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Yesterday I went to see my friend Cindy. She's this little middle-aged Taiwanese woman who I dont even remember how I met but we've been friends for the last 2 years.
Cindy came to Canada 5 years ago and next year she's eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship. She's pretty excited about that. She's married; and her husband is in Taiwan working and sending her money so she can rent her small apartment in Vancouver. They're in an open marriage, her husband doesnt seem to mind if she had a kid with someone else.

She's been wanting to meet someone who's Caucasion who she could have a baby with. She doesnt want to have one with her husband initially because he didn't want kids (she forgot to ask him before they got married ). She's 47 now and the window for having a baby is closing on her. She really wanted to have a kid and I feel bad for her.

Cindy met this guy Jim last year and he lied to her and told her he wanted to have a baby with her. Cindy was all happy and excited about that, but then it turned out Jim was a major douche bag, only said that just so have sex with her.

Cindy was heart broken, and her dream of having a child was shattered when Jim left.

So yesterday I went to see her, and she told me about this and then she told me her big idea:

Cindy said: "I was thinking you could have baby with me!"

I just stared back at her i was like *….HERP DERP* and was trying not to laugh but just her proposing that to me was like…………………..

I mean its not every day a woman who won't even date you and is a platonic friend would ask you to get her pregnant :O and
this idea of hers hit a lot of nerves as I thought things through.

Ok, Obviously I would NOT do that because I dont want kids, then Cindy goes on saying:

Cindy said: "But you will have no obligation. I just take baby and go back to Taiwan and I will not ruin your life! You sign piece of paper saying you not have any responsibility or involvement. No need to worry!"

"Yeah, but, what if 20 years later the kid wants to know who the father is or meet me and what if he/she hates me for not having been there?"

Cindy said: "I SAY you no worry! I will never teach him to hate you! It's none of his business about the father! All you have to do is give me a baby and you need do no more! Don't think about it!"

LOL. Ok so then I told her that what if I got her pregnant and wanted to be around to help raise the kid? You know? Man up, be a good father, be a part of that kid's life?

Then she was wide-eyed, staring at me if I was crazy. I was trying not to laugh.

Cindy said: "REALLY? YOU WOULD DO THAT? You would want to e around me?!"

"…well, yeah, if I actually did help you out, I would want to be there to help you raise the kid."

Cindy said: "No,no no you feel guilty. No need. No obligation. But would really help me have baby? I thought 'I'd like Randy to give me baby"

And me being the self-centered douche bag denied her request. I'm like "…………………………………….
…………………………………………….no. Sry. Cant. I feel bad for you, I do, but I just can't do that. I'm sorry. Not doing it."

I don't want to be a father, even if she didnt want me to have to help, and If I actually DID go through with this, I would feel so guilty and feel obligated to help her anyway and would want to be with her and the kid (and lose my freedoms etc for the rest of my life).

And that's just the road I do NOT want to travel. I dont wanna be there sitting in some apartment with her yelling and screaming at me over how I'm doing feeding/babysitting the kid. I hear too often about young fathers who try to do good and end up taking shit from their partners the whole time, nor do I want to be some dead beat.

Cindy said she would just take the kid back to Taiwan but then I would still feel bad, especially if disaster hit Taiwan, I'd be watching TV thinking Hmm. I wonder how my kid's doing?

So I decided to be a selfish self-centered douche bag and chose NOt to help Cindy get pregnant. I feel bad for her but screw it.
Overall that was an intense, awkward and quite entertaining 45 minutes we talked about this. On my way home I was laughing my ass off!

Best awkward moment ever 😀


Arladerus 4 July 2010 Reply


Dest1 4 July 2010 Reply

I’m trying to read the first letters at the beginning of each line to see if it’s a joke or not, like Tartar’s blog…

David 4 July 2010 Reply


If this turns out to be another joke.. :< Otherwise.. :< Should’ve done it IMO.

Spade 4 July 2010 Reply


Dustin 4 July 2010 Reply

Should have done it.

MasterCheeze 4 July 2010 Reply

Is she hot? Regardless you should’ve done it.

Ganzicus 4 July 2010 Reply

… LOL x.x

dee32693 4 July 2010 Reply

better not be playin us yo D: i believe stuff too easily

Wolfboy183 4 July 2010 Reply


Nass 4 July 2010 Reply

1.God would like it if you spread your seed….
2. Good thing you didn’t do it man 😛

Wolfboy183 5 July 2010 Reply

I know, right? I would not do that. That’s just one thing I’m not gonna get rolling. I know it would come back and bite me in the ass

Nass 5 July 2010 Reply
Wolfboy183 said: I know, right? I would not do that. That’s just one thing I’m not gonna get rolling. I know it would come back and bite me in the ass

ikr, watch she’ll be like “omg it’s k u no pay child support.”

AND THEN BAM! Summoned in court, losing the case and paying child support for 18 years.


FunnyFroggy 5 July 2010 Reply

pix or it didn’t happen

Vusys 5 July 2010 Reply


Just what the hell man?

This is not real. Get a photo of her holding “I want Wolfbooy183 to get me pregnant”, and then maybe I’ll believe you.

And legally speaking, I don’t think you can sign away your rights like that. Ie, even if you made a contract saying you’re not responsible for the baby it could be overruled, and you’d be screwed for 18 years.

Gujju 5 July 2010 Reply


I would help this lady figure out her options. lmaooo

Wolfboy183 5 July 2010 Reply

Hey if i saw it coming i would have had my camera behind me recording the conversation.

Dest1 5 July 2010 Reply



Nass 5 July 2010 Reply

Why doesn’t she go to a sperm bank or something? Can’t they do some voodoo shit to get you preggo?

EvilStranger 5 July 2010 Reply

i have a question man
do you share these stories with others or do you only share these stories on here?

and if you were to have done it, it’ll prolly go on the news in Taiwan
Taiwan reports a shitload of useless news. like they reported this locking battle happening at this place in Taipei. i was suppose to go, but then i went to Usher’s afterparty.. he didnt even show up. but hwatever

point is, you shudve done it and we couldve seen you on tw news lol

Wolfboy183 5 July 2010 Reply

pretty much just on here

DarkDragoon 5 July 2010 Reply

Shoulda done it >l

dacarlover 2 October 2010 Reply
Vusys said: What.

Just what the hell man?

This is not real. Get a photo of her holding “I want Wolfbooy183 to get me pregnant”, and then maybe I’ll believe you.

And legally speaking, I don’t think you can sign away your rights like that. Ie, even if you made a contract saying you’re not responsible for the baby it could be overruled, and you’d be screwed for 18 years.

What he said…

Nass said: 1.God would like it if you spread your seed….
2. Good thing you didn’t do it man 😛

What she said…

Even if this were true, knowing from your prior experiences, and from her motives, it wouldnt be a good idea.

Trying to find her a lifetime partner would be a better help for her. (what kind of guy is her husband>_>)
Maybe she should adopt a kid?

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