VuTales vs MMOTales

By In Uncategorized

I realised earlier today, that in some ways, I hammered the final nail into MMOTale's coffin. When I deleted the old site from the server, there was no longer any live version or clone of MMOT. Mip thinks this is all ok, but I'm not so sure. I've said this before, but VuTales isn't MMOTales. They may be similar, share a similar name, userbase, feel, features, etc. But they are not the same. VuTales doesn't have an MMO focus, the leadership is different, and there are extra features. But more than that, the community is not the same. It's smaller, rather than the masses, and a small close-nit group that gathered together. It is a small group, and that's all.

This has become very apparent to me. Nass knows this, so does David:

(8:42:16 PM) David: So is the site officially public?
(8:42:22 PM) Bryan: I've not announced it.
(8:42:34 PM) David: I suppose.
(8:42:39 PM) David: But I'm guessing your doing it soon right?.. ):

MMOTales was killed in mid-2007. VuTales was born February 14th 2008, and came into its own on October 25th.



Arladerus 26 October 2009 Reply

I realized it too. Here

But seriously, if some (please don’t do it Zappy) decides to post this on BasilMarket, will we get flooded by 4channers?

SirPainsalot 26 October 2009 Reply
Arladerus said: I realized it too. Here

But seriously, if some (please don’t do it Zappy) decides to post this on BasilMarket, will we get flooded by 4channers?

As a now-technically public website, it might have to deal with 4channers… And with this type of website, spamming is its greatest weak-point.
We need to prepare for this.

TheSmartGuy 26 October 2009 Reply

If you’re going to make a website public, you’re eventually going to have to deal with the… public.

Well, this definitely isn’t MMOTales anymore. Not that I really cared. My only problem with the new look is that the background causes Firefox to lag when I scroll.

Gujju 26 October 2009 Reply

Vusys, you have nothing to be sorry about. Its cuz of you we are even able to regroup.
I think we have to accept that MMOT is gone, and VuT is just something different. Be it a good or bad change.

TheSmartGuy 26 October 2009 Reply

Oh, and I’m using the latest version of Firefox. But it still lags. It doesn’t lag on Chrome, though.

Side question: How much does it cost to keep this site running? Because I don’t see ads or any apparent source of revenue anywhere on this site.

Vusys 26 October 2009 Reply
TheSmartGuy said: Oh, and I’m using the latest version of Firefox. But it still lags. It doesn’t lag on Chrome, though.

Side question: How much does it cost to keep this site running? Because I don’t see ads or any apparent source of revenue anywhere on this site.

Bah. I might have to make the site a little more friendly to browsers then. 😡

And at the moment, $72/ year

AznRiceFan 26 October 2009 Reply

I’m loving the new theme. But yeah, it does lag a bit.

Nass 26 October 2009 Reply

Fast as lightning on Chrome <3

Waffle 26 October 2009 Reply

I don’t see a problem with making the site public anymore, the site needs it if anything it’s so bland around here nowadays

the main problem is how to keep stupid people out

But i realize now that it’s impossible to keep stupid people out

We just need to mod up, hope for the best, and make sure the site targets people who aren’t dumb

I can see the community growing, and with it’s growth getting all sorts of features and shit

being badass and stuff

but if that happens can we get an invite only forum? Not to recreate the social hierarchy MMOTales had (my biggest problem with the old site) But just to keep one place where we can go so that the soul of MMOTales/VuTales survives

and new members who arent stupid can be invited so that the soul of MMOTales doesnt die out

thats a suggestion though, they wouldnt really be necessary just nice to have

Zappy 26 October 2009 Reply

What was MMOtales like before it got shut down? What did people talk about? :O

Reve 26 October 2009 Reply

Maplestory was king. And there were lots of great fanfics, most of which are dead. And more game blogs.

FunnyFroggy 26 October 2009 Reply

My fanfic isn’t dead. ;3

Reve 26 October 2009 Reply

then update


Ok fine


Merovign 26 October 2009 Reply

This is a milestone. Let us all make this the most liked blog ever.

Vicelin 26 October 2009 Reply

Vusys, there’s no reason for you to feel sorry. I feel the same as Gujju on this. We should all feel extremely fortunate that you even did this to begin with to keep this community alive.


Alright, shutting my face now.

Waffle 26 October 2009 Reply
Zappy said: What was MMOtales like before it got shut down? What did people talk about? :O


Anyway it was a little different and had a few more OMGRANDOM topics because everyone except 5 people thought OMGRANDOMNESS was funny

MMOTales also had Aliyah, and that made it awesome enough…until it became less awesome when it started to die and Aliyah left too

Pirkid 26 October 2009 Reply



We should be sorry, for demanding something that we all know died long ago. This site is more of a family then anything MMOT could have accomplished, and with the advent of going public, we have reason to expand that family.

I welcome strangers, it makes for a change of pace around here.

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