Hi everyone
how's everyone doing?
I stopped posting because I was having a rough summer. I moved out of my step-dad's house because he is a bully more than a parent- he got mad at me for wanting to go back to school. when I told him, he reacted as if I told him I was taking up crack.
I hated his guts ever since and want him out of my life.
I spent the summer at my cousin's apartment and rented a room at a house close by On Sep 1. THEN I GOT KICKED OUT FOR NO F#$@%KING REASON! I already paid the rent a deposit but the guy said his wife (who just had a baby) wanted me out. So there went my chance to live on my own without taking shit from anybody and now i live at my mom's house (too broke to go anywhere after i paid for school and books. I hate the textbook publishers with a furious passion). Epic Fail of the year. I hope that landlord's next tenant is a junkie or a meth dealer or something and causes him a lot of trouble.
So im at my mom's house in Maple Ridge- a 2 hour bus ride away from school and my friends and everything else that I do.
On WoW my friends changed servers AGAIN and they went back to the Alliance. I made a DK on their server (Scilla) and re-learned just how immature the scrubs on Alliance trade chat were. They make the people scrubbing on Horde Trade chat sound like intellectuals. Anyways All summer when I got off work I did dailies, got gold and am almost finished gathering the mats for my Mechano Hog. 2 more Goblin-Machined Pistons to go (2000g). I can't wait.
Maple Story– havent played since November 2007. I still hate myself for being addicted to it. Don't get me wrong, Maple fans, I still got some good memories when I played MS; like that time I lead a PQ team and ran the 21-30 PQ (one with giant slime boss) like 20 times in a row. I was the first out, pretended to be spy/scout and clicked in, while the other PQ teams had no idea what was going on. I served them so many times that they got pissed and spammed my whisper chat and chat invite. It was great.
FlyFF– IT was fun at first but I lost interest when I found out it was just a grindfest.
WoW– play it to keep up with my friends T.T
Fallout 3– most awesome game I played so far on Xbox.
I gave up on Sin'Hel'Razors, it lost its touch on me. I might use Squeep (original name of my rogue before changing servers) in something else.
Silver Blossom- yuck.
I found some weird site on the internet (there was a link in the Youtube comments). I swear these guys have a fetish for the traffic cops in Pyongyang, North Korea.
Here it is: (no, it's not a porn site, just pictures of traffic cops on duty)
Pyongyang Traffic Girls these guys need to get a life
traffic cop gets mad at mini.
In Canada the government insulted the Manitoba natives. there's word that swine flu is breaking out in native communities. It was their 'preparation for the flu] supplies they sent. Natives expected vaccines or other medical supplies. Bodybags = epic fail.
What would you guys do if this girl hit on you?
Anyways, Im off .
I died after seeing that picture.
Then I was R-R-R-REBORRRN!!
My skin cringes from looking at that x_x
What was the reason that landlord kicked you out again? Or at least what was the reason he said it was?
Holy fuck, she’s like a robot. .___.
I thought you can’t take unauthorized pictures/videos of NK without tour guide…
no srsly, they get mad at you if you do. :/
Did I mention you could also find mods for your fallout 3 game? You should try getting the 999 weight limit mod as well as the LightSaber mods.
I got kicked out cause i told the landord i had
Asperger syndrome
I can still pass for normal and ppl dont notice until i tell them
I can still pass for normal and ppl dont notice until i tell them
-grabs chainsaw-
dude its a wide range betwen people who are still really smart and jut dont fit in and those who are flat out retarded. I am on the smart end or else i would hardly be able to use a computer much less use VuT
Btw, I mean the landlord. ._.
Then I was R-R-R-REBORRRN!!
That’s what I would do xD.
-=The Nazgul=-