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This how thing with captain is getting me… well, worried. I was actually drafting a reply to him when I realised he probably wouldn't take anything other than deletion of the site as a good reply. The guy shows no emotion about any of this. It's all one sentence demands and a cold disregard to the community. So far I've sent him nothing. I'm waiting for his next move.

I started this site as a way to learn PHP and site building skills. Six months later and here we are. Reading a blog on a site that I've spend a lot of my time on and came to love. I've meet some very nice people and have some real lasting friendships. I thank you all. Now captain just wants it "taken down".

If I put on my srs face, I wonder what he will do. I've removed all traces from Vuii.co.uk and made some changes that I've been wanting do to for a while now. The global password is gone, replaced by a blank login page. I hope and doubt that he won't go ranting to my hosters. I think he is calling my bluff, but it's hard to tell when captain is always so serious about everything. The only time I ever hear from him is when he's angry with me about something, or when he's giving a one word reply to something I've PMed him.

The legal water is murky when it comes to all this. I doubt he'll try to take legal action against all this. Google brings up a few things about this.

The obvious way out is to redouble the efforts of remaking the front end. The problem is I have little to no real html/ css design skills. So it'll probably be pretty nasty looking. I originally made VuTales out of the code of MMOTales for this reason, and also to bridge the gap between the sites. VuTales is like the freakish mutated clone of MMOTales. I also somewhat like the site as it is. It's got a nice feel to it. Although I am working on a nice new theme to take my mind off all this. I work when I'm stressed. Remember all the updates recently? That was because I had exams. >.<

Main Page


Nass 6 July 2009 Reply

I’m liking that main page thingy.

MasterCheeze 6 July 2009 Reply

Yeah, that guy’s a really tough nut to crack. I doubt reasoning with him about the community and what it means to use will work with him, but maybe changing it enough or giving him credit will work. He seems unreasonable, but maybe he has a heart. He lives a total double life as a site-maker and a music artist, and what we learned about the latter wasn’t enough to reveal to use about who he is as a person. >.<

Souseiki 6 July 2009 Reply

yeah, the main page isn’t bad.

I’m sure we’ll all help you, if we can. 😛

SirPainsalot 6 July 2009 Reply

That skin looks awesome!
Chillax, Vusys.
We’ll manage most likely. :3
Just take a break and stuff. You need to chill. :3
Also, if you ever need help, just ask us.

AznRiceFan 6 July 2009 Reply


Quang 6 July 2009 Reply

I like the new theme 🙂

Waffle 6 July 2009 Reply

Yeah, i don’t think bogdan wants to get legal stuff going, that’s always inconvenient on both parties

I just wish he wasnt so hard to talk to

but maybe it’s a good thing, i woulda gave him a piece o’ my mind anyway

i think he’d go to your hoster though, to avoid legal stuff and still accomplish his goal

Merovign 6 July 2009 Reply
AznRiceFan said: I LOVE YOU TOO VUSYS.


David 6 July 2009 Reply
Waffle said: Yeah, i don’t think bogdan wants to get legal stuff going, that’s always inconvenient on both parties

I just wish he wasnt so hard to talk to

but maybe it’s a good thing, i woulda gave him a piece o’ my mind anyway

i think he’d go to your hoster though, to avoid legal stuff and still accomplish his goal

He would. Last time, he hired a lawyer to take down a Basil clone… I think I still have the source somewhere. o.o;

Merovign 6 July 2009 Reply

How cloned was the site?

Vusys 6 July 2009 Reply
Merovign said: How cloned was the site?

Carbon copy. It was under developed though.

Arladerus 6 July 2009 Reply

Vusys, VuTales at the moment resembles the old MMOTales and Profil3. For now, what you should do is make a CSS from scratch. What I mean is, figure out hte layout at the moment. For the themes, add a Layout 1, Layout 2, Layout 3 etc. as many as you see fit for the styles. Until you get a good format for where everything should be placed, you shouldn’t think about the colours yet, since themes are usually just variations of a layout.

I doubt any of us mind having a white theme with black outlines for, maybe a year if you need it. Like that cheesy line goes, “It’s not the places, it’s the people.” Or in this case, it’s not how the site looks, it’s the people (and the site’s functions).

Dest1 6 July 2009 Reply
Arladerus said: Vusys, VuTales at the moment resembles the old MMOTales and Profil3. For now, what you should do is make a CSS from scratch. What I mean is, figure out hte layout at the moment. For the themes, add a Layout 1, Layout 2, Layout 3 etc. as many as you see fit for the styles. Until you get a good format for where everything should be placed, you shouldn’t think about the colours yet, since themes are usually just variations of a layout.

I doubt any of us mind having a white theme with black outlines for, maybe a year if you need it. Like that cheesy line goes, “It’s not the places, it’s the people.” Or in this case, it’s not how the site looks, it’s the people (and the site’s functions).


David 6 July 2009 Reply
Vusys said:

Merovign said: How cloned was the site?

Carbon copy. It was under developed though.

Shows how nuts the guy is – it was just like the main page and a few auction pages, and he went all ‘NO U PLZ’ on them.

EvilStranger 6 July 2009 Reply

yo put the latest forum talk on the right, instead on the left
the left will be just be latest blogs and latest blog comments

Lithium 6 July 2009 Reply

We all love you Vusys! =D
We’ll stick by you no matter What. Even if it means going to court with that motherfucker.

Mipsacri 6 July 2009 Reply

I didn’t know there were that many people on the site to like this blog, Vu~

Well, I know it’ll turn out fine.


Gujju 6 July 2009 Reply

We shall prevail!!

Paaaz 6 July 2009 Reply

It’ll be alright D:

The people here are nice. You’ve learned LOADS from making this, and everything should be okay in the end. Hang in there. Don’t let him get ye!

darkness 6 July 2009 Reply

It’s kind of funny; Captain is trying to rid the more intelligent of the offsprings of Basilmarket. Corrupted Experiment Concept?

AznRiceFan 6 July 2009 Reply
darkness said: It’s kind of funny; Captain is trying to rid the more intelligent of the offsprings of Basilmarket. Corrupted Experiment Concept?

Yah the 13 year old morons here r wai moar intelligent than da 12 year old morons at Basil.

David 6 July 2009 Reply
AznRiceFan said:

darkness said: It’s kind of funny; Captain is trying to rid the more intelligent of the offsprings of Basilmarket. Corrupted Experiment Concept?

Yah the 13 year old morons here r wai moar intelligent than da 12 year old morons at Basil.


I would’ve laughed, but I didn’t.

tarheel91 6 July 2009 Reply
AznRiceFan said:

darkness said: It’s kind of funny; Captain is trying to rid the more intelligent of the offsprings of Basilmarket. Corrupted Experiment Concept?

Yah the 13 year old morons here r wai moar intelligent than da 12 year old morons at Basil.

Wasn’t there a thread that showed the average age to be 17?

OT: If only my CSS skillz weren’t so rusty. Back in my prime, I could’ve transformed this site in about 10 hours of work.

Blackboy0 6 July 2009 Reply
The guy shows no emotion about any of this.

He’s in it for the money. He doesn’t give a shit about the community, or that we’re just trying to have our beloved site back, he just doesn’t like that we’re using his “beloved” self-coded site to do so. I bet you $1000 that he’d love to find some way to bring all of us into court and get a couple million dollars out of it, and walk away happy and not giving a rats ass about us. (That’s right… rats ass)

Anyways… If you want, me and my brother could get you a good-looking CSS? We’ve been working on sites for awhile now… (I’m a developer/designer, he’s a Graphic Designer)

xXyZaThEx 6 July 2009 Reply

Tell him to fuck himself and run like hell!

irawk 6 July 2009 Reply

My two cents/suggestion: Change the URL to something other than “Vutales.vuii.co.uk”, because it’ll make it that much harder for anyone to find. Change it to something like VuOMG.vuii.co.uk 😉

DarkDragoon 6 July 2009 Reply

Why not get rid of vuii or Vu so it’s harder to point the finger at Vusys? o.o
The Vu thing is kind of a trademark which makes it easier to track

Nass 6 July 2009 Reply

NassTales plz

Blackboy0 6 July 2009 Reply
DarkDragoon said: uhh
Why not get rid of vuii or Vu so it’s harder to point the finger at Vusys? o.o
The Vu thing is kind of a trademark which makes it easier to track

Vuii is Vusys website. I don’t think he wants to move his website to something other than “vuii” to save VuTales from MrBasil 😛

Blackboy0 7 July 2009 Reply

Vusys, if you need any help with re-designing the CSS, send me a PM 🙂

Zappy 7 July 2009 Reply

But… that means if I log off, it means I can’t get back in :|.

Quang 7 July 2009 Reply

I find it funny how it was like around on the 6th of June last year which Captain shutdown MMOTales and this year he discovers Vutales

Merovign 7 July 2009 Reply

But this year, Quang, we shall prevail.

Kazoo 11 July 2009 Reply

Dude, I cannot believe that on top of dismissin you from security he got Sano of all people to replace you. I’ve officially lost all respect for that guy. The motherfucker puts loyalty above competence, and he’s accomplishin nothin by tryin to be a hardass and threatenin to shut down this site.

For once I find a worthy site I can check regularly and enjoy, and Bogdan tries to ruin it. Jesus.

tarheel91 11 July 2009 Reply
Kazoo said: Dude, I cannot believe that on top of dismissin you from security he got Sano of all people to replace you. I’ve officially lost all respect for that guy. The motherfucker puts loyalty above competence, and he’s accomplishin nothin by tryin to be a hardass and threatenin to shut down this site.

For once I find a worthy site I can check regularly and enjoy, and Bogdan tries to ruin it. Jesus.

Are you KazooTheBat from the Basil Team? If so, are you planning to leave? I’m only asking because I’m thinking Basil’s users might take notice if 2 members of the team are off at once. It makes me wonder what’ll happen if people start asking questions.

Chameleon 11 July 2009 Reply

If Basil’s community is anything like I’m hearing, then would they really notice?

tarheel91 11 July 2009 Reply
Chameleon said: If Basil’s community is anything like I’m hearing, then would they really notice?

They worships Mods and Security members alike, so I’m guessing yes.

Chameleon 11 July 2009 Reply

(Since nobody posted in the interval between yours and mine, was the quoting really necessary? xD)

I see.

I’m guessing that eventually certain things will come to light and then the proverbial shit will REALLY hit the fan. :/

SirPainsalot 11 July 2009 Reply

I’m scared.

In other news…

Vusys… You were the only Security guy on that team.
But you were an awesome one. (:

MasterCheeze 11 July 2009 Reply
Chameleon said: If Basil’s community is anything like I’m hearing, then would they really notice?

Yeah, there’s a lot of people that’ve noticed.

Vusys ambiguously said that Mr. Basil fired him, but I’m not sure if any other questions are being asked.

Vusys 11 July 2009 Reply
Kazoo said: Dude, I cannot believe that on top of dismissin you from security he got Sano of all people to replace you. I’ve officially lost all respect for that guy. The motherfucker puts loyalty above competence, and he’s accomplishin nothin by tryin to be a hardass and threatenin to shut down this site.

For once I find a worthy site I can check regularly and enjoy, and Bogdan tries to ruin it. Jesus.

Once the redesign is complete, feel free to bring people here and make it more active. 🙂

MasterCheeze 11 July 2009 Reply

Aaaah, Vusys, you son of a gun. I like the way you’re talking. ;D

Vicelin 26 October 2009 Reply

I actually really like this new “mutated” form. To be honest, I don’t even care anymore if the site remains looking like the old MMOT in any aspect. I decided to set my priorities straight…I stay here for the community, not the layout >_<;

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