A few days ago I found this article online.
First of all, if you've never seen the commercials, you probably should (not that the information presented in them is useful in any way, shape, or form, rather that if you haven't seen them, you won't know what the hell I'm talking about):
Ok, so now that you've seen that, I need to quote the director of these commercials ( source):
“My generation, Gen X, barely knew what the word Holocaust meant,” said Franzini, referring to a 1993 study by the Roper Organization which found that 53% of U.S. high school students could not say what the Holocaust was. “We were horrified to find that teenagers today know even less.”
Alright. I'll try to start out on a good note here, but it's not going to last very long.
I see where these commercials are trying to come from. I think that overall, it's good that MTV is -trying- to do something useful for once by spreading awareness. But by simultaneously inciting conspiracy fear? Really? REALLY? That alone makes me more inclined to think that this is just MTV spewing sensationalistic garbage to draw in publicity.
First of all, I would like to know where the hell that study was done. Because I highly doubt that 53% of all U.S. High School students didn't know what the Holocaust was. Even for it being done 16 years ago, I still have doubts in the validity of that survey.
As for the statement that teenagers today apparently know even less about the Holocaust than teens back in 1993, BULLSHIT. I. Call. BULLSHIT. Hell, I can SMELL IT!
I don't know anyone who doesn't know what the Holocaust was! Do you know anyone who doesn't know what the Holocaust was? I mean, I can only speak for Maryland public schools here, but it was mentioned more than a dozen times, in detail, from 6-12th grade, more often than any other historical event that I can remember. We even read the diary of Anne Frank, for Christ's sake! If anything, teenagers today know even more about the Holocaust than the teenagers back in 1993!
Secondly, those commercials make absolutely no sense in context, which is why they, and Franzini McDouche, fail. The Holocaust was Hitler and the Nazis, a distinct group, eliminating Jews, also a distinct group. These clips feature Americans getting captured by…Americans. This makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever and I can't see how it can even claim to represent the Holocaust, because it's such a far cry from it. What is the U.S. military composed of? American citizens. Citizen. Soldiers. Who are the military officials capturing in these clips? Fellow. American. citizens. Their own families and relatives and friends. Flesh and blood. Yea, like every soldier would fail to see the government conspiracy unfolding, and if they did see it, like they would just sit on their hands and continue to follow orders. Sorry, not happening. This alone makes the clips so unrealistic that I can't even begin to take them seriously.
The worst part out of all of this garbage is that PEOPLE ARE TAKING IT SERIOUSLY.
Watch this video, and laugh, please. PLEASE LAUGH:
Yea. You were supposed to laugh. Do you see that little "(symbol)-span" logo to the right? THIS VIDEO IS FROM THE ONION. IT'S A FUCKING PARODY. And people are TAKING IT SERIOUSLY!
Here are some of the comments on that video:
And amidst all that bullshit, FINALLY, SOMEONE WHO SEES SENSE:
Ahahahahahha! The Onion! lululul.
A couple friends of mine and I are gonna do something similar to The Onion. lululul
Holocaust. Pfft. I know everything aboot it. 😛
I liek the blog. Vicey in her ranty moods. O:
Yeah, the complaining on America is annoying… Especially on forums and Youtube.
Youtube is the much much much worse version of Basil. At least there’s SOME sense in Basil… Not much though…
Youtube flamers and noobs are the worst. Just plain horrible.
The worst part about the comments is the same old pile of crap comment about America:
You see plenty of that crap in Basil…
Lmfao. Every other word in that parody video was ‘Classified’. XD
Meh, you don’t really know about the Holocaust until you truly experience it. 🙁
But anyway, the “dumb” people usually post the comments on YouTube, smarter ones usually just laugh at the dumb people who do/ignore them, but don’t post, either way.
And with that said:
I believe that 50% of the high-school students in my school don’t know what the holocaust is, unfortunately. They don’t know where Africa is on a map.
The tune is familiar..o_O
Conspiracies are such fun subjects to talk about. 😀
We didn’t start the fire? 🙂
I knew what the Holocaust was after this extensive literature module on it. :/ And how can you miss Africa, it’s a continent!
Well, Africa’s well camouflaged.
Knowing tragic events from history books is one thing. Understanding it is another.
Most modern society people these days are ignorant and don’t give a shit about old events that didn’t affected them- like the holocaust.
People who hear and listen to these kinds of stories of sufferings just simply become sympathetic and maybe emotional for a few minutes, and another few minutes for them forget it. People do nothing, and they yet say that they understand the events.
The ones who truly understand are the elderly who actually have experienced the holocaust.. I’m sure the world for them is seen in a different reality .
“didn’t affected” <- Redundant. :3
But anyway, the “dumb” people usually post the comments on YouTube, smarter ones usually just laugh at the dumb people who do/ignore them, but don’t post, either way.
Er, well, yea. You don’t really know anything until you’ve truly experienced it. That applies to almost everything you can think of, not just the Holocaust >_>;
My beef is that Franzini McDouche (that’s so fun to say, I dunno why) says that one, the Holocaust is in danger of being forgotten entirely, and two, teens today know even less about it than teens in 1993. Both of which are complete bullshit. And just a fun fact, do you want to know how he determined this? He went up to random teenagers on the street and asked them out of the blue what the Holocaust was. If it were me being asked in that manner, I would just say something like “wasn’t that the thing with the fire and the flames and the elephants and snowmen and then BLITZKRIEG!?” just for giggles.
@the video: I lol’d.
Most modern society people these days are ignorant and don’t give a shit about old events that didn’t affected them- like the holocaust.
People who hear and listen to these kinds of stories of sufferings just simply become sympathetic and maybe emotional for a few minutes, and another few minutes for them forget it. People do nothing, and they yet say that they understand the events.
The ones who truly understand are the elderly who actually have experienced the holocaust.. I’m sure the world for them is seen in a different reality .
Er. I don’t think the word “understanding” was used once in my entire post? I said “know”. Like I said to David, you don’t really “know/understand” anything until you have actually experienced it. You can know about it, but you can’t know it. That doesn’t just apply to things like the Holocaust, either.
And, yea, it’s understandable that people only feel sympathetic for a little while and then forget it later. That’s just how the human mind rolls. What else are we supposed to do? Mourn about it for the rest of our lives when we can’t do anything to change the past? It’s like that for almost any tragic event that takes place. And it’s completely normal. If we focused on the terrible things that happened in the past too much, we’d all be clinically depressed D:
My point is that there’s no real action through glimpsing at some historic clips of something drawn back in the past.
If they’re intending to remind us about the past then they should know there’s more that people do in words rather than in actions.
The good in people doesn’t not exist. 🙁
Zhlink. No. 🙁
Eheheheheh. XD It’s been a long time since I saw that. Good times.
@David: The tune does sound the same. o_o
… We didn’t start the fire IS the original song that gets parodied all the time. Also Uptown Girls? Joel? D: