Err, so, yea… Vusys' signature…why am I being licked? o_o;
Speaking of being licked, what exactly do I taste like?
Ok, this is going in the wrong direction…
Yea. Sorry. I disappeared for a few weeks. I've been busy at work because two idiots that I (used to) work with were caught stealing money out of the registers, so now my boss has installed an epicly gay security system which has effectively ruined what little work incentive I had left. I was miserable at this job before, and now the miserableness just tripled. So I'm searching for another job. Which is kind of impossible, given the economy.
I thought that I would feel less depressed after my ridiculously time-consuming and annoying painting class ended, but for some reason I'm still a bunch of blah. If I wasn't afraid of an altered mental status effecting my imagination and artwork, I'd probably schedule an appointment with a psych and get myself some happy pills o_o
Hate to sound like a boring, depressed party-pooper, but meh, that's just how things are right now Dx…and I would rather make a blog than not make one at all…just to let you guys know I'm still here.
…And apparently being licked. Yea, can someone explain that to me? o_o
I’m being licked.
V licks anyone
and anything lulthat is signed on at the time.So it’d be *licks <>*
Ahh, so he’s just got a Plug-In or PHP that generates whoever’s looking at it’s name?
Kinda weird that he’s licking us all, but O.K. 😛
Goddamn Vusys is a naughty boy licking everyone 😉
Quick, someone make a username called ‘Dick’.
lol 😛
I can’t explain it, for Vusys will smite me.
Kinda like Jesus.
.. Damn.
And I thought I was special.
*shakes fist*
That was MY idea!
But since you’re me, meh.
He’s licking me too.
Now he’s licking me O__O
I hope you guys aren’t serious. ._.
We are all being licked D:
Well now it makes sense, at least.
If it helps V.
I enjoy it.
I had thought it was jus me. o-o Damn, nice trick Bryan.
It’s actually pretty obvious, just like how your character appears next to MrBasil at the banner at the top on BasilMarket.
Or how NPCs in MapleStory say: Oh hai there #h #.
I’d lick every girl on this site ;D.
Id like Connie, Sneha, Dee, Chameleon (She doesnt want me revealing her name D:, Jean, Dayna, ezyan, axiom, Tei, and YOUR MOM