should have realized that in like…4th grade?

Arladerus 26 December 2009 Reply

I realized that, but I can still celebrate Christmas as “Crissmas” because my dad is Christian and my mom is like “meh”.

So yeah. I realize that, but when I think of Christmas, I think about getting gifts, and more recently, giving gifts, as opposed to the birth of Jesus.

DarkDragoon 26 December 2009 Reply

Christmas is always Crissmas for me ^_^
Go not caring parents lol.
Anyways just learn and accept, everything degrades over time so don’t sweat it.
Btw Welcome to VuTales!
Don’t worry about the quality, mine’s worse :3

FunnyFroggy 26 December 2009 Reply

It’s k, I didn’t get anything for Christmas either. :/

No lights, no trees, nothing. :/

Gujju 26 December 2009 Reply

No one in my family is Christian, so Baby Jesus was never a factor in our holidays. Its just an excuse to get together and give and get presents.

dee32693 27 December 2009 Reply

I don’t believe Jesus was born in December. theres just htat weird little thing…same hting with Jesus being white xD


DarkDragoon 27 December 2009 Reply

Jesus was a JEW! o: I said it

Dest1 27 December 2009 Reply

aye son

we dont got no tree

we dont got no fancy boxes

you know what we have?

red packet.

filled with money.

cus im chinez and chinez ppl get money for the holidays

bitch, you blown

FunnyFroggy 27 December 2009 Reply

HAILZ YA NIGGAAA! chink new yea fo da shizzall

TRUTH 28 December 2009 Reply
Nass said: I believe it was Moses who split the Red Sea in two.

Also, I think you’re taking the spirit of Christmas a little too far. Santa was created for one purpose. Magic.
It’s a very important part of someone’s childhood. Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny etc.. They all don’t really exist. But as small children we’re told to believe in those things to help spice up things.

I also noted you didn’t buy gifts. I’m not saying it’s mandatory, but it sure as hell helps you get into Christmas.

Christmas is a christen holiday. Of course you’re gonna talk about the birth of Jesus. Just as Easter was his resurrection.
I think you should have realized that in like…4 grade?

funnily enough I’m 15.8 years old and I didn’t know that easter is that til now

JrRepty 31 December 2009 Reply

I like this blog very much. Not so much for the CHRISTmas part. But just the bit about the simple feeling of celebrating christmas while beliving in “santa”.

Wolfboy183 8 January 2010 Reply

to me it means having to spend $200+ on gifts and going broke for 3 weeks after

Vusys 8 January 2010 Reply

Jesus was probably born in March, if he existed at all.

tarheel91 8 January 2010 Reply
Vusys said: Jesus was probably born in March, if he existed at all.

My Christian religion agrees about his birth, haha. The bible says the shepherds were out in the fields when Jesus was born, and Bethlehem’s winters were far too cold and bitter for anyone to be outside for days on end.

It’s no coincidence Christmas is on the winter solstice. It was created as a way to integrate a pagan festival into Christianity (by Rome) to make more people willing to convert.

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