Step one
Step two
Step three
Step four
This "oversight" has happened in MMOTales, and this is the second time I've found it in BasilMarket. It's crazy. It's basic security. It's like leaving your car keys on the bonnet with a sign saying "free car".
I edited it back afterwards. I'm done being that hostile to the guy. But I'm also done being nice to him.
Gear up boys, it’s raiding time!
Oshi- We’re gonna have a party tonight
hahaha thats funny
It’s gone I think.
Hey Bogdan, are you tracking IPs that do that or something?
My account on Basil got deleted
My account on Basil got deleted
It’s pretty easy to get access logs and check what pages people have been on. Just check who’s been on that URL that shows the edit form and you find IPs/ user agents. Search the database for used used those IPs, and you’re done.
Aw, fixed.
he must be spyin on us to find out what tomfoolery we’re up to.
Even though i am not up to anything
Darn, fixed so soon. Something interesting could have happened. As long as no one messes with my guides. Otherwise, it’s time to bring teh pain! D:<