bad toe

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Who here hates getting an ingrown toe nail that becomes infected, requiring you to sit on your ass all day and feel completely useless as the doc tells you to keep off your foot and wait for the swelling to go down?


I went for a walk Thursday and when I got home my toe suddenly got big and red and it hurt like hell just to walk. I went to 3 clinics in my neighbourhood and the people at all 3 of them said to me "GO AWAY WE ARE NOT TAKING NEW PATIENTS! THIS IS A FAMILY CLINIC!"

*make's QQ eyes* (not)

fine, f*** you too, lady!

The family doctor I went to- his office got swamped by like 80 people cause 3 other clinics in that area were shut down- the doctors got scammed and weren't paid, and I had to sit and wait 4 hours to get my toe checked (it stopped hurting so i thought i had no legit reason to get it checked further until now)
so I stopped going there.

I found one, it's Golden Ears, (near 203 and Lougheed) and they actually take new ppl in, so the doc saw my foot, he's like, "Yes, that's infected, I'll prescribe medicine for you and when the infection's gone, I want that nail removed"
so I went to the drug store to get the medication and it turned out my insurance was messed up (again) and I had to pay for it.

It hurts to walk but i can go on my bike if I keep only the back of my foot on the pedal. But still, now the shitty weather we had for over a month cleared up. First nice sunny day and I'm fucking stuck at home. I coulda gone biking today.

At the beginning of this month, I signed up for a traffic control course and on the 25th i'm going to where the 2010 olympics are to direct traffic for 2 months.
But I wanted a job then and I still have to wait till next monday for it to start, so I sat around doing nothing.

And of course the toe gets infected. Fuck I hate karma, I really do.


Lithium 16 January 2010 Reply

I know a Golden Ears and it’s near Lougheed!

Gujju 16 January 2010 Reply

o.o sounds terrible. hope it gets better soon.

Wolfboy183 16 January 2010 Reply

@ lithium. yar. golden ears family clinic or something like that. I live near haney and even biked to golden ears park. 20 km in 20km out

dee32693 17 January 2010 Reply

*pats on back* dont eat ew stuff Dx

Quang 17 January 2010 Reply

I heard of ingrown butt-hair o.O

In the operation the surgeon pulled out a wig from the guy’s asscheeks.

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