[QoTW] I regret not answering last week’s QoTW

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I still have a draft detailing the logical flaws and inconsistencies in the question, examining each possible interpretation of the question and positing an answer for each.

The conclusion I drew was that not being able to remain a god for longer than 24 hours was the limiting factor. However, rewriting the entire universe could present a loophole for this rule. It would be up to you if you wanted to attempt to retain some of the knowledge you could hold as a god. Human minds tend to forget and blur information over time, we also can’t remember that much. Though, ultimately as a god it wouldn’t be a problem for you to be able to distil the combined knowledge of the universe into something useful for a human. You could rewrite reality to something better for all than what we have now, insert yourself back into it and live your life. That’s what I would do.

I regret not posting that blog.

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