Musical experiences

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Let's talk about some interesting musical experiences I had, then you can share your own.

A month ago.

I had heard of an Icelandic band called Sigur Ros. Pitchfork Media. "Bunch of scumbag condescending hipsters". Heard them before, thought it was beautiful,but not memorable enough for me. Not the stuff of legend that people said it was. I decided to youtube them again. The title track of the new album was REALLY catchy. Thought it wasn't as slow as their other songs. Kept searching. Found a song called "Saeglopur". It started like any other slow ballad. Then I started noticing the little changes in pace and the odd instrumental arrangements. And then I closed my eyes. It was something profoundly undescribable, which I'm pretty sure is not a word, and certainly isn't a word I should be using in a blog DESCRIBING myself. But I've been a fan ever since. Every one of their songs is so EPIC (in the correct use of the word, not the douche-net kind of way)

2 Months ago

The release of the White stripes documentary (Under Great White Northern Lights). I had been anticipating it GREATLY for the past few months and was really excited to finally watch it. As I watched the black, red and white documentary, I was…meh. (or an above-average meh). But then there was a clip in the movie where jack white falls to the floor in front of 50,000 people and just randomly shreds while Meg white wildly thrashes the drums. I increased the volume. I could feel the music through me. It was LOUD, but amazing. I never listen to music that loud, but my god, it was like being in the concert itself. That's when I found a new appreciation for the White stripes although the appreciation had already been there. What? I'm weird. None of this blog makes any sense, and no you can't have any weed.

4 months ago.

Animal Collective. Another over-hyped pitchfork band. Everything about them interested me, right down from the album art to the grotesque ass-kissing the critique world was puckering up for. Youtube, as usual. "My girls" is the name of the song. I HATED it. "Am I supposed to be high to enjoy this?", was the first thing that came to my mind, and is the first thing that comes to my mind regarding anything in life. (*wink*) I didn't get it all. I was a fan of the beatles psychedelic catalogue, but this was just…weird. 2 months later, it was tolerable. It was stuck in my head. I had to keep coming back to it. It's still not the best thing ever, but it brings you back. Pshh, and people say weed isn't addictive.

Radiohead. Hated them too. Can tolerate them now.

1 Week ago.

"Hey remember that song, Umbrella by Rihanna? What the hell happened to that." Youtube it. It gets stuck in my head for the next week. I think it's one of the catchiest mainstream-manufactured songs that absolutely doesn't have any rigid meaning to it.

This has happened plenty of times before. "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley. Kanye We-. Speaking of Kanye, let me tell you another story. This was the time when the whole "Imma let you finish, but donkey kong was the best game of all time" fiasco was going on with taylor swift. The internet was abuzz with calling him a douchebag.

I hadn't heard much of his music up until that point except "Flashing lights" and "Stronger". I had just watched the Hangover (average, if you're wondering) and youtubed "Can't tell me nothing" by Kanye West.

LOVED IT. The man might be an egomaniacal douche-fag with a haircut that makes him look like Djibril Cisse's retarded cousin sister, but holy man. The beat was off the (mind my slang) heezy fo shiz. MAN, that guy can produce.

Anyways, sorry for this random bubble of musical thoughts that are spinning in my head like a desolate cloud tag in a 2.0 web "guru"'s web page, but this was it. Share your musical experiences. And let's all be gay with each other. Happy, that is. Or not. You decide.


Gujju 28 June 2010 Reply

I’m going to stop you right there for calling The Hangover average.

David 28 June 2010 Reply
Gujju said: I’m going to stop you right there for calling The Hangover average.

-shrugs- I know a girl that said she found nothing whatsoever in The Hangover that was funny. She said that Borat was a million times better, as well as 500 days of Summer, and she’s Jewish. o_o;

Gujju 28 June 2010 Reply

500 days of summer was boring -.-

varun619 28 June 2010 Reply

Well, to be perfectly honest, it might have to do with the incredible hype that it gathered. If it didn’t I wouldn’t have been heart-breakingly disappointed.

Arladerus 28 June 2010 Reply

It’s weird. I enjoy shows, but I never really laugh. Like for example, Big Bang Theory is enjoyable to watch but I think maybe twice have I chuckled through the series. Only a few things have really made me laugh

dee32693 29 June 2010 Reply

omgggg sigur ros is awesome! i learned of htem through a webcomic 😀
and yes, kanye rocks. musically. but as a person he be trippin yo

Dest1 29 June 2010 Reply

Can’t Tell Me Nothing Remix with Young Jeezy sounds better imo.

Nass 29 June 2010 Reply

Ypu just said The hangover was AVERAGE?
David said he knows A GIRL


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