I can't find any tools or themes that can blur wallpapers like this. I have to photoshop any wallpapers that I use to fit. Slider and date time is called Opaque slider. Incidentally, I get wallpapers onto my iPod by SSHing them to /tmp, then going there in iFile, adding it to the photo album then deleting the file in /tmp. There's got to be a better way. :-/
Main screen is a mix between MVFlurry (background and dock) and Alit (icons and icon overlays).
Infiboard and Infidock both installed. Much better than the default paging in my opinion.
Skinned the music player too. But that overlay needs more blur… fuuuu. Also, the extra buttons there are iRemix.
I don’t have an iPod Touch or any other Apple products so I don’t really care.
iPod Nano ftw
All of this stuff is so easy to do on Android. Download a background, crop if necessary (through phone), boom. Alternatively download skins/apps that make skins for you.
To get images onto your iPod Touch easily, just upload the content to a website, or to a webpage that you make, or to a service like imgur.com
Then save it onto your iPod by going to that image location, tapping, holding it, and pressing ‘save’. o_O;
Otherwise, I don’t see the point in themes anymore. None of them are ever complete, and besides, with folders, everything becomes manageable anyway.
I still want an itouch . ):
If you want it to mainly play MP3s, don’t bother. It’s crap for music. Good enough for being a PDA and its games though.
iThings are not made for creative thought, they are made for iConformity.
Just looking for shit in the AppStore has become a pain as of late.
If you want it to mainly play MP3s, don’t bother. It’s crap for music. Good enough for being a PDA and its games though.
LOL yeah thats what i want it for. I’ve played my friends’ itouchs and its so much fun. 😐 and my brother’s too, i go on ebuddy and stuff. 😀