Religious Tolerance.

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(Yea, two rants in a row, I've been feeling motivated lately).

Ok, granted this article is from almost five years ago, but the issue is still big.

In the article, it discusses how schools in France are trying to ban all symbols of religion, mainly Muslim head-scarves. I watched an ABC news special where one school principal in France said that the scarves should not be allowed because "they are a symbol of a submissive woman"; and the president of France himself says that no religious symbols, or even talk of religion, should be in schools, because religion should not be imposed upon our children in that form.

I must have missed the memo when teaching and imposing became synonymous with one another.

A lot of people will argue that religion should be left out of schools because it's the parent's job (ahem, choice), what religions their children are exposed to. I think a lot of us understand that most parents are against schools teaching religion because they feel that their sensitive, corruptible child is going to be indoctrinated into something that goes against their own beliefs (honestly, if there's another reason I'm missing, tell me, but as far as I'm concerned this is the only one).

I'm going to be very blunt. I think that taking every aspect of religion out of schools is bullshit. First of all, it's not telling our children the reality of things. Out in society, out in the world, no one is going to hide their religion, take down symbols of religion, remove their cross necklaces or take off their head scarves just for you to feel more secure. Second of all, I think that it is doing more harm than good because it isn't teaching a single ounce of religious tolerance, something that every person DESPERATELY NEEDS IN ORDER TO NOT BECOME A PRETENTIOUS BIGOT.

In all honesty, I think that public High Schools should have one, just one required religion course, to provide them with the facts and basic background information of the worlds most prominent religions. And I understand that this is essentially a Utopian dream, because tons of parents would whine and bitch and take legal action and protest until they are blue in the goddamn face, just to keep schools from "imposing religion" upon their children. Yet these same parents will not bother to teach their child about different religions on their own. Parents don't want to do it! But oooh, when the schools step in and say "oh, we'll educate them in it for you if you want, since this is kind of important", there is an outcry of "NO THAT'S OUR JOB WE'LL TEACH OUR CHILDREN RELIGION NOT YOU!"…BUT THEN THEY DON'T DO IT! !@#%$^%*

So many people can't grasp the simple concept that there is a huge difference between just plain teaching religion, and teaching religion with the intent to promote understanding and tolerance of religious diversity! Some people are just so convinced that a fifteen minute module on the history of a different religion is enough to convert a 17-18-year-old into some terrible cult involving the sacrifice of puppies and kittens or something! OMFG!

Ok. Ok. I'm calm. Perfectly calm.

That's it. All I wanted to say.

(PS: Tolerance FTW).


FireLeo86 17 April 2009 Reply

You earn a surprise sticker. You also earn a happy stick. Good blog. Presses Life.

:O 🙂

Arladerus 17 April 2009 Reply

Vicelin’s blogs are always entertaining and very controversial. Except maybe that ball-joint doll one, about the controversy part.

Dest1 17 April 2009 Reply


AznRiceFan 17 April 2009 Reply

Hey hey, animal sacrifices are a constitutionally protected aspect of religion in the United States.

Souseiki 17 April 2009 Reply

i agree.

Gujju 17 April 2009 Reply

What i dont get is how allowing the head scarves would be imposing on other kids. I doubt these kids wearing the scarves walk around promoting Islam. People are stupid

David 17 April 2009 Reply

[pickone]All I’m going to say is Religion is stupid in general. No comment on anything else.,I lie.[/pickone]

Arladerus 17 April 2009 Reply

Without religion, nobody would have anything to look forward to after death; nothing to keep people from doing selfish actions.

David 17 April 2009 Reply

Fuck that, live your life.

Chameleon 18 April 2009 Reply

That’s really stupid. I would love to take a class on religion, for the purpose of learning ABOUT it. And isn’t “imposing” religion where the teacher would actually TELL the people what they should believe? Peoples’ logic can be so faulty… .__.;

spygirl57 18 April 2009 Reply

I agree with Zhlink, Vice, you’re really good at debating important topics, you’d be good as a lawyer. :O

SirPainsalot 18 April 2009 Reply

Don’t blame us, our president sucks. 😀
*is French*

MasterCheeze 18 April 2009 Reply

Eh, I don’t care for religion. I only act like a radical priest to be funny at times (the kind that goes “PA-RAISE JESUS!!!”), but other than that that shit’s boring.

Vicelin 18 April 2009 Reply
Arladerus said: Vicelin’s blogs are always entertaining and very controversial. Except maybe that ball-joint doll one, about the controversy part.

Hey, BJD’s have a good share of controversy! Granted, it’s all pretty lame, but hey, did you know the male dolls have very realistic penorz, even the ones that are supposed to be “children”? o_o…Oh, and girls have vajayjays!

Gujju said: What i dont get is how allowing the head scarves would be imposing on other kids. I doubt these kids wearing the scarves walk around promoting Islam. People are stupid

It isn’t imposing, but apparently imposing is also synonymous nowadays with since I’ve never been exposed to religious diversity before this kind of makes me feel awkward! But yea, apparently just wearing the scarf = promoting your religion. Even though they aren’t promoting. Omg.

David said: [pickone]All I’m going to say is Religion is stupid in general. No comment on anything else.,I lie.[/pickone]

Religion isn’t all that stupid. I mean, if you can imagine a world where different religions dropped the whole “we know better than you” act and tolerated other belief systems instead of shun them, religion would be a great thing. It’s something to be celebrated, but there are so many idiots out there who r doin it wrong, and because of intolerance religion has been the leading cause of death in…the entire freaking world, so I can understand why a lot of people look at it and say “uh, stupid much?”…and it really is a shame.

Zhlink said: Vice, have you ever thought about joining any debate clubs?

I’m much better at getting my point across online than offline, trust me xD…I do spend a lot of time in debate forums, though. If that counts.

Also @ your last post: LOL.

Chameleon said: That’s really stupid. I would love to take a class on religion, for the purpose of learning ABOUT it. And isn’t “imposing” religion where the teacher would actually TELL the people what they should believe? Peoples’ logic can be so faulty… .__.;

I would have loved to taken a class on religion back when I was in High school. I think religion is fun to learn about, and in the long run it’s extremely beneficial to know about different religions just like it is to know about different cultures (something I also think public schools are slacking on). Americentricism makes me sad. And yea, that IS what imposing means! You win the internet xD…I wish more people had that common sense.

spygirl57 said: I agree with Zhlink, Vice, you’re really good at debating important topics, you’d be good as a lawyer. :O

I would never make it through law school, I would probably die from information overload. I can barely remember what I did five minutes ago nowadays let alone a handful of legal terms xD…

MasterCheeze said: Eh, I don’t care for religion. I only act like a radical priest to be funny at times (the kind that goes “PA-RAISE JESUS!!!”), but other than that that shit’s boring.


Wait…I don’t think that counts. Nevermind.

SilverFx 18 April 2009 Reply

We sorta have those classes teaching about the different religions/ races over here. I distinctively remember those in my primary school days. And I bet it’s still going on. 😛 Racial harmony and religious tolerance are big things in Singapore.

And then, I remember there was a similar controversy over here as well cause four girls wore the tudung/headscarf to school and were told to remove them or get expelled. One left voluntarily and the other three were forced to quit by the government, I think. Cause the government was of the opinion that the headscarfs in school would disrupt racial integration. So it wasn’t so much of ‘don’t show people religion!’ but more of, ‘don’t show people obviously you are that significantly different cause we are afraid you’ll spoil our plans to make religious tolerance happen!’ There’s a difference?

I had no idea it was such a big issue until that time, cause I’ve seen students wearing headscarfs with their uniforms (but turns out they go to Muslim schools who have headscarfs as their uniform anyway -__-) and I’ve seen Sikhs boys wearing turbans to school. I just thought you applied for permission to wear it from your school and they’ll let you, and no one made noise about it until then.

I have no idea what came about at the end of the whole issue though. ._. I think they’re still not allowed, unless under special circumstances. But I remember one of my Muslim friends saying that it’s not like she’s prohibited from wearing the scarf outside school hours, and all schools have their own dress codes that you have to follow, so she was okay with not wearing the scarf for those few hours of school. *shrugs* But I doubt anyone would mind if they did wear them to school anyway.

So maybe the lessons helped, but eh. There’s always still room for controversy.


irawk 18 April 2009 Reply

I completely agree with you here. Taking religious symbols out of school will result in a culture-shock for kids when they’re finally released into the real world. “But mommy, I thought you said Jesus was the only savior! Who is Mohammed, and Buddha, and, and, and!?” If you ask me, taking religious tolerance out of school is tantamount to re-introducing racial segregation. You’re imposing on other people’s right to live and express themselves.

Merovign 18 April 2009 Reply

Well, the French hadn’t won a war since Napoleon. 😛 You can’t blame their. . .

Small. . .

Um. . .


dee32693 18 April 2009 Reply

Rofl. Vicey you really are awesome! I saw that article too and was like “I may not be able to formulate my thoughts clearly, but that shouldn’t be allowed to happen!!”

In fact the opposite! If i were to see someone in my school wearing it, i’d just want to ask them a couple of questions, have a conversation. When i walk away, i’ll still be christian, but i’ll have a deeper knowledge of another religon.

But then again in my school, they’d let anyone wear w/e they want to in class xD

David 18 April 2009 Reply
Merovign said: Well, the French hadn’t won a war since Napoleon. 😛 You can’t blame their. . .

Small. . .

Um. . .


Screw you :3 France is only picked on because it’s .. ugh. I don’t know why France is always picked on. But they’re the #1 greenest Country on this planet, and they invented lingerie.

dee32693 18 April 2009 Reply

Yay for France inventing lingerie! =O French accents are hot xD

Ball-Jointed Forums said: Our servers are undergoing maintenance, which makes it difficult for us to check and approve new members. For this reason, registration is temporarily closed. We expect maintenance will be completed the first weekend of April and plan to reopen registration shortly after. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience.

*checks calendar*

tarheel91 18 April 2009 Reply

If you think that’s the worst France is doing in terms of religious tolerance (or lack there of), you’re in for a shock. It gets much worse.

Anyways, I agree that, ideally, it’d be nice to have students be able to learn about all religions in school. I think it’d do amazing things in terms of promoting tolerance. However, the world isn’t that nice. There’s no way to guarantee that the teachers are going to remain neutral, and I can assure you that many wouldn’t. It’d be wonderful theoretically, but it isn’t practical.

Vicelin 18 April 2009 Reply
tarheel91 said: If you think that’s the worst France is doing in terms of religious tolerance (or lack there of), you’re in for a shock. It gets much worse.

Anyways, I agree that, ideally, it’d be nice to have students be able to learn about all religions in school. I think it’d do amazing things in terms of promoting tolerance. However, the world isn’t that nice. There’s no way to guarantee that the teachers are going to remain neutral, and I can assure you that many wouldn’t. It’d be wonderful theoretically, but it isn’t practical.

They should have Agnostics teach religion. Then everything would be fine D:

dacarlover 29 July 2010 Reply
David said:

Merovign said: Well, the French hadn’t won a war since Napoleon. 😛 You can’t blame their. . .

Small. . .

Um. . .


Screw you :3 France is only picked on because it’s .. ugh. I don’t know why France is always picked on. But they’re the #1 greenest Country on this planet, and they invented lingerie.

I’ve found france to be very racist.
I’ve been there, oh god were they racist or what.
Met several people, not one of them were tolerant, not to mention their extreme promiscuity.

FunnyFroggy 29 July 2010 Reply

Holy Vusys! The newcomer is a necromancer!!

O Honorable Paladin, wherefore art thou!?

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