Well, I been reading quite a few rants on here since I remembered my password and started logging in again. I even read some of Reve's
and holy shit!
The text was screaming at me!
My favorite Reve quote:
–Reve, from the rant about having extra 2 hours of useless class time.
What hit my nerves was when I read about the blog where Reve tells mom off- something i chickened out on when it could have made a difference.
No that's not my EPIC FAIL of 2009. I'll get to that.
Ok, I was living with my stepdad (narcissistic angry ape bully who will harass people till he gets his own way and throw a fit just to keep me, my sister and mom on edge and manipulate people and make them feel stupid and useless when he doesnt get his way with them) and he promised not to do that shit.
He helped me get a job for the summer and I worked with him. We tore siding and windows off of buildings and replaced them- I did the clean up- pretty easy work for 13/hr. Then when I told him I wanted to go back to school, he literally shouted at me for
"going back to jack off at school, you dumbass! you are not a student, you are a hypocrite!".
I would have said something , but he was about to punch me out, and i cant do shit in fights, so I chickened out and said nothing. then he tried to tell me he wasnt giving me shit. Yeah, right, you FUCKING MORON, BRETT! (that's his name). But I can see why he is a prick, he is from Ontario, the asshole province of Canada, where all the douchebags, dipshits, assholes, and dicks come from. No offense if anyone;s from Ontario, but decent, kind people from there are overshadowed by the horde of pricks. (thats as biased as i can get.) I'll assume if anyone from Ontario is here, that you are of the minority of kind, friendly people living in that province.
Anyways back to me hating on my stepdad:
I wasn't just angry, I HATED his guts and still do. Every day for the whole summer I wanted to go up behind him with a sledge hammer, and smash his jaws right in so he wouldn't be able to talk. Someone who is good at bullying and manipulating others should be shot, too bad I don't ever want a gun.
I spent hours at work entertaining myself thinking how insane/depressed he would go if he was unable to talk and make others feel like shit.
And of course he harased me about me moving out (cause i hate his guts and refuse to live at his house) all summer till I quit in August. He even tried to take my last pay check. When I went to the site to get it, the boss was going through the checks, and couldnt find mine. Then my stepdad came into the office and because the other guy was there, he pretended to be nice and gave me my check.
And then he went through my mail- I went to his house to get it and I found my stuff opened on the table.
I stopped talking to him and for the summer till i could move I lived at my cousin's apartment- 3rd floor in a building that heats up past 40*C on a hot day.
I rented a room at this house but then TWO DAYS AFTER I PAID RENT AND DEPOSIT, THE GUY AND HIS WIFE (who just had a baby) KICKED ME OUT.
(I'm sorry reve that's just so funny :D)
There went my plan to live on my own! After school tuition and $200 of useless books I was broke and had to go to my mom's in Maple Ridge, too far away from Burnaby where all my friends live. It takes me 2 hours to get to school, and 2 hours to get back!
I still hate my stepdad with a seething passion. I hope somebody smashes his face in permanently for all his shit. I won't do anything, because I dont wanna get arrested. I dont see him anymore so the anger is slowly dissipating.
In other news:
I worked at the PNE (Pacific National Exhibition) for a few nights doing patrol at the bar,, pretty much watching cows all night. People came and hung up a mannequin while I was there. Ya thats me in the start of the video.
GREATEST FREAKOUT EVER videos: Filmed by Stephan's brother.
Stephan's mom cancelled his wow account
Stephan keeps getting served in Halo or Club Penguin idk.
Stephan tweaks out to find he gets a second hand truck for his birthday and not a Benz
Stephan tweaks out when his brother tells him he sucks at guitar.
piece of crap microwave fails to cook Stephan's freaking turkey breast with freaking gravy
anyways PEACE
Those freakout videos were absolutely HILARIOUS. x)
But uh, sorry to hear about your… home situation… did you get your money back from the douchebag landlords? D:
lol I saw WolfBoy183
ya but im still royally pissed off at them. If his wife didnt have her baby the day i was kicked out I’d take them to court
Suing for emotional trauma, ehh? EHH? x)
“Three million people want to know why you shoved a remote up your butt.”
Pure LULZ. Have you noticed that he’s naked/topless in every video?
Sorry about your stepdad. ): Good luck.
I was talking about those freakout videos the other day with my friend. Good stuff.
I pity that kid. A living FML.
Oh those Japanese.
: >
OMGLOL@SAKUYAFREAKOUT. And wtf why did he smash that guitar?!!! Looks hella expensive. Wonder what his dad did to him afterwards…
And LOL I didn’t think anyone would remember that elaborate swearing of mine. xD
Your stepdad needs a good STFU in his face… But then he’ll get pissed and punch the person. :[ I don’t think anyone should be living with that jerk. Do you have to put up with him for a long long time and possibly for the rest of your life?
Once again, I seriously have to stress. Violence does not solve problems (although it helps alot). So you bash his jaw in. Then what?
But this type of person is a serious jackoff.
Seriously, what’s wrong with going back to school? This ‘dad’ isn’t much of a dad.
To people like this, a bit of violence and defiance would be needed. Show that you can’t be pushed around easily.
If you want, you could let him punch you once, then start beating the living cr@p out of him. Then say it was for self-defense, since he attacked first.
Lol, violence does not solve problems… Heheheheh. 😛
Well, I stated already, people like him require some violence.
I didn’t say anything.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ROFLOMFGWTF og my god the videos made me crack up good 😀
I laughed so hard @ the sakuya freakout. Japanese can make a porn fetish out the Freakouts!
LOL THE REMIX!!!!! I can SEE IT NOW! 1st and 2nd video being played at a party 😀
As a person who lives in Ontario, im pretty sure the minority are the jackasses. =/
Watching you run in at the end was hilarious.
I should also mention that your brother is beyond a nut case. And I thought I was mentally unstable.