Post-FAIL period

By In Uncategorized

Any of you ever had an EPIC FAIL in life where…
(ex. Living with one manipulative parent who doesnt want you to live your life but to live a shitty life of entry level labor? Moving out of one parent's house, being kicked out of your new place, and having to go to the other parent's house? Paying $700 for school then running into extra $200 in books that renders you broke for a month? Getting to a really high level in MS or WOW or any other game then finding out your account got deleted?
The cops stalking and harassing you on the way home from the bus stop? Met a girl who hates when you look at her then ditches you when you ask why she doesnt want you looking at her? Payed $350 in computer repairs and still getting the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH when playing video games?
Got booked for an extra $100 on your phone bill with no time to dispute it?)

You suceeded in said objective then (success+karma=FAIL), and found you had to start all over again. Did anyone find that period to be somewhat depressing? Especially if it happened a second time in a row? Or 3rd?

We fail, we say 'FUCK IT" get back up and go at it again, but doesnt the intitial fail period get depressing at first?

September was not fun. My mom is NOT a laid back person, she is the exact opposite. She likes to control everything that goes on in her house and calls it a 'family system' AND she likes to control everyone she's around. She offered me a low rent deal, and when you let someone live with you, they pay rent. It's a room&board deal (she was totally against me living independently in her house. It's a territorial thing. She wanted to buy the food, hell she hates when people go in the kitchen at all so she does most the cooking, and SHE CAN'T GUILT TRIP ME FOR THAT! But even after room and board, she still believes in 'family obligations' that are imposed on kids until they are legal age or move out before going insane, and snapping like kids do in Japan. (there, somebody snaps, and somebody else gets killed).
There's this project she wants to do where we renovate the bathrooms to make room for an extra shower stall (only shower stall is in her private bedroom. The people who designed the house should be shot). I'm fine with that. But she says she wants to make more shit up later.

She is one of those people who don't give or help to be nice; it seems she does so so she can say people owe her. She goes on and on about how she's got all these demands in her life that she caused and that I'm just adding to it when really I just want to pay rent and stay out of the way. I said that to her and she got pissed at me for being 'negative.'

She's got a bf and he is so laid back and doesn't care. It doesn't bother him or hasn't occurred to him how controlling she likes to be. She cooks for him (so she can tell him he owes her to arrange all this unused crap at the house). One night, my mom had one of her friends over and they talked, and talked and talked about how her bf should be controlled along with every single other aspect of their relationship. I was totally disgusted (its what I get for being thirsty and coming up to kitchen for water at the totally WRONG time).

And that made me seriously question any future relationship with a girl. My mom thinks her controlling family 'system' is normal. she said 'it's normal for a son to pay rent and do all these other things around the house (except common sense cleanliness) and family commitments, etc' I'm trying not to feel like a controlled b!tch.

When i move out, I want to never be around such a person again. Not a parent, not a gf, NEVER!!!! I want someone who is laid back like a normal human, etc.

I'm still in school, but it gets depressing at times. all the people here are snobs, or just uberly busy with schoolwork. I took only 2 classes because thats all i could afford, and all i have the attention span for anyway. And I spend 4 HOURS on the bus everyday. 2 to get here, and 2 to get back home. BAKA D:<

Still getting over my FAIL this year. And spewing this out for no real reason cause i hate talking to counselors now. Im doing good in classes, and I'm almost done this huge fiction story I started back in MArch 2008. (right before MMOT went under. I hope that guy who closed it finds his computer hacked and full of child p*rn and gets arrested by police and sent to a jail with manly inmates and extra slippery soap). Im stoked about that.

in WoW i got a mechano hog (motor bike) for my rogue, and finished the Argent Valiant dailies. I got to see my old buddies yesterday. My friend Mike kept interrupting the youth group leader at church it was hilarious. The guy almost snapped.

I briefly dated this girl from Indonesia who just came to Canada to live here. She was really nice, but everytime I looked at her, she turned her face away and put up a hand to block me from seeing her. IT was weird, and I didn't like it. I said so and asked why she felt she had to do that and she stopped talking to me. Fail Dates FTL

Anywyas, imma stop bitching and get back to my school work.



Cynthia 5 October 2009 Reply
Wolfboy183 said: BAKA D:<

That made me laaugh xD

Gujju 5 October 2009 Reply

Things will turn around. All this shyt right now will be worth it when life gets good.
Good luck 🙂

Reve 6 October 2009 Reply


Except for the owing part. I beat that out of her through… Constantly arguing and talking back. Over 3 years. Yay me. 😛

Well, don’t let the past bother you… You’ve only got the future to worry about.

Pirkid 6 October 2009 Reply

Peace and Chicken Grease, hah.

Wolfboy183 6 October 2009 Reply

meh. my mom doesnt snap and scream like she used to. i guilt tripped her for years about that so thats 1 less thing to worry about.

True13lue 7 October 2009 Reply

I hate controlling people. If anything, you should get your own place ASAP.

Pirkid 9 October 2009 Reply

Sometimes it happens by accident.

Arseholes don’t know they’re arseholes half the time.

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